Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C245 How Did He Die

C245 How Did He Die

Along the way, I tried to ask Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, did that bald guy really kill you last night? "How did he die?"    


Xiao Wu glanced at me casually: "Brother Yi, what did you ask me? I don't understand. "    


I didn't say anything. I knew Xiao Wu wouldn't tell me anything.    


Xiao Wu drove for a long time without saying anything. After a while, he parked his car in front of a Ningzhou Bank and said to me: "Brother Yi, you need to go to the bank."    


"What?" I looked at Xiao Wu in confusion.    


At this time, Xiao Wu took out a black bag from the back seat and opened it. When I opened it, I saw that it was filled with neatly tied up bills, a total of 500 thousand.    


I was shocked and looked at Xiao Wu: "What's this for?"    


"The boss told me to give it to you. I don't think it's convenient for you to take that much cash on a plane. So, I suggest that you go to the bank and save it." Xiao Wu said.    


So this is the reward Lee Shun promised me.    


I know, some money can take, some money can't take, this money can't be taken.    


I denied it: "I don't want it, bring it back to Boss Lee, thank him for me!"    


Xiao Wu's expression was very cold: "Brother Yi, the boss asked me to give you a message because he was afraid you would be polite. The boss told me to give you a message, the boss said, you have to take the money or not, you have to take it, there's no room for negotiation. I am only responsible for bringing these words to you, Brother Yi. Do you want the money or not?    


I wondered what Lee Shun meant by this. I hesitated, hesitating.    


"The boss also said that everyone is better off, and everyone's family is better off." Xiao Wu continued to speak coldly, "Brother Yi, I think you're a smart person. You should understand why the boss wants to give you this money."    


I understand, Lee Shun gave me this money, it's not just to reward me, it also includes his deeper meaning.    


He wanted to use the money to tie me down, to drag me into his quagmire, to keep me there, to shut my mouth completely, and if I didn't want the money, it meant that I had to draw a line between him and me, even if he thought I was going to fall out with him, and that the consequences of that would be serious, not only for myself but for my family as well.    


I had no choice but to accept it.    


I thought for a moment, took the money, opened a bank account, signed a bank card, and put it in.    


Although I took the money, but, my mind always maintained a clear consciousness: this money does not belong to me!    


At 4 PM, the plane heading towards Hsinghai took off and flew towards the north. I had finally ended my May Day holiday and was about to return to Hsinghai.    


Before taking off, I texted Dong Xue to tell her that I was back.    


I was on a plane that didn't come from South China Airlines, so I didn't see Hai Zhu.    


Soon, the plane landed at the airport. When I left the airport, I thought Dong Xue would come back to pick me up, but I didn't see her.    


Previously, when I was in Ningzhou, Dong Xue would come to the airport to pick me up whenever I returned from a long journey.    


With a faint feeling of loss, I returned to the dormitory.    


As soon as she entered the kitchen, she smelled a fragrant aroma. Dong Xue was busying herself with the kitchen.    


"Dong Xue —" I put down my luggage.    


"Ke, you're back — I'm cooking to welcome you back." Dong Xue stuck her head out of the kitchen and greeted me cheerfully.    


I haven't seen Dong Xue for more than 20 days. Seeing Dong Xue, seeing her busy cooking for my return, I felt a wave of warmth in my heart.    


So Dong Xue didn't go to the airport to pick me up. She was busy preparing food to welcome me!    


I went to the kitchen and looked at Dong Xue's busy and slim figure. Dong Xue's beautiful face was still the same even after a few days, and I felt a sense of familiarity in my heart.    


Dong Xue turned around and smiled at me, "Ke, hug me …"    


Hearing that, I couldn't help but put my arm around Dong Xue's body.    


"Darling, hug me tight, kiss me …" Dong Xue whispered.    


I buried my face in Dong Xue's hair and kissed her skin. I breathed in the fragrance of Dong Xue's hair and inhaled deeply.    


I finally left the muddy puddle for a while, and I returned to my woman.    


The tiredness and fatigue of the past few days seemed to have been released, and I seemed to have found a warm resting harbor.    


Dong Xue reached out to shut off the stove, and then took the initiative to hug my body and kiss me …    


I couldn't help but carry Dong Xue to the living room and place her on the sofa …    


Dong Xue and I arrived after the storm.    


"Darling, you're great!" Dong Xue said softly, still lying there lazily.    


Listening to Dong Xue's words, I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a kind of inexplicable loss and disappointment in my heart.    


I leaned against the back of the sofa and smoked a cigarette.    


I took a break and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. Dong Xue tidied herself up a bit before heading back to the kitchen to continue her work.    


When I came out of the shower, Dong Xue had already prepared the food and set it on the table. Dong Xue was packing my luggage and clothes.    


Seeing me come out, Dong Xue raised the bank card in her hand and said: "Ke, when did you set up this bank card? I don't remember that you have the Ningzhou Bank's card?"    


The card in Dong Xue's hand was the one I just deposited with 500 thousand RMB!    


When I saw it, my heart skipped a beat.    


I can't and I don't dare to tell Dong Xue the truth.    


I looked at Dong Xue's scrutinizing gaze and hesitated. In the end, I decided to tell her a lie.    


