Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C29 Forcing

C29 Forcing

"What is it, brother?" Clouds smiled at me.    


"You can't tell anyone that these two schemes have anything to do with me." My tone was serious.    


"Why?" Yun Yun revealed a puzzled expression.    


"Firstly, this plan is indeed your plan, not mine. Secondly, I don't want others to know that I have any closer ties with you. "Therefore, you must promise me, otherwise."    


I didn't say the rest because I didn't want to hurt the clouds.    


Cloudy looked at me with a serious expression. After sending it for a while, he said, "Then, alright."    


I took a deep breath and said, "I have more than an hour to go to work. You sleep on the sofa, and I'll go out and lie on the sorting table for a while. "    


"No, it's cold outside, this sofa can be folded and flattened. We'll all sleep here," said Clouds as he took out a quilt from under the cupboard. "We'll cover this together …"    


"No, this won't do."    


"If I say yes, then fine. Otherwise, if you sleep outside, I'll give you the blanket. I won't cover you at all." Cloud said sulkily.    


Looking at the clouds unhappy, I promised the clouds.    


And so, in the dark, I lay on the flat sofa with the clouds and clothes, sharing a small quilt.    


The sofa was small, the quilt was narrow, the clouds were close to me, and I wanted to shrink back, behind me was the cold wall, and there was no way out.    


The body of the cloud was close to me, the breath of the cloud was in my ears, and I could feel the youth and fragrance of the cloud's body.    


Cloud's hand did not know when into my palm, very obediently put the small hand in the big hand.    


The plump body of the cloud touched my arm, and I could even feel the undulation and elasticity of the cloud's body.    


I'm not like Liu Xianhui. The blood in my body flows faster, and there's even a warm current flowing in the lower part of my body.    


I didn't dare to move my body. I tried my best to control myself and simply snored.    


The clouds seemed to have grown bolder when they saw I was asleep, and my breathing quickened a little. Suddenly, they brought their lips together slowly and kissed lightly on my lips.    


I felt dizzy, and I knew that at this moment, if I wanted to, the clouds would not refuse.    


However, I finally managed to forcefully control my desires, telling myself over and over again that I definitely can't do things that are out of line with the clouds.    


The cloud took its hand out of my palm, placed it on my chest, and wrapped its arms around my body. Then it laid its head on my neck, motionless, its lips against my neck.    


A moment later, the even breathing of clouds could be heard.    


However, I was unable to sleep and could only endure the roiling lava in my body.    


It was only until 5: 30 when it was time to go to work that the torture and punishment came to an end.    


After work, I went to deliver the newspaper, and Cloud began to revise the draft plan in his office.    


Although I didn't sleep last night, I was still full of energy during the day. I finally let go of a big burden on my mind.    


At this point, I did not realize that although I had thought about the cloud very carefully, I had neglected an important part, and this neglect was almost fatal.    


After delivering the newspaper, I decided to go back to my dorm to sleep. At this moment, my phone rang. A woman's cold voice came over: "Yi Ke, it's Qiu Tong. Please come to my office now!"    


How did Qiu Tong know my phone number? What did she suddenly come looking for me for? Was it a good thing or a bad thing?    


On the way, I received Cloud's phone call, which sounded a bit tired: "Bro, Boss Qiu just called and asked for your phone number. I don't know what she wants you for, but I have a staff meeting in the afternoon, so if you're tired, don't participate. I'll talk to you alone after the meeting."    


After hanging up the call from Cloud, I went straight to Issuing Company's second floor. When we were about to go to Qiu Tong's office, I heard a conversation from inside the room. It was Zhao Dajian and Qiu Tong.    


I stopped.    


"Boss Qiu, I've told you just now that I personally witnessed the scene. That dog Yi Ke was plotting against the clouds and the clouds were crying. Luckily, I went there by coincidence, otherwise, who knows what would have happened." Zhao Dajian's voice sounded, "I still insist on my original opinion. There's no need to waste words with this trash, nor do you need to interview him. Just directly fire him and I will do it. You don't need to trouble yourself with this matter."    


Just as I expected, Zhao Dajian didn't ask Yun Fei anything yesterday, so it doesn't mean that he forgot about this matter. It doesn't mean that he will let go of this opportunity to mess with me. He had directly stabbed into Qiu Tong's heart. If that was the case, wouldn't Qiu Tong's impression of me, a hooligan, be even worse?    


I couldn't help but inwardly complain as I continued to listen.    


Qiu Tong said calmly: "Boss Zhao, expelling a person is a very simple matter for us, but the more it is like this, the more we can't simply expel a person. It isn't easy for the Publisher to find a job either, we have to respect everyone in the company, including the Publisher.    


"I think we should be careful in this matter. I will take care of it myself. Also, our Manager's Office Meeting from that day has already made a decision. In the future, if you want to resign from Publisher, you must obtain my consent.    


