Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C55 Spear Training

C55 Spear Training

I nodded. "I won't leave until the clouds wake up. I've made up my mind. I'm going to wake up the clouds. As for money, I'll think of something. "    


"Yi Ke, you make me respect you … Before I came to Issuing Company, the company had actually never bought any accidental injury insurance for everyone. Recently, I was in the midst of contacting the insurance company to discuss this matter, but who would have thought that something would happen right away … "Sigh …" Qiu Tong let out a self-reproachful sigh and said, "Where are you going to earn that much money to treat Yun Yun?"    


"I've got a new job. I should be able to earn it."    


Qiu Tong looked at my suit. "What did you find?"    


Before I could reply, Qiu Tong saw the car keys in my hand and also the Passat parked beside me. When she saw the license plate number, her face changed slightly as she looked at me. You went over to Lee Shun's side? "    


I nodded. "I went to be his personal assistant. He invited me."    


Qiu Tong's face changed. She panicked a little. "How can you go where? You can't go!"    


"I've already promised him that I will work there today!" "No," I said.    


"You …" Qiu Tong paused for a long time before saying, "He doesn't suit you there. You won't be able to meet the environment there. That place is a colourful vat. If you go there, you will learn to be bad … I don't agree with you! "    


"Clear self, turbid self, I will know it in my heart! I need to earn money to treat Cloud's illness, so I have to go! " "No," I said.    


"If you say it like that now, then you won't have the right to do so," Qiu Tong said. "I understand your thoughts, but that place really isn't suitable for you. We can think of another way to cure the cloud."    


"What can you think of?" I looked at Qiu Tong. "You said it earlier, no one knows when Yun will recover or how much money will be spent. No one knows. How much money will you have to raise?"    


"I'm going to borrow money from Lee Shun. The money I borrowed was enough to treat Yun Wei's illness!" Qiu Tong said.    


When I heard that, I immediately denied Qiu Tong's words in my heart.    


Qiu Tong already owed Lee Shun's family a lot, and with such a huge sum of money, she would be even more unworthy of her title.    


Their family not only had a rude and domineering Lee Shun, but also a cold and unkind Mrs Lee. I can't let Qiu Tong do this.    


Of course, I couldn't tell Qiu Tong about this thought, because saying it would undoubtedly mean that I knew about Qiu Tong's past and the relationship between her and Lee Shun's family. It would undoubtedly expose my identity.    


I took a deep breath and looked at Qiu Tong, trying to stay calm. "No need, I earned enough money working there, and I have to work anyway, the pay is so high there, I have no reason not to do it, unless I'm an idiot, don't you think?"    


Qiu Tong was silent for a while before she said, "If it wasn't for the clouds, you would have gone there too, wouldn't you?"    


I had to get rid of Qiu Tong's idea of borrowing money from Lee Shun, so I gritted my teeth and nodded: "Yes! I came out to do it for money, and even if it wasn't for the clouds, I would still do it there! With a monthly salary of 30 thousand, why wouldn't I go? "    


Qiu Tong's eyes flashed with great disappointment and regret. She stared at me blankly and didn't say anything for a long time.    


I know, at this moment, I in Qiu Tong's eyes just raised the image of a big down. But I had no choice but to say so.    


After a while, Qiu Tong muttered, "Alright then. Everyone has their own aspirations. You can go now. I'm going to see the clouds. "    


Qiu Tong turned around and walked to the ward.    


I watched Qiu Tong's back disappear out the door of the ward, sighed, and opened the door to get in.    


I drove straight to Lee Shun's place. Lee Shun's office was on the 28th floor of a high-class office building.    


Outside the elevator, there was a sign: Hsinghai City Recharge Group Co., Ltd. The other rooms on the floor didn't have any signs, only room numbers. No one could tell what kind of department they were.    


My office was next door to Liu's office. The large room was empty except for a few desks and a few leather sofas where Er Zi and Wu were sitting, bored, playing poker.    


Seeing me walk in, the two of them immediately put down their poker cards and stood up. They respectfully greeted me: "Brother Yi — —"    


I nodded at them. "Hello brothers, you two can continue to play."    


Then I went to Lee Shun's room, where Lee Shunzheng was rocking in his boss's chair, a large cigar in his mouth.    


Seeing me come in, Lee Shun looked me up and down, and said at a leisurely pace: "Yi Ke, you look quite handsome in a suit. However, this set of clothes is a little too low grade. If you wear this out, you will lose face for me.    


I didn't say anything.    


Lee Shun stood up. "Come, follow me out!"    


I followed Lee Shun downstairs and got into his car. It was a black Hummer and the driver was already in the car.    


I opened the back door for Lee Shun first. Lee Shun nodded, smiled, then got in the car. I got in the first passenger seat.    


"Let's go, to Serruti!" Lee Shun said from the back.    


I know that Salutti is an expensive suit brand.    


The Hummer soon arrived at the Sellotti store. Lee Shun and I got off the car and went in. The employees hurriedly came out to welcome them, as if they knew Lee Shun.    


"Boss Lee is here, please come in!"    


Lee Shun pointed at me casually and said to the clerk, "Find a black suit for him!"    


"Alright, please sit and drink your tea. Wait a moment!"    


The clerk quickly found a suit for me to try on. I looked at the price: 20 thousand one.    


