Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C90 Intuition

C90 Intuition

The next day, as I was sleeping, Lee Shun called me: "Yi Ke, you grew up in the Tengchong of Yunnan, right?"    


"Yes!" I don't know what Lee Shun means.    


"Does Tengchong have an airport? Civil airport! " Lee Shun said.    


"Yes, Camel Airport, for the civilian use!" "No," I said.    


"Go check on the internet for me right now. Do you have any flights directly to Tengchong?" Lee Shun said, "Call me later!"    


With that, Lee Shun hung up.    


I don't know where Lee Shun is, but he shouldn't be in his hotel room. Otherwise, he can call me from his hotel room.    


I don't know what Lee Shun wanted me to do with the plane. Could it be that he wanted to take me on a Tengchong tour to visit my second hometown?    


Tengchong County was a part of the Baoshan city, and there was also an airport, a prefectural city, in which there were two airports at the same time. This was a rare occurrence in the entire country.    


The reason why Tengchong had an airport was probably due to historical reasons. Back in the days of the War of Resistance, the great international road to Yunnan was occupied by the Japanese. In order to break through the international rescue channel, the Chinese expedition army went on a campaign in Myanmar, but failed later. In order to open up a new support channel for China, the Americans funded the construction of the Tengchong Airport, opened a camel's-head route known throughout the world to fly over the world's rooftops, and continuously delivered Chinese aid from India.    


After liberation, this airport was basically useless and abandoned. A few years ago, this airport was rebuilt to suit the needs of economic development, so a few flights were opened. Most of the flights were to Kunming, but I really didn't know if there were any to Ningzhou s.    


I didn't have time to think about it, so I quickly got out of bed and started to search online. I couldn't find the flight from Ningzhou to Tengchong. But there were flights to Kunming from Ningzhou, and there were them every day.    


Thus, I called Lee Shun: "Boss, Ningzhou doesn't directly affect the aircraft, we need to fly to Kunming first, then from Kunming to Kunming."    


"Oh …" "Got it!" "I have something to take care of outside. You can continue to move freely today," Lee Shun said.    


"Are we going to go to Tengchong? Would you like me to book a plane ticket in advance? " I said one more thing.    


"I asked if you had a flight, did I say I'm going to Tengchong?" Lee Shun retorted with a question, then continued, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't worry about what you shouldn't worry about. I'll tell you what I need you to do, go play, I'll call you if you need me!"    


With that, Lee Shun hung up again.    


Although Lee Shun didn't answer me, my intuition is that Lee Shun is going to go to Tengchong. Tengchong was a border county, and was not far from Burma. What was Lee Shun going there for?    


Thinking about how I will follow Lee Shun back to his second hometown where he was born and raised me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement in my heart.    


I looked at the time. It was already 11 in the morning.    


I was worried about the clouds again, so I called Qiu Tong and got through quickly.    


"Boss Qiu, how is Yun Wei now?" I asked Qiu Tong as soon as I came up.    


"I'm recovering. I just came back from the hospital and I just got to the office." Qiu Tong smiled.    


I talked to her last night until around 3 a.m., and I think she was awake last night, but there's not a trace of weariness in Qiu Tong's voice. "I talked to the doctor today, and the doctor said it was a good sign. I have to do some work today, so I asked the paramedic to help me continue massaging Cloud's hands and feet and legs … "Don't worry."    


"That's good!" I felt a little reassured.    


"Right, Yi Ke, yesterday, our company began to operate according to the method you described, thoroughly investigating the root of the complaint, cutting off the root cause of the complaint, the company has mobilized, it is in full swing, receiving complaints and thoroughly checking them at the same time, grabbing with both hands, correcting errors and delivering them at the same time, I estimate that by tomorrow night, we will be able to end this work, and on January 4th, when we go to work, we will be able to ensure that we deliver the newspaper according to the correct rules." Qiu Tong said, "Sigh, however, today, Issuing Company pressure is still enormous. Complaints are swarming in, and the place where the complaints are received is as lively as if they were fighting... "The price is huge, the lesson is profound …"    


I said, "I'm afraid there's something artificial about that. This matter should be investigated and those responsible should be clearly investigated. "    


Qiu Tong forced a smile, "That's easy to say, but hard to do. "Alright, I won't say anymore. My office phone is ringing. Today, I will still have to battle arduously …"    


With that, Qiu Tong hung up the phone. I was worried that Qiu Tong would ask me about the note today, but she didn't.    


After my phone call with Qiu Tong, I wandered around the room, somewhat bored, and decided to go out for a walk and a bite to eat.    


I didn't want to meet anyone I knew from Ningzhou. Just in case, I bought a pair of sunglasses, a peaked cap, and a scarf from the merchandise department on the first floor. After being fully armed, I left the hotel.    


Just as I reached the side of the road, I received a call from Haifeng: "Kid, where are you?"    


"On the road in front of the hotel!" "No," I said.    


"Eh — I just drove up to your hotel, how come I didn't see you?" Haifeng said.    


I looked around and saw Haifeng's white yamen parked behind me. I walked over to him and opened the door to get in.    


"Damn, why are you dressed like that? I just saw someone standing there, and I didn't recognize you!" Haifeng said.    


"Firstly, I want to keep warm. Secondly, I don't want to meet any acquaintances!" "No," I said.    


"Mm, I understand." Haifeng said as he started the car, "You're not busy today?"    


"No rush!" "What about you?"    


"I'm not busy either. I'm on vacation," Haifeng said. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?"    


