Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C107 Perturbation of Spirit

C107 Perturbation of Spirit

When I heard this, my spirit was lifted and my face revealed a look of joy and excitement.    


"From the current situation, you don't need to spend a lot of money," Qiu Tong said. "Don't you still have the 100 thousand that Lee Shun gave you? Give this 100 thousand to me. When he asks again, you just say that I'm taking it away … I'll use this money to treat Cloud's illness. "    


"Mm, I'll give it to you when I get back!" I nodded.    


"Then, Yi Ke, once again, I will ask you to leave Lee Shun. Is that feasible?" Qiu Tong said in an inquiring tone, but there seemed to be a hint of command in her tone.    


I looked at Qiu Tong's bright eyes and thought of a terrifying snake and scorpion cave. I thought of the taste of the cave, thought of his actions after following Lee Shun, thought of the clouds lying in the hospital, thought of my parents who were eagerly anticipating at home, thought of the Floating Dream in the virtual world …    


I took a deep breath and looked at Qiu Tong. "Boss Qiu, I promise you!"    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up as a trace of gratification flashed past her eyes. She then smiled, "Very good, Yi Ke. I know you are a rational person. There are many wrong paths in life. If you choose wrongly, you might never come back …" I do not hesitate to believe that leaving Lee Shun is the best option for you right now. "    


I nodded my head, but I wasn't sure. It's easy to get off a pirate ship, but my mouth says it's easy. If I really wanted to leave Lee Shun, would he agree to let me go so easily? I suddenly thought of Zhang Xiaotian...    


Qiu Tong saw that I was preoccupied with something, and said: "Yi Ke, are you worried that you won't be able to find a job after resigning from Lee Shun, or do you want to leave Hsinghai?"    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said, "Do you think I would leave the Hsinghai?"    


Qiu Tong blinked, "I don't think so. At least not until the clouds are done …" Maybe not in the future. "    


Listening to Qiu Tong's words, my mind was in a mess.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong asked me, "So you're worried that you won't be able to find a suitable job?"    


I nodded absently.    


"Don't worry, there's no problem with this." Qiu Tong suddenly pursed her lips and smiled: "How about this, Yi Ke, you go back to the Issuing Company to work, go back to the big customer service department, the big customer service department is now empty, there's no one there, the clouds can't work yet, then, you can take charge of the work there … Once a big client has been developed, they will also earn a lot of money. "    


I was stunned and habitually pretended to be cool. "How could I have that capability? I can't do it!"    


"I think you can do it!" Qiu Tong looked at me.    


"I really can't do this!" "No," I said.    


"You can do this!" Qiu Tong continued to look at me, then opened her bag, took out a note and spread it on the tea table. "Yi Ke, I want to show you something."    


I knew what it was when I saw it. It was the note I had left at the door of Qiu Tong's office that night, written to bring justice to the clouds.    


At the same time, Qiu Tong took the opportunity to adjust her Issuing Company on a large scale, weakening the power of Zhao Dajian. However, Qiu Tong also increased Cao Lee's hatred and hatred towards her because of this.    


Qiu Tong is a thoughtful person. She has always kept this unusual piece of paper well. It seems like she has been studying it often. Otherwise, why would she suddenly check the handwriting when she looked up my personal data?    


A wise man can make a mistake, and there are times when I can make a fool of myself. After all, I am a man, not a god.    


"Yi Ke, you should be able to recognize this note, right?" Qiu Tong looked at me with a faint smile.    


I simply admitted, "Of course I do. I wrote this!"    


Qiu Tong was slightly taken aback by my straightforward attitude. "Oh, that's great!"    


I said, "When Cloud was working on this proposal, I saw it, and I knew that she was going to submit it to the company leader. However, when I heard that Cao Teng had submitted the exact same proposal to you, I was very surprised, so I asked Yun about it, and Yun said that she had followed the program and given it to Boss Zhao Dajian, so I had a bad premonition. In order to let Boss Qiu see everything, I wrote this note for your reference …" I don't have any other intentions. I just want to give Cloud a fair and level playing field. "    


Qiu Tong said, "Why didn't you go through the usual channels to get my reaction?"    


And I said, "At the time... Do you think you'll believe me? " At that time, Qiu Tong had a bad impression of me. When I said those words, Qiu Tong naturally understood what I meant.    


When Qiu Tong heard this, she smiled. She didn't say anything and seemed to agree with my view.    


"Actually, I just met with injustice," I added. "I thought it would be unfair for me to draw my sword and help the clouds improve by meticulously planning these two exquisite marketing plans for big clients and then letting others take them for themselves."    


"Oh …" Qiu Tong answered with a long "Oh" and looked at me with her big eyes. "Yi Ke, do you know why I showed this note to you?"    


I said, "If you tell me, I will know. If you don't tell me, I will naturally not know!"    


