Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C108 Condition

C108 Condition

Qiu Tong's words made me feel more at ease. I said, "Boss Qiu, I have one more condition."    


Qiu Tong said, "Say it!"    


"I'm temporarily hosting a job in the main client department. When Cloud comes back, Cloud has to be the manager." "No," I said.    


Qiu Tong pondered for a moment before nodding her head. "I promise you!"    


"Thank you, Boss Qiu!"    


"Yi Ke, I hope my eyes aren't mistaken."    


"I will work hard!"    


I had made up my mind that since I wanted to go back and do it, I would do my best to make Qiu Tong's position even more stable. No matter how complex and unpredictable the personnel struggle, my achievements are still the most persuasive. My achievements are the equivalent of Qiu Tong's managerial leadership, which is Qiu Tong's performance.    


At this point, my thoughts were relatively simple, and I did not think further or further.    


At this point, I still do not realize a fatal flaw in what I do, and this flaw, is the cause of the bankruptcy of my business.    


At this moment, no matter if it was Qiu Tong or Floating Dream, neither of them were able to see through this flaw. After all, in practice, Qiu Tong and I only know a little about me, and Qiu Tong knows very little about me. Without the combination of theory and practice, my fatal flaw is hard to see.    


Qiu Tong seemed to be in a good mood. She picked up her coffee cup and clinked her cup with me. "Come, Yi Ke. I wish you a happy cooperation. Welcome back!"    


Looking at Qiu Tong's beautiful smile, my heart felt warm. I lifted my cup and clinked it with Qiu Tong's. "Happy cooperation!"    


Suddenly, I thought of a question: "Boss Qiu, I hope that I can handle the matter between Boss Lee and I by myself. I hope that you don't interfere in this matter, so you can pretend that you don't know about it!"    


I don't want Qiu Tong to come in with me. Otherwise, with Lee Shun's suspicious personality, I don't know what he will do.    


Qiu Tong thought for a moment and nodded, "Alright, I promise you! However, Lee Shun has a rather irritable personality. You have to be careful of the way he does things and seize the opportunity.    


I nodded.    


"Even if you can't come to my place, no matter where you go to work, no matter if Lee Shun will let you stay in Hsinghai or not, you can't follow him anymore. I can't watch you fall." Qiu Tong said firmly, stroking her hair.    


Looking at Qiu Tong's resolute expression, my heart stirred.    


I don't know if I can resign from Lee Shun successfully, in other words, I don't know if Lee Shun can let me go. However, since I've already decided to resign, since I've already promised Qiu Tong, I must do it.    


I was alone with Qiu Tong at my birthplace, Tengchong. Seeing the beauty in my heart sitting in front of me, and thinking about the Floating Dream of that world, I had another impulse.    


"Yi Ke, how do you feel when you return to the Tengchong? Looking at the surroundings, it must be very intimate, right? " Qiu Tong said to me as she looked out the window at the buildings and the people in the old street.    


"Yes, I was born in the heavens. I have a lot of feelings for everything here." I said, "Boss Qiu, do you want to walk around here? I can be your guide."    


"Circling is possible … However, I would like to visit your home, visit your parents, and take a look … "As a filial piety, I will always follow you when I return with Lee Shun. You still haven't returned home, right?" Qiu Tong said, "I remember the address on your personal data seems to be in County City Mountain Pass High School, right?"    


Qiu Tong's memory is so good that I feel a bit dizzy. I don't know how to answer, but Qiu Tong said, "Yi Ke, since your family lives in school, then your parents should be teachers, right?"    


"Hm." "Yes!" I stammered, nodding. My parents used to teach in County City's Guan Zhen Middle School, but they were transferred two years ago to a new high school set up in Baoshan. "    


"Oh …" Then that means your home isn't in Tengchong anymore, and you've moved in there? " Qiu Tong looked at me.    


"Well, yes!" I nodded, my heart pounding.    


"Oh …" "What a pity, it seems like we won't make it in time." A regretful expression appeared on Qiu Tong's face.    


I let out a breath of relief. Damn, it feels bad to be lying.    


That day, I accompanied Qiu Tong on a tour of Tengchong County's streets and buildings. The ancient Tengchong's buildings and streets were still as they were before, mostly from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Qiu Tong was extremely interested in these things and would occasionally record them with her phone.    


Walking with Qiu Tong on the mossy gravel road beside a narrow, winding, wet road in the county, I saw Qiu Tong's happy, curious, and attentive expression and gaze. Waves of ripples emerged in my heart …    


Qiu Tong and I had an unforgettable day in Tengchong County City.    


While shopping, we were anxiously waiting for news from Lee Shun.    


From the look of anxiety that occasionally appeared on Qiu Tong's face, I knew that Qiu Tong was worried about Lee Shun's safety.    


I know Qiu Tong doesn't love Lee Shun, but, she must marry Lee Shun, Lee Shun is her future unchangeable man.    


Thinking about this, my heart felt sour, but I understood why Qiu Tong paid so much attention to Lee Shun. After all, this was her man from now on. Since Qiu Tong couldn't resist helplessly, then she could only obey the arrangements of fate, so she naturally had to pay attention to Lee Shun's safety.    


