Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C21 Rare Hardness

C21 Rare Hardness

Things happened too suddenly, and for a moment I just couldn't take it in. I looked at the clouds: "Who's going to fire me? "Boss Qiu?"    


"How did you know it was Boss Qiu? She doesn't even know who you are. " Yun Yun looked at me in disbelief, "It's not Boss Qiu, it's Boss Zhao."    


I couldn't help but feel a little pained but also a little angry. I haven't even earned the money and haven't even thrown the net yet. How can I leave? Why did this Zhao Dajian expel me?    


Cloud is very nervous and anxious, say it is because of a complaint, in a certain area of the area that I am in charge of, yesterday 15 subscribers did not receive any newspapers, the company's inspecting department specifically went to check, and reported it to Zhao Dajian, who is in charge of the distribution, Zhao Dajian, according to the company's rules, immediately made the decision to expel me.    


Was this the company's rule or was it Zhao Dajian's public revenge? Because the 15 newspapers did not get their hands on him, they had to expel a person? I questioned it.    


"It doesn't matter whether he is a public or private person, there is still a rule like this. And it was made by Boss Qiu when he took office." Yun Yun looked at me and asked, "Big brother, did you really not deliver the newspapers from that district?"    


"Impossible, I've delivered it to you with 100% confidence!" "No," I said firmly.    


"But, when the company's inspector went to investigate, why did they all reflect that they had not received yesterday's newspaper?" Clouds looked at me quizzically.    


"Do you believe me or them?" I was a little upset.    


Cloudy Heavens lowered his head and said softly, "Of course I believe in you. How could I not believe in you? But …"    


"How about this, you will go with me to the battlefield to have a look, then ask me about the situation!"    


So I went with Yun Yun to the district, and went from house to house looking for those 15 subscribers who hadn't received any newspapers. When I asked them about it, they all said that they really didn't see any newspapers in the newspaper box that day. From the looks of it, they didn't seem to be lying.    


Confused, I went out and checked the press box. It was all right. The newspaper had indeed been delivered. It had obviously been placed in the newspaper box, so how could it not be there? Did the newspapers grow legs and run away on their own?    


Back in Cloud's office, Cloud was frowning with anxiety. I flipped through the list of 15 subscribers on the list. Suddenly, a thought flashed through my mind. These 15 subscribers' newspapers were all given to me by Zhang Xiaotian's real estate company. How could it be such a coincidence? Could it be …    


Just as I was thinking, Clouds accidentally looked towards the door. His expression immediately turned tense. "Boss Zhao is coming —"    


As soon as I stood up, Cloud grabbed his arm and hurriedly said, "Don't let him see you at this time. Get out of my way!"    


However, he couldn't get out no matter how hard he tried to avoid it.    


Without thinking, Yun Yun pushed me behind the filing cabinet in my office and said in a low, urgent voice, "Don't make a sound!"    


I didn't have a choice because I didn't want to make things worse, and I didn't want to make things difficult for the clouds.    


Just as he hid behind the filing cabinet, Zhao Dajian came in.    


I've already made up my mind. If Zhao Dajian is going against the clouds again, I will come out and beat him up. I definitely can't let him succeed.    


"Boss Zhao, you're here. Please take a seat!" The cloud sounded nervous.    


"Yun, why are you being so courteous to me? Do you think I can eat you?" Zhao Dajian entered the office and sat on the sofa.    


"Boss Zhao is Big Leader, the whole company, who wouldn't be nervous if they saw Boss Zhao!" Clouds smiled apologetically.    


"Heh heh, they can be nervous. As for you, there's no need for that. Didn't I say that when it's just the two of us, don't call me Boss Zhao, just Brother Zhao, or just Brother Zhao … " Zhao Dajian's voice sounded ambiguous.    


The cloud didn't respond. After a while, it said: "Boss Zhao, what instructions do you have for us to stand here?"    


"I'm here to carry out the matter of expelling that bird Publisher called Yi Ke that I discussed with you earlier this morning. Although expelling Yi Ke, I can't delay the delivery of the newspaper. Have you found the substitute for that delivery segment?"    


"How can we find a suitable Publisher so quickly? It's not easy to find one these days!"    


"Then hurry up. I'll give you three days. Within three days, you must find him. After three days, you must scram for me for this Yi Ke!" Zhao Dajian said rudely.    


"But, Boss Zhao, I've found Yi Ke, he said the newspapers have all been delivered," Yun said. "I feel that this matter needs further investigation, and we can't wrongly accuse a good person!"    


"You wrongly accuse a good person? Is he a good person? Hmph — "Zhao Dajian snorted heavily and said unhappily:" What? Yun, could it be that you, as a little Publishing Station director, are skeptical of the findings of the company's inspection department? Are you dissatisfied with the company's leaders? "    


How could I dare to be dissatisfied with the company's leaders? I also respect the investigation results of the company's inspection department, but, I believe more in the honesty and professionalism of my Publisher. I feel that this matter should not be too arbitrary, perhaps there is some other reason?    