"Just got up!"    


"Haha, I just got up." Haifeng smiled and said: "Come, let's find a place to have breakfast and lunch. What do you want to eat?"    




"Damn, Ningzhou doesn't have this dish. In my opinion, why don't we go have some turtle soup? I know that there's a turtle restaurant at the entrance of Donghu Garden, and the turtle soup is very well cooked." Haifeng said.    


A thought struck me. Before I went bankrupt, the house I bought was in the East Lake Garden. It was intended to be my and Dong Xue's love nest. Now, with my demise, the house has turned into ashes.    


Thinking of this, I felt a little sour in my heart and didn't say anything.    


Haifeng saw that I didn't say anything, so he didn't ask me anymore. He decided to drive straight to Donghu Garden.    


The closer I got to the East Lake Garden, the heavier my heart became.    


We got off the car, Haifeng and I went to the turtle restaurant to order. I didn't go in for the time being, I was still wearing my cap, sunglasses, and a scarf. I covered my mouth and stood at the entrance to the East Lake Garden to peek inside.    


One of the higher ups was the building where I bought my house. I had brought Dong Xue here many times before, and now, with the carved jade walls still there, it was Zhu Yanyu. I had become a passerby here.    


I looked inside in silence for a long time, sighed softly, and turned around — —    


A taxi pulled up just in front of the gate, and a woman in a woolen coat and boots got out.    


The moment I saw that girl, all the blood in my body stopped flowing. Isn't this Dong Xue?    


Even though she was wearing sunglasses, I could still see Dong Xue clearly, because she was less than 10 meters away from me at the moment.    


My body started to tremble uncontrollably. After a few moments of fighting, I couldn't even stand up straight. My body was almost stiff as I helplessly watched Dong Xue pay the bill and walk in my direction with a small bag on her back — —    


I just stood there, staring at Dong Xue, who was getting closer and closer. I could even see Dong Xue's face clearly, which I used to know so well.    


Dong Xue's body was still slim and her face was still pretty, but she looked tired and didn't have a good rest.    


Looking at Dong Xue's appearance, my heart surging with strong impulse and pity, countless days of longing and longing, always looking forward to the man in front of me, walking towards me, this is a very exciting moment.    


At this moment, I really want to open my arms, to embrace Dong Xue, to tell the pain and longing after parting.    


I stared at Dong Xue, watching her droop her eyelids, listlessly walked up to me and was about to pass by me — —    


I was so close to Dong Xue that I could almost feel her breath, smell her familiar perfume, and even see her long eyelashes and sexy and moving features.    


Dong Xue's face looked haggard. It was unknown if she had just woken up or if she was short of sleep. She seemed to be thinking about something.    


I longed for Dong Xue to raise her eyes and look at me. I thought, whenever Dong Xue looked at me, I would hug Dong Xue, no matter who she belongs to now.    


However, Dong Xue didn't raise her eyes at all. She just lazily brushed past me and didn't even look at me. It was as if I didn't even exist and didn't even enter the corner of her eyes.    


Dong Xue walked past me and kept walking.    


I stood there, numb and sad, listening to Dong Xue's footsteps leave me.    


At that moment, my heart completely shattered. I abruptly turned around and looked at Dong Xue who was walking towards the entrance of the main entrance. My entire body was trembling.    


I don't know if Dong Xue is here to live or to look for someone. Whatever she was doing here, I finally saw her.    


As I watched Dong Xue walk away from me, I finally couldn't suppress the impulse and excitement in my heart. I had to call out to Dong Xue, I had to speak to her personally, I had to hear her say that she no longer loved me.    


I took a step forward, trying to catch up with her. I pulled my scarf back, took a deep breath, and opened my mouth to call Dong Xue.    


"Winter--" Just as he took half a step forward, he had just uttered the word 'winter' when his body was suddenly held tightly by someone, and his mouth was suddenly tightly covered...    


Then, I heard Haifeng's low and rapid voice: "What are you trying to do? She has already followed someone else. Do you find it useless and want to make a fool out of yourself? "    


Haifeng hugged me very tightly and covered his mouth very tightly. I didn't struggle; if I wanted to struggle, Haifeng would immediately be thrown out by me.    


However, I didn't. Haifeng's words instantly reminded me. Yes, Dong Xue already belongs to someone else. What's the use of me doing this again? Not only did this not help, it even made everyone look bad!    


When Haifeng told me about Dong Xue and Duan Xiangloong, I had no doubts. I definitely didn't believe that Haifeng would lie to me for the sake of making Hai Zhu and me happy. He was never that kind of person. Since that's the case, what's the point in continuing to tangle with Dong Xue?    


I helplessly watched Dong Xue go into the distance, her figure disappearing into the depths of the East Lake Garden Garden. Tears suddenly burst out, flowing down my face, flowing into Haifeng's hands.    


Haifeng gradually let go of me, put his arm around my shoulders, and silently looked ahead with me. After a while, he sighed, "Brother, everything is destined, it doesn't belong to you. It is not yours, sooner or later, it won't be yours. Perhaps, it might not be a bad thing to come early. Things are contradictory, opposing sides, everything is good and bad, one loses one's abilities, one doesn't know what is good for oneself. Perhaps, what you will lose will be shackles, and what you will gain will be a brand-new happiness. "No need to mourn the past yesterday, no need to look back. Just look ahead, tomorrow's sun will still rise, and every single one of them will still be brilliant."    


After saying that, Haifeng patted on my shoulder and turned around to enter the Turtle Hall.    


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