Lee Shun stood up and walked around me. "Well, that's what an assistant looks like! It turns out that suit was put in the trash for me... Dude, get yourself a tie and a shirt. "    


After I put on my new clothes, Lee Shun whistled and waved his hand: "Let's go, buddy. Keep the accounts and we'll settle it together!"    


"Ok, take care, Boss Lee!" The shop assistant bowed down to send him off.    


After getting on the car, I felt a little uneasy. I turned around and said to Lee Shun: "Boss, these clothes..." "This money."    


"This is your work clothes, the company will reimburse you …" You don't have to worry about that! " Lee Shun casually shook his leg.    


"But …"    


"What 'but'! Brother, aren't you talking a bit too much! " Lee Shun was a bit impatient.    


I remembered Lee Shun's rule and stopped.    


"Let's go to the shooting-range!" Lee Shun said to the driver again.    


The Hummer directly left the city and entered the mountainous region of the suburbs. It turned and turned on the mountain road, and after walking for about an hour, in the depths of the forest, the Wild Man Valley's live shooting-range suddenly appeared in front of them.    


The Hummer drove in, and Lee Shun and I got off the car and went straight to the live shooting-range. The staff there also seemed to be very familiar with Lee Shun.    


Just as I was thinking about Lee Shun's intention in bringing me here, Lee Shun said to the staff member beside him: "Come, teach him how to play with a handgun —"    


So Lee Shun wanted me to practice shooting.    


The clerk took a special training pistol and began to teach me how to shoot.    


I have never shot a gun before, so I became interested and started to learn seriously, not thinking about Lee Shun's intentions.    


I learned very well and was in high spirits. Lee Shun took a round of semi-automatic rifles and went to the coffee shop in the back.    


We stayed here all day, and I learned to shoot with a pistol all day.    


I admit that I have some talent in this area, and I quickly grasped the gist of the shot. The fixed target became more and more accurate, and I even managed to hit a ten circle. Next, he received training in the ways of Weaver's Shooting, Instinct Shooting, Response Shooting and Assault Shooting.    


Lee Shun came over from time to time, seemingly satisfied with my rapid improvement.    


At dusk, we walked back. On the way, Lee Shun said to me, "Have you enjoyed yourself today?"    


I nodded.    


"Yi Ke, let me tell you. No matter how strong you are, if you meet someone with a gun, smack — you're done for. So, you have to learn a new trade. It doesn't matter, but if it's a critical moment, hehe …" Lee Shun did not finish his sentence.    


I didn't say anything, but I didn't stop thinking about it. I felt that Lee Shun must have a gun.    


I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, as if I was sinking deeper and deeper in.    


At this moment, Lee Shun stopped talking and fiddled with his phone.    


When the car was about to get off the mountain road, Lee Shun suddenly said: "Stop, I'm going to pee!"    


The car stopped and Lee Shun and I got off together. Lee Shun stood at the side of the road and peed. I stood beside him and breathed in the fresh mountain air.    


At this moment, a person wearing a black mask suddenly jumped out from the forest. He held a gun in his hand and quickly rushed towards Lee Shun.    


I reacted quickly, and without thinking, I pushed Lee Shun to the side and stood up straight, the gun pointed directly at my forehead.    


When I closed my eyes, it was over!    


There was the sound of the trigger being pulled, but I was fine.    


I opened my eyes and saw Lee Shunzheng standing beside me, grinning. The man with the black mask pulled down his mask. It was Xiao Wu.    


"Brother Yi - I've scared you!" Xiao Wu said to me.    


I was in a cold sweat, Lee Shun came over and patted me on the shoulder: "Ok, that's right. You know how to save your master at a critical moment! This is my special test for you, man. Very well, you passed — in fact, this is a mock toy pistol. It doesn't shoot. "    


Lee Shun took the pistol from Xiao Wu's hand and played with it. The more I looked at it, the more it seemed to me that it was a real gun, too much like a real gun.    


I wiped the sweat from my forehead and didn't say anything. Lee Shun was indeed a scheming person, and he was not as reckless as he looked.    


"Let's go back to the city!" Lee Shun patted me on the shoulder in satisfaction and got in the car.    


Returning to the city, Lee Shun went straight to the Grand Hotel and asked Qiu Tong to have dinner with him.    


Dinner was in a luxurious private room, only Qiu Tong and Lee Shun were there. I stood near the door while Xiao Wu and the driver ate their buffet downstairs.    


Qiu Tong and Lee Shun were sitting facing each other. After the dishes were served, Qiu Tong looked at me and said, "Yi Ke, come over here and sit down to eat together!"    


I shook my head: "Boss Qiu, I'm not hungry, you guys eat!"    


Qiu Tong glanced at Lee Shun. Lee Shun half opened his mouth and pondered for a moment. Then, he looked at me, "Yi Ke, your boss has come. Since he has invited you, I will make an exception today. Come, come and sit —"    


I have to obey Lee Shun's orders.    


The waiter brought another set of cutlery, and I sat between Lee Shun and Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong raised her glass and said to me, "Yi Ke, come, let me toast you with a glass of wine."    


I didn't wait for Qiu Tong to finish, I hastily stood up. "I don't dare to accept Boss Qiu's toast. It's better if I toast you —"    


Lee Shun laughed: "Yi Ke, sit down, don't be so restrained. She should be grateful to you for saving your boss' life … "Say, isn't it, Qiu Tong?"    


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