Qiu Tong's words were soft yet hard at the same time, as if she was warning Zhao Dajian about something.    


Zhao Dajian's voice rose to a pitch: "Alright, you're ruthless. You're the boss of Issuing Company, you have the final say in everything, so I'll just treat it as a decoration. Since you want to take all the power into your own hands, then leave the work of the company to you. In any case, you won't listen to what I say, it seems that you would rather believe a Publisher than me. If you want to do something, then do it. Let me advise you, don't take a rock and smash your own foot. In the end, you won't be able to recover. "    


"Boss Zhao, that is not what I meant, I think you have misunderstood. I respect everyone in the Issuing Company, and I can't make an arrogant conclusion before everything is completely settled, but you are the vice president in charge of distribution and are an elder of the Issuing Company. Of course I will respect your opinion. However, we can't treat Publisher's food as child's play either. To a Publisher, this job is their only chance to survive. "    


Zhao Dajian rudely interrupted Qiu Tong: "Cut the crap, it's nothing much. But, if you respect me, and if you still respect me as the vice president, then you will immediately fire this Yi Ke from the company. I will watch your decision from here!" Do it now! "    


Zhao Dajian's attitude was very arrogant, just like how he acted hundreds of years ago when he was pestering Kang Xi.    


Unfortunately, Zhao Dajian was not an assistant minister, and Qiu Tong was not a teenager named Kang Xi. I then heard Qiu Tong's voice, "Boss Zhao, in terms of age, you are older than me, so I respect my elder brother. In terms of qualifications, you are older than me, so I respect my senior. However, I want to remind Boss Zhao that there is a limit to everything. Issuing Company is a unit, not a private family.    


"Since it is a unit, then there must be procedures for doing things. Since I am the company's leader, I have to be responsible to the group, and everyone else in the company, I will definitely not take Publisher's job as a joke, on this point, there is no room for negotiation."    


Qiu Tong's tone was still gentle, but her words were sharp. While expressing her respect for Zhao Dajian, she also warned him in some way and clearly expressed her attitude.    


Then, Zhao Dajian walked out of the room in a flustered and exasperated manner as he heard the sound of glass being broken.    


Damn, Zhao Dajian is awesome! He threw a glass in front of Qiu Tong.    


When Zhao Dajian came out, he was in the middle of a face-to-face meeting with me.    


I stood there smiling at Zhao Dajian with a hint of schadenfreude and ridicule.    


Zhao Dajian glared at me viciously and revealed a ferocious expression. He snorted heavily and walked straight over to my shoulder.    


I stood in the doorway for a while longer, presumably after Qiu Tong had cleaned up the broken glass, before I knocked on the door.    


Qiu Tong was sitting behind the old table with her arms crossed, thinking. Her face was pale and grave.    


I suddenly felt that the nature of the matter had gone beyond my scope and had evolved into a power struggle between Qiu Tong and Zhao Dajian. I can't see who will be the final winner in the fight between them, and of course I hope Qiu Tong will win.    


When Qiu Tong saw me, her expression immediately turned calm. "Please come in —"    


I sat down on the bench near the door, which Qiu Tong had prepared for me.    


Qiu Tong looked at me coldly and didn't say anything for a long time.    


I felt a little uneasy as I didn't dare meet her gaze. I was afraid that if I looked at her, I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to go crazy and be interpreted by her as a lecherous gaze.    


Finally, Qiu Tong spoke, "Yi Ke, I've called you here today to ask you a question."    


"Leader, please ask!"    


Qiu Tong stood up and walked a few steps back and forth. Then she stopped and looked at me.    


"Station Head Yun is very good to every single Publisher!"    


"So, what do you think about Cloud Station's leader being a person and doing things?"    


"Of course, you're the best at doing things!" I admired Qiu Tong's slim figure and thought she was beautiful.    


"That's good —" Qiu Tong seemed to think that my gaze wasn't normal again. She revealed an unhappy look in her eyes and sat back down. Her tone became serious. "So, have you recently had any disrespect or disrespect towards your direct leader?"    


With a solemn expression, I stood up straight and said, "Reporting to Boss Qiu, I can swear on my character that no matter how Boss Qiu views me, no matter what happened between us in the past, I will show my respect and respect to Station Head Yun from the bottom of my heart. I have absolutely never done anything disrespectful to Station Head Yun!"    


Qiu Tong stared at me for a full ten seconds. "Sit down!"    


I sat down, my mouth tight.    


Qiu Tong pondered for a moment, then pressed the phone on her desk. She used the hands-free phone.    


When the call connected, Qiu Tong began to speak, "Yun, it's Qiu Tong!"    


"Hello, Boss Qiu!" What orders do the leaders have? " The sound of the clouds.    


"Yun, I just want to ask you, how is the Publisher Yi Ke that you guys are standing on?" Qiu Tong glanced at me again as she spoke, a faint sneer on her face.    


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