Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C53 Anger

C53 Anger

I continued to read.    


"Keke, let me tell you, I now find that Yi Ke Man is not bad. In the past, I always had some prejudice towards him, and I felt that he was very vulgar." Actually, I misunderstood him before, he was unintentional when he assaulted me, but now, I feel that he is rather just and upright, moreover, he has quite the potential. Unfortunately, his education level is a bit low, and also, he resigned. "    


I smiled bitterly.    


"Keke, it is midnight now. The snow outside the window is blowing heavily and the wind is biting cold. I don't know if you are feeling cold in the distance. Sitting alone in front of the computer, I can't help but miss you deeply, thinking of you who don't know where is it okay? The bright moon is a thousand miles long, the moon is bright and starry, the stars are dim, and the moon is beautiful and enchanting.    


"Keke, I don't know if you have already risen up from the abyss. I want to tell you that life is indeed unfair for everyone. But how to treat life gives us the right to be fair and free.    


"So, Keke, whatever mentality you have, will often have the same fate. As long as you dare to face life, look down on misfortune, laugh to pain, you will be able to grasp the reins of fate, live a different life. I have always had faith in you. "    


I looked at them one by one, my heart pounding with emotion.    


After reading the message, I didn't reply. I logged off my QQ, turned off the computer, and pondered in silence for a long time.    


After I was hospitalized for 20 days, December 20, my body finally recovered completely, and the doctor approved that I could leave the hospital.    


My heart never relaxed, because the clouds were still asleep, the gauze had been removed from her face, and the external wounds had healed, but the brain was a mystery.    


My original thought was that I should have left when I was discharged, but how could I leave when the clouds were like this? Clouds have become my heart can not be separated from the worry.    


In the morning, I was waiting in the ward for the doctor's final rounds, when Zhang Xiaotian came in, wanting to say something but then hesitating.    


From Zhang Xiaotian's expression, I seemed to sense something and my heart sank: "What is it, tell me?"    


Zhang Xiaotian said hesitantly, "Yi Ke, you also saw that for so many days, Yun was in a coma and I have been watching over it. Every day, I have been burning money and now, I am out of food. The doctor said that continuing the treatment will lead to a bottomless pit."    


I calmly looked at Zhang Xiaotian and said, "Continue."    


"I want to give up treatment." Zhang Xiaotian said.    


I was shocked and looked at Zhang Xiaotian: "Zhang Xiaotian, say it again!"    


"I want to give up the treatment!" Zhang Xiaotian repeated.    


"Zhang Xiaotian, you don't have the qualifications, you don't have the authority!" I shouted angrily, "You are not Yun's relative. You have not registered with her and have given up on treatment. Only her relatives can make a decision. You do not have the authority to make a decision! You must protect Yun Xiao and treat her because you are the perpetrator. You must pay the price for your actions! "    


"I know that I do not have the authority to make a decision, and I also know that I am the perpetrator. I have the responsibility and duty to treat her, but I am already broke. You want me to change the money? " Zhang Xiaotian looked at me.    


"Then why did you look for me?" "No," I said.    


"I think you've been to Yunduo Family before, so you should know the address of her house. I want to trouble you to go to her house and bring her parents here."    


"And then you just walked away, didn't you?" I looked at Zhang Xiaotian: "It's you who harmed the clouds. Now that the clouds are in this situation, you're going to abandon her and run away, aren't you? Zhang Xiaotian, let me tell you, Cloud's parents can sue you, and according to the law, you have to pay the price. "    


Zhang Xiaotian suddenly said confidently: "Yi Ke, don't you do this to me, I know more about the law than you, in this situation, even if the Yunduo Family people sue me, I am not afraid, the amount of money I should compensate is equivalent to the medical fees I have spent, do you know how much money I have spent?    


"If the clouds are like this, do I have to be trapped inside for the rest of my life and accompany her for the rest of my life? Just because I'm a perpetrator, I'm going to pay for my life? I've done what I should have done, I've given what I should have, I've done my best, what more do you want me to do?    


"You don't feel bad talking while standing on your feet. You talk big. Didn't Cloud always like you? Didn't she always treat you well?" Then why don't you take care of the clouds? "Would you like to spend your life with a mummy who doesn't want to die?    


Before Zhang Xiaotian could finish his sentence, I threw a punch straight at his chattering mouth.    