"I have the final say on the company's issue. Who would dare to challenge the decision that I've made? "If I say expel someone, I'll fire someone. Let alone that Yi Ke made a job mistake, even if he doesn't, I'll tell him to scram today. He will absolutely not stay in tomorrow?" Zhao Dajian was clearly angry: "Yun, let me warn you, you know your own limits. Don't ruin yourself for the sake of an insignificant poor guy who delivers newspapers, do you want to fight against me for this person? Don't forget, your fate is also in my hands. As the Station Head, I appointed you. I can let you reach this position, and I can take you down at any time.    


Zhao Dajian was very arrogant and domineering.    


At this time, I heard Yun Xiao's rare forceful voice, "Boss Zhao, you're Big Leader, so of course I don't dare to go against you. Compared to you, who do you think I am? I know that you have the power to remove me from my post, but even if you do, rather than make me your station chief, I still insist on my opinion that Yi Ke should not be fired until the matter has been fully ascertained. If you insist on doing so, then, I have no choice but to report the situation to Boss Qiu, please clear this matter up for him! "    


I couldn't help but applaud the cloud's words. I couldn't help but be moved by the cloud's protection towards me, and at the same time, I was also a little bitter inside. If things really went to Qiu Tong's direction, then wouldn't Qiu Tong discover me, and I would roll even faster!    


Pah — "I heard the sound of Zhao Dajian hitting the table:" Yun, you dare to report beyond your level, if you dare to be without a leader, I'll see how you eat a leopard's gall bladder! You want to use that silly little girl to pressure me, do you think I'm afraid? "    


"I don't want to report it. You forced me to do this!" Yun Yun's voice was neither humble nor arrogant: "I don't dare to use Boss Qiu to pressure you. I just want to thoroughly investigate the matter before coming to a conclusion. As for whether you're afraid of Boss Qiu, that's your problem, I don't dare to comment!"    


"You — —" Zhao Dajian seemed to choke suddenly. After a while, he said: "Ah, clouds, your wings are stiff. You want to climb higher again? You ungrateful thing!"    


"You can scold me, you can belittle me, but if you insist on doing what you want, then I will insist on doing what I do!" Clouds said.    


Zhao Dajian did not make a sound, as if he couldn't do anything about the clouds at the moment. He could tell that even though he called Qiu Tong "silly girl", he was still a little afraid of Qiu Tong. After all, Qiu Tong was the boss of the company, so perhaps he did not want to bring this matter to Qiu Tong.    


After a long while, Zhao Dajian finally spoke, his voice slightly softening: "Yun, alright, don't misunderstand me. I am borrowing this matter to avenge my family. I am the company's leader, how can I lower myself to the same level as an insignificant person? To tell you the truth, this complaint is from the real estate company that subscribed to 1,000 newspapers. The quality of our deliveries was checked out and the newspapers presented by the subscribers were not received.    


Say, how could such a thing not be taken seriously? This is an important question concerning the future development of our big customers, the reputation of our company, and whether the 1000 newspapers of this real estate company can be renewed within half a year. You should understand the importance of this matter. "    


Yun Xiao looked a little surprised. "Ah, you're a subscriber to a real estate company's newspaper? All of them? "    


"Yes!" If Qiu Tong knew about this, she would definitely punish him even more severely. Right now, the quality of the delivery is extremely harsh, and when the time comes, even you, the station master, will be implicated. I didn't want you to report it earlier, it's not because I'm afraid of Qiu Tong, it's because I'm afraid of you.    


Clouds stopped talking and seemed to be thinking about something.    


Zhao Dajian said: "Okay, Yun, I'm leaving. You should think about this carefully, don't lose too much weight. Although you were disrespectful to me just now, I won't mind. After all, I love and protect you. "Remember, as long as you are the webmaster, you will not be able to jump into my palm."    


With that, Zhao Dajian left.    


I came out from behind the cabinet and saw the clouds frowning and thinking.    


At this time, I already had a guess in my heart. I remembered the look in Zhang Xiaotian's eyes when I bumped into him at the Pearl River tourist area in the Horqin Grassland.    


I didn't say anything. I sat down next to Cloud and took out a cigarette.    


Clouds suddenly touched the landline and made a phone call with hands-free.    


"Hey — the clouds?" Zhang Xiaotian's voice came from the phone. It seemed like he was very familiar with the number of Cloud's office, as if he had been waiting for Cloud's call.    


"Hello, manager Zhang. I'm Yun Yun." Cloud then told Zhang Xiaotian about the situation and then told him his thoughts.    


After Zhang Xiaotian heard this, he sounded very surprised: "I've been on a business trip these few days and just returned to the office. The people under the stage haven't reported this to me yet, it's all their doing. I never thought that such a thing would happen, how is that possible, Yi Ke is a good brother, a very outstanding Publisher, he definitely would not make such a mistake in his work, I definitely believe in him, I have always treated him as my best brother.    


Don't say anything wrong, even if you aren't wrong, you can't expel Yi Ke. Your company is too much, if we really want to expel Yi Ke, then our newspaper won't renew after the deadline, and we'll have to work with other newspapers instead. There are a lot of newspapers with Hsinghai, and it's not just you guys. "    


Zhang Xiaotian's words almost moved me, I almost felt that Zhang Xiaotian was really good enough brothers.    


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