"Nonsense —" Qiu Tong said, "Yi Ke, you're very smart, but you didn't say it. Actually, you've always been very smart, but you've always been very low-key and stupid. You did it on purpose, didn't you?"    


I felt a little weak in my heart. I looked at Qiu Tong and forced a smile. "Why would I do that?" Is there a need for me to do that? "    


"Why do you have to ask yourself? If you don't tell me, I don't know." Qiu Tong said: "But, I believe in my judgment. In fact, I have always been suspicious of the planning of Zhang Xiaotian's realty project, because when Zhang Xiaotian and I were eating, when Zhang Xiaotian talked about the motivation and the cause of the marketing plan, he didn't seem so confident. I had my suspicions towards the first copyright owner of that plan, but I didn't think much about it, and thought that you were really lucky …"    


After that, Vanke Gardens and a few other newspaper agents made me wonder about your continuous luck. Your luck was amazing, surprising, and abnormal. After that, the Red Hawk project for the ten thousand newspapers seemed even more incredible to me. In the darkness, it seemed to me that an invisible hand was pushing the big client project forward, pushing the clouds to their feet, and during that time I often thought about this mysterious note, about the identity and motives of the people who wrote it …    


When you provided me with the plan for an emergency order, I suddenly had a sudden impulse and flipped through your profile. I suddenly saw your handwriting and matched it with yours …    


From this, many mysteries in my heart seemed to suddenly clear up, many questions seemed to have found an answer, and from this, I concluded that Cloud's submission of the mobile company's points reward and the little reporter's solution should also be found out from you. From this, I felt that I needed to begin to reacquaint myself with you, to get to know a low-key person like Yi Ke … That's why I said you could do the big client temporary host... "Yi Ke, what I said was true, right?"    


I seemed like a bamboo shoot that had just been dug out of the ground. Qiu Tong slowly peeled me off layer by layer until I revealed my underpants, which could only cover a critical area.    


I forcefully suppressed the embarrassment in my heart and said to Qiu Tong, "Boss Qiu, you are too imaginative. I admit that I wrote that note, but as for what you just said, I am willing to admit that it is the truth, but unfortunately, that is not the truth. I admit that I am a low-key person, but I do not have the habit of doing things that is low-key.    


At this moment, I feel that my language is so weak, there is a duck dead mouth still hard posture.    


I was a little lucky that the things Qiu Tong said and the things that I talked about with Floating Dream in QQ didn't match in number or were repeated. I wouldn't let the sensitive and quick-witted Qiu Tong pull me and Guest together.    


I am sure that Qiu Tong will not associate me with Guest, and one important basis is that I am from Yunnan, and Guest is from Ningzhou.    


After I finished speaking, Qiu Tong looked at me with an indecipherable expression. She was silent for a long time before she said, "Yi Ke, I feel that you are either an extremely stupid person, or you are an extremely shrewd person. You will only belong to these two extremes … "In the past, I thought you were a fool without any skills, but now, I suddenly realised that you seem to be an extremely intelligent expert. What do you think?"    


I said, "Boss Qiu, no matter if I'm stupid or smart, how do you think it's your problem, I'm still the same, I have so much energy, I can eat a few bowls of dry rice, I know that, no matter what Boss Qiu thinks of me, I've already agreed to leave Boss Lee's side today, I don't want to go into the dry hole, and I don't want to go into the Snake Scorpion Cave …" "As for Boss Qiu's decision to return to manage the customer service department, I …"    


"Yi Ke, I changed my tone and said," Qiu Tong interrupted me. She looked at me with her bright eyes: "Even if I invited you, even if you came to help me, would that be okay?"    


Qiu Tong's words made me shudder. I couldn't help but think of Qiu Tong's current work environment: Sun Dongkai, Zhao Dajian, Cao Lee in the middle, and Lee Shun on the outside. Doing good work in such an environment, which was attacked from both inside and outside, was indeed quite difficult for a woman.    


"At the moment, the most difficult thing about my job in the company is that I don't have the right people, the right people." Qiu Tong added, "Ten years is a long time to nurture people. This kind of talent for distribution isn't something that can be done in a day or two. It's a long and arduous task to build a high-quality marketing team for distribution."    


I looked at Qiu Tongxiu's expression and couldn't refuse, "Boss Qiu, I promise you, I will go back!"    


Qiu Tong's eyes lit up and a gratified smile appeared on her face. "That's great. Thank you, Yi Ke!"    


"Don't thank me. I should be the one thanking you for being able to think highly of a foot fixing master like me." I said, "Boss Qiu, I'll say it first. No matter how you think of me, I know clearly in my heart that my ability is limited. But, I will work hard to do it well."    


Qiu Tong looked at me, "Yi Ke, I feel that I am not mistaken. If I believe what you have said about me, then you should be one of those people with great intelligence and stupidity. You don't realize your potential because you have always lacked a suitable platform for yourself.    


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