His body had just recovered. His punches were weak and did not break any of his teeth. They only left him with blood at the corner of his mouth.    


Zhang Xiaotian didn't dare to fight back. He should know that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. He covered his bleeding mouth and glared at me. Then, he left the room angrily.    


That morning, Zhang Xiaotian left Yun Yang's ward without saying a word. He left the hospital and left without leaving a trace.    


After finishing my discharge, I didn't leave the hospital and went into Cloud's room. The doctor said that he was running out of money and would have to stop the medicine. I touched the nearly $40 thousand in my pocket and told the doctor that I was responsible for continuing the cloud treatment, using the medicine, and that I was responsible for the treatment.    


The doctor looked at me, then back at the nurse, nodded, and left the room.    


I silently watched the sleeping clouds in the ward for a long time …    


Then I bent my head and kissed the cloud on the forehead, and then I left the hospital.    


At noon that day, I appeared in Lee Shun's luxuriously decorated office.    


When Lee Shun saw me, his face showed an expression of complacency and surprise. He quickly got up from the fat leather chair, walked up to me, patted my shoulder with a big smile, put his arm around my shoulders, and told me to sit down. He ordered people around me to bring me some tea.    


Lee Shun handed me a large Chinese cigarette and I took it. Lee Shun held the lighter: "Pah ~" He lit it and took the initiative to light it for me.    


I took two deep gulps, then lifted the glass of water and took a sip.    


"Bro, you've recovered, congratulations:" Lee Shun put his arm around my shoulder, lit a cigarette himself, and blew out a mouthful of smoke: "These days, I've been thinking about you day and night, probably because you're about to be discharged, and was just about to go to the hospital to pick you up, but you came out yourself. "Well, you recovered pretty well, right?"    


I nodded: "Not bad, it's nothing. Thank you, Boss Lee, for your concern."    


"Why are you being so polite to me? "I already said that we're blood brothers. Isn't it natural for me, as your brother, to care for you?" Lee Shun said happily, then affectionately patted my shoulder: "Brother, you came out. Very good, tonight brother will hold a banquet at Intercontinental Hotel to welcome you. It's our first time meeting each other."    


"Boss Lee, I dare not say so. No need, I came here today because I have something to talk to you about." "No," I said.    


Lee Shun put his arm around me so affectionately that I felt uncomfortable, so I shook my shoulders.    


"Brother, just tell me. As long as this brother can do it, I won't hesitate to help!" Lee Shun seemed to be aware of my discomfort. He took his arm off my shoulder and patted his chest.    


I took a drag from my cigarette without saying a word and looked at a couple of flat-headed young men in suits and suits standing next to me.    


Lee Shun understood and waved his hand: "You guys go out, my brother and I have something to talk about!"    


"Yes, boss!" Those few people respectfully agreed and went out.    


"Say it, bro, just the two of us." Lee Shun looked at me expectantly.    


"Boss Lee, what you told me the other day." I hesitated as I said, "I've considered it. If what Boss Lee said is true, and if Boss Lee really thinks highly of me, then I'm willing to come and work for you."    


Lee Shun's eyes lit up: "Pa ~ ~ ~" He slapped his thigh and stood up, looking at me with glee: "Brother, that's great, I've been waiting for you to say that for a long time, and I have the right person. I knew that you wouldn't refuse to give me face and would agree to my request … "I only need you to be a good player. It would be great if you could come to my place and do something for me."    


I also stood up and looked at Lee Shun, "Thank you, Boss Lee, for your love. I will work hard, but my ability is limited. If you can make Boss Lee unhappy, you can kick me out at any time."    


Haha, old brother, you're overthinking it: "Lee Shun laughed:" The person that I've set my eyes on is definitely not wrong. What I've set my eyes on is not just your martial arts, but also you as an honest man, a pure man.    


I nodded at Lee Shun: "Then I'll listen to Boss Lee's instructions. From now on, I'll do it with you." My job is... "    


Lee Shun was elated as he said: "Like I said last time, you will be my personal assistant and bodyguard. In addition to being responsible for my safety, you will also take care of other matters for me.    


"What about the treatment? I promised you three times a month. This is only the basic living expenses. Other than that, there's nothing else." Also, I will provide you with another house. You will live alone, and as long as you don't leave, this house will belong to you … "In short, I will definitely not treat you unfairly …"    


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