Remembering Qiu Tong's long journey to Burma, and Lee Shun's warning me to protect Qiu Tong with my life when we split up, I suddenly felt ashamed and sentimental.    


Qiu Tong is not mine, never, I have Qiu Tong in my heart, but Qiu Tong's heart without me, she can only have Lee Shun, whether she is willing or not.    


Thinking of this, I sighed dejectedly …    


The next day, we did not see Lee Shun, but received a call from Lee Shun. Lee Shun had already left Myanmar and also left on a curve. He went further around the border and directly arrived at the Baoshan. Lee Shun told us that he is now safe and that he has some matters to deal with here. He told us to go back first and not wait for him.    


Qiu Tong was just about to ask Lee Shun a few questions on the phone, but was severely reprimanded and rejected by Lee Shun. She was not allowed to meddle in her own business, Lee Shun's voice was very loud and I could clearly hear it from Qiu Tong's phone.    


Qiu Tong's face alternated between white and red as she bit her lips and didn't say another word. Then Lee Shun asked Qiu Tong to pass the phone to me.    


"Yi Ke, you'll be responsible for escorting Qiu Tong back to the Hsinghai. You must bring her back, don't let her interfere with my work here." "Lee Shun's voice is commanding." I've already asked Qin to buy you all a plane ticket to Fei Kunming. You guys are leaving today, Qin is currently rushing from Baoshan to Tengchong, he will send you all to the airport. "    


"En, alright!" At this moment, I obviously couldn't tell Lee Shun that I wanted to resign, and could only wait until we meet. Right now, I'm still one of his people, so I have to listen to him. Perhaps, I should, probably, this is the last time I've listened to his commands to help him. It's just that I didn't expect that this last mission would be to escort the beauty Qiu Tong home.    


Qin Xiaobing arrived, he bought us a ticket to Kunming, at the same time, he was responsible for taking us to Hunfeng Airport.    


On the way, Qin told us that Lee Shun was protected by another youth gang and was able to safely leave the country after getting in touch with them. He is currently staying at the Baoshan International Hotel.    


"What else is he doing there?" Qiu Tong asked Qin.    


Qin did not say anything.    


After a while, Qin said that after he sends us off, he still has to return to Baoshan.    


The meaning behind his words was very clear. Qin had to return to Baoshan to work for Lee Shun, but Qin could not speak.    


Qiu Tong seemed to understand this logic and stopped asking Qin. I pondered for a long time, then suddenly remembered that Lee Shun told me to carefully observe the management process of the casino's operations, which made me suspicious. Could it be that Lee Shun staying in Baoshan is related to this?    


When we arrived at the airport, Qin wanted to say his goodbyes. Before we left, Qin said that after finishing this deal, he won't be going back to Myanmar anymore and will be settling down on the mainland from now on. Last night, his wife and children secretly moved to Baoshan, living with a friend.    


I asked why, Qin said that because of our matter, he was exposed, and someone was secretly looking for him to investigate.    


I told Qin that it's good if he isn't in Myanmar. You've already done your best for your classmates and comrades, and spent so many years with them. It's about time to go back home and live a few days in peace. This time, the huge sum of money from Lee Shun was enough for Qin to settle down in the mainland.    


I asked Qin if he still planned to go back to Zhong Hai's old home. Qin pondered for a long time, sighed, and said: "There's no one at home anymore, my parents are long gone. Look at my big family, what do I do when I go back? A woman can't speak Chinese yet... "In my opinion, I should just stay at the border. At the very least, I can get used to the water and the soil."    


I nodded and gave Qin a hug. Then, Qin said goodbye to us and drove away.    


Looking at Qin, who was gradually getting further and further away, I suddenly felt a little depressed in my heart. Great Thousand World, boundless sea of people, I don't know if I can see him again in the future!    


Qiu Tong and I flew to Kunming Witch Dam Airport to buy a plane ticket to Hsinghai. When we were told that the flight that day was over, we didn't have a plane ticket.    


I told Qiu Tong about this, and also said that I could fly to Quan Cheng or Qingdao, and then fly to Hsinghai.    


Hearing me mention Qingdao, Qiu Tong's eyelids suddenly jumped, and she immediately said: "I want to go to Qingdao — —"    


I was stunned and immediately understood Qiu Tong's intentions.    


The reason Qiu Tong was going to Qingdao was because Floating Dream's Guest was there.    


At that moment, I saw through Qiu Tong's real intention to go to Qingdao.    


Naturally, I couldn't say anything. I couldn't say anything, so I could only accompany her to the Qingdao to search for Great God Keke, who was in her fantasy world.    


On the plane to Qingdao, Qiu Tong sat by the window while I sat beside her. Qiu Tong rested her head on her hands as she kept her eyes on the window, looking at the endless accumulation of snow-white clouds that were moving across the sky like an endless snowy plain. Qiu Tong's eyes were filled with longing and excitement.    


I couldn't bear to look at Qiu Tong any longer, so I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the back of the chair. The events of the past few days flashed before my eyes like a movie …    


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