"Hehe, I just finished this when I got home. I don't have any money on me, so Mom gave me 20 thousand yuan. It's not convenient for me to bring it with me, so I put it in a card." I forcefully suppressed the panic in my heart and calmly said.    


"So it's like that." Dong Xue nodded, "Your mother really loves you. It's my fault for being careless. Your salary is on me. I forgot to ask if you still have any money on you during the trip."    


I listened to Dong Xue's words, a warm feeling in my heart, and a little ashamed, I was lying to Dong Xue again.    


"Sigh … .However, now that you're back, there's no need for you to bring so much money with you. I'll save this card for you, so that you won't have to spend it recklessly." With that, Dong Xue casually put the card into her pocket.    


When I saw it, my heart tightened, and I was a little anxious. I blurted out, "Hey, no!"    


Dong Xue looked unhappy. "What's wrong? What don't you want? You don't trust me? Worried I'd spend the money your mother gave you? I didn't ask for your password, I just saved it for you. "    


Hearing Dong Xue's words, I was at a loss of what to do. I could only say, "Alright then."    


At this moment, I secretly complained. This bank card's password is the same as the one I gave Dong Xue. Although Dong Xue didn't ask for my password, but if Dong Xue …    


I kept complaining, but there was nothing I could do. I could only pray that Dong Xue wouldn't try to use this card.    


I can't imagine what would happen to Dong Xue if she found out she had 500 thousand dollars on her.    


Dong Xue continued with some displeasure, "If we were still as rich as before, how would you care about this small amount of money? "Sigh …"    


Dong Xue's words imperceptibly put pressure on me again, I feel sad.    


Then, Dong Xue said to me, "Alright, let's eat. Ke, I'll come back first. I'll welcome you back."    


Dong Xue and I sat at the table. Dong Xue cooked a full table of food, which I liked to eat.    


Dong Xue always knew my diet.    


Dong Xue poured some red wine for me and herself. She raised her glass and looked at me with a smile. "Come, Ke, have a drink. I haven't seen you for a few days. How are your parents?"    


Dong Xue and I clinked our glasses and said, "Alright, my parents are fine."    


"Did you miss me?" Dong Xue looked at me with interest.    


"Yes." As I said this, the image of Qiu Tong appeared in my mind. Not only did I miss Dong Xue, I also miss Qiu Tong.    


"I miss you too, every night in the deep city." Dong Xue's face reddened slightly. "I miss your warm embrace and your broad chest."    


Dong Xue's words made a strange feeling surge in my heart. Looking at Dong Xue's charming expression under the light, I raised my glass and drank it all in one gulp. Dong Xue also did the same.    


Then Dong Xue asked me softly, "Ke, why did you drag it out so long this time? What happened at home? "    


Dong Xue was still thinking about this.    


As I ate, I said, "It's nothing serious. It's just that my parents can't bear for me to leave."    


"Oh …" Dong Xue looked at me: "Ke, tell me, have you been looking for Duan Xiangloong?"    


I looked up at Dong Xue. "Do you want me to?"    


Dong Xue's eyes revealed an expression of hatred, "I don't want to! I never want to see him again, and I don't want you to have any contact with him. "    


I smiled. "Then that's it. Then why are you asking such a boring question?"    


Hearing my words, Dong Xue's expression seemed to relax. She continued to smile. "You're a good boy, my baby Ke."    


I smiled and looked at Dong Xue. "Dong Xue, is your training going well?" Any gains? Did Haifeng take good care of you? "    


"The learning went smoothly, so naturally, I still gained some rewards. As for Haifeng, since you have the face of an old friend, you naturally have to take good care of me." Dong Xue said while picking up dishes for me, "This guy Haifeng, when he talks to me, he occasionally brings up clouds. I think that Haifeng likes clouds. Yun Fei is indeed not bad. She's very pure, very simple, and very kind. She's quite the match with Haifeng. "    


Dong Xue mentioned the clouds, but I didn't say anything. I didn't know what Dong Xue would think or do if she knew about me and the clouds.    


I smiled. "Cloud is a good person, one of the best girls!"    


As Dong Xue and I drank and chatted, the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.    


After a while, Dong Xue said, "Ke, tell me, are we a couple now?"    


"What do you think?"    


Dong Xue said, "That's why I asked you." I think that respect is the main point between couples, while love is the main point between husband and wife. Do you think that's the main thing between us? "    


I drank a glass of wine and blurted out, "Respect between a couple is not a matter of leisure, but of disagreement; love between a couple is not a matter of time, but of disaster."    


After saying that, I raised my glass to drink again. Dong Xue's expression was a little awkward, but she silently raised her cup to drink as well.    


I knew that the sentence I blurted out must have reminded Dong Xue of something else.    


I felt a little regretful at the time and felt that it was inappropriate to say such a thing at such a time. I don't know why I blurted it out.    


After a moment of silence, I reached out my hand and caressed Dong Xue's cheek. "Dong Xue, you're very important to me. Do you understand?"    


Dong Xue looked at me. Her bright eyes lit up. She nodded. "I understand. Ke, you are equally important to me."    


I smiled and took the initiative to give Dong Xue some food. "Here, have some —"    


Unwittingly, a bottle of red wine was drunk by me and Dong Xue. We ate, ate, and then Dong Xue went to take a bath. I cleaned up the table and washed the dishes.    


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