Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C215 Three Zhang of Fire

C215 Three Zhang of Fire

"I'm telling you, don't try anything on the phone." The security chief said, "No one dares to provoke us here. Even if you call the police, it will be useless."    


Without a word, I called Er Zi and told him the whole story. Er Zi was furious when he heard it, "Fuck, fuck, they really don't know Mt. Tai. How dare they hit you. Fuck, Brother Yi, tell that manager to answer the phone."    


I handed the phone to the manager. "Manager, the person who gave you the money wants to talk to you!" As I spoke, I pressed the hands-free button on my cell phone.    


The manager took the phone dubiously and said arrogantly, "Hey, talk!"    


"You Margo Wall!" Er Zi was cursing over there, so we all heard it clearly, "Manager, fuck you, you f * cked up a leopard's guts. You dared to extort him, do you know who he is? Do you want to die? "F * ck your mother!"    


The manager was confused by Er Zi's scolding: "Who are you?"    


The manager didn't recognize Er Zi's voice for a while, but the security chief recognized it at this moment. His expression changed drastically as he said to the manager, "It's Brother Er Zi on the phone!"    


"Ah — Er Zio!" The manager exclaimed, "You--you're Er Zi?"    


"Who else could it be other than me? "F * ck your mother." Er Zi continued to scold, "Do you know who Brother Yi is? If Brother Yi came to our 2046 drinking wine, it would be the same as coming to our house. Without Brother Yi, how could we have 2046 today? "F * cking hell, you guys are blind. You actually dared to hit Brother Yi's head. If the boss finds out, I'll skin you guys alive."    


Except for Dong Xue and me, everyone in the room had changed their expressions. The security chief's legs were already trembling.    


"I don't think there's a need for you to say anything more. You guys can decide what to do!" Er Zi hung up after saying that.    


The manager's face was pale as he handed the phone over to me while trembling. He then nodded and smiled, "Brother Yi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we were all blind. We don't know you, I'm really sorry."    


The security guard leader quickly bent over and smiled apologetically: "Brother Yi, it's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding. You are a big shot, don't bother with a bunch of villains like us. "It's okay, it's okay. You guys can continue to play."    


"Right, right, continue playing. Count all the expenses in for tonight on me. I'll treat you to a meal so that you can calm down Brother Yi." the manager said quickly.    


I heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I will still pay the fees that I owe you. It's just that your asking price is too outrageous."    


"Hey — Brother Yi, just give me a face, please don't bring that up again. If you pay a cent tonight, I won't have to work for you and I won't have the face to continue working for you." The manager said with a look of shame, "I hope Brother Yi will give us face and not make a fuss about it."    


"Pfft — —" Dong Xue couldn't help but laugh out loud behind me. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she knew that we were safe.    


Hearing the manager's words, I knew that if we really had to pay for it, they wouldn't want it no matter what, including mine and Dong Xue's. I thought for a moment before saying, "Alright, let's charge our bill for tonight."    


Then I pulled Dong Xue away, and the manager and the security chief wiped the sweat from their foreheads and bowed us to the door.    


After leaving 2046 bar, Dong Xue suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha, Brother Yi, they called you Brother Yi, it was too exciting tonight, like a fantasy story."    


I didn't laugh, but walked with a heavy heart.    


Dong Xue suddenly stopped laughing and pulled me back. She looked at me and said, "Ke, tell me, what exactly is going on? "Why did such a shocking reversal happen all of a sudden? How is this bar related to you? The boss of Er Zi and Er Zi seems to have a pretty good relationship with you?"    


Seeing the intense curiosity in Dong Xue's eyes, I lowered my head without saying a word.    


"Ke, tell me, what exactly is going on?" Dong Xue shook my arm.    


I raised my head and looked at Dong Xue. "Dong Xue, a lot of things have happened to me in the past few days. I couldn't explain myself in one or two sentences. I'm in a very bad mood right now. Don't ask, okay?"    


Dong Xue looked at me for a long time and said, "All right! I won't ask, I won't make things difficult for you. "I know, Ke, no matter what you've experienced in these 9 months, you won't do anything bad, right?"    


My heart trembled. I remembered the days when I followed Lee Shun, I remembered the trip to Golden Triangle, I remembered how Duan Xiangloong was put to death at the Carnival Casino, I didn't dare to look into Dong Xue's eyes anymore. I turned my head to look at the night sky in the distance and fell silent.    


Dong Xue looked at me for a long time with an uneasy and worried expression on her face. After a while, she said, "Alright, let's stop talking. Let's go."    


Go, go where? I hesitated again. "Dong Xue, where do you want to go?"    


Dong Xue looked at me. "Where do you want me to go?"    


I looked at Dong Xue and said nothing.    


Dong Xue held her forehead and said, "I have a headache."    


Dong Xue drank too much, and after the shock tonight, she was left alone, so I didn't feel at ease. So I said, "I live in a hotel."    


Dong Xue nodded. "Let's go. I'm so tired."    


So, I took Dong Xue to my hotel, Dong Xue's strong drink came up, on the road fell asleep in a daze. I supported Dong Xue into the room, put Dong Xue on the bed, Dong Xue fell asleep in a daze.    


I got a hot towel to wipe Dong Xue's face and hands. I took off my jacket and covered Dong Xue with it. After a quick wash, I lay down on the other bed and turned off the light.    


Dong Xue's sound of sleeping came from the darkness. She was sleeping deeply and deeply.    


I was too exhausted to sleep in bed.    


There were too many things happening today, too many things exploding out together today. Qiu Tong suddenly went back to Hsinghai to fix marriage with Lee Shun, Qin told me about Duan Xiangloong's matter, Hai Zhu's departure, Dong Xue's sudden appearance, and the four great King Kong …    


With so many things gathered together, I felt like my brain was going to burst from the extreme endurance.    


I lay in bed, thinking about these things, unable to sleep.    


I don't know how Qiu Tong spent the night, nor did I know how she faced Lee Shun's parents, much less whether Lee Shun would take out the matter of Xiao Xue to stop the engagement.    


If the matter with Snowy couldn't stop the engagement, what would Lee Shun's parents do to his unmarried mother, Qiu Tong? As rich and powerful families who cared about status and reputation, could they accept the fact that Qiu Tong didn't marry and adopt an orphan?    


If they continued their engagement and forced Qiu Tong to give up on Snowy, how would Qiu Tong react?    


Thinking of this, I felt a great uneasiness and worry in my heart.    


Also, if Lee Shun and Qiu Tong were engaged, would Lee Shun ask Qiu Tong to live together with him?    


From a certain customs and rules, Lee Shun's request was reasonable, but Qiu Tong couldn't find a suitable reason to reject.    


Or even if Lee Shun didn't mention, would Lee Shun's mother ask Qiu Tong and Lee Shun to live together?    


Thinking of this, my heart ached violently, and I didn't dare to continue thinking about it.    


Even though I didn't dare think about it further, I clearly felt that my dreams of Qiu Tong and Floating Dream had already nearly vanished into thin air.    


At this moment, I felt that I was very despicable. I thought about Dong Xue on one hand, and Qiu Tong on the other. On the one hand, I was reowning Dong Xue, and on the other hand, I was infatuated with the Floating Dream in that illusory world.    


I felt the filth and filth deep in my soul.    


I knew that I should face reality together with Dong Xue and go back to the past, but I couldn't shake off the reality of Qiu Tong and the Floating Dream on the internet. However, I still felt resentful towards Lee Shun's and Qiu Tong's combination.    


What right did I have to think like that? Between Lee Shun and Qiu Tong, what did I count as? What role can I play? Do I want to be Qiu Tong's savior? Qiu Tong couldn't even save herself, so what could I do?    


Even if I saved Qiu Tong, what about Dong Xue? How can I face Dong Xue? Didn't Dong Xue always stay in my heart and not be erased? Didn't I miss Dong Xue dearly all along?    


I was deeply entangled.    


After a while, I thought of Hai Zhu, this girl who had been infatuated with me all this time. After bitterly pursuing and not getting the one I love, she resolutely left and pushed Dong Xue in front of me. Then, what would her mood be last night? Could she sleep in peace?    


Love has always been selfish. But Hai Zhu, in this aspect, showed her open-mindedness and rationality, showing her noble character. Although she left me with a smile on her face, can her heart really be that relaxed?    


I couldn't help but to feel conflicted. I felt very sorry for Hai Zhu and felt that I was unable to explain myself when I saw Haifeng.    


I suddenly thought of that day at the Hsinghai when I heard from Bai Laosan over the phone. I thought about that night when Bai Laosan and his brother-in-law was having dinner together with Wu De, I also thought about Lee Shun's parents' sudden move and the sudden appearance of the four great King Kong at 2046 when Lee Shun had just left the Hsinghai …    


My heart was beating fast.    


Could there be an indissoluble connection between these events, which happened in a very dense period of time, and which appeared to be so coincidental and inevitable? Could there be a hidden conspiracy?    


Could it be that I vaguely sensed that the undercurrent that originated from the Hsinghai and underworld had begun to accelerate, and was soon going to erupt?    


I pressed my hand to my forehead, trying to figure out what the connection was between these things. I tried to figure out how and when and where the undercurrents would flow if they did exist.    


However, thinking of a headache, I couldn't think of anything. After all, I still don't have a deep enough understanding of the government and underworld, and I don't have enough experience in society. My scheming skills aren't that skillful or complex, so I'm currently unable to see through the mysteries behind everything …    


Of course, at this moment, I had no way of knowing how these things would affect Qiu Tong's future and how it would affect her fate.    


I don't know how long I thought about it, but fatigue and sleepiness hit me and I finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.    


In this sleep, I fell into a deep sleep. I dreamed about the engagement between Qiu Tong and Lee Shun, Hai Zhu looking at me with tearful eyes, Yun Yang's thin and gloomy face, and Dong Xue's scrutiny as she looked at me.    


Finally, I dreamt that I was standing on the edge of a cliff with Qiu Tong. Behind her was a bottomless abyss, facing the combined pursuit of Lee Shun, Bai Laosan and Wu De. Qiu Tong held my hand and jumped down the bottomless abyss with me …    


"Aaahh!" I screamed, suddenly awake, all sweaty and drenched in underwear.    


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