Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C130 Work

C130 Work

Cao Lee said unnaturally, "Of course it was made on the bed. I don't know how long it was made for … "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, what are you doing after you resign?"    


"Fun!" "No," I said.    


"Oh …" Shall I introduce you to a job? " Cao Lee said.    


"Thank you, no need. After the new year, I will look for her myself!" "No," I said.    


"You may not be able to find a suitable job by yourself, but I'll help you look for one. I can guarantee that you'll be satisfied with the comfortable working environment, that you won't be tired, and that your income will be higher!" Cao Lee said, "There are a lot of Operating Departments in the group management system. You can tell me where you want to go. I'll say hello to them. It definitely won't be a problem."    


Hearing Cao Lee's words, my heart stirred. "I want to go back to Issuing Company!"    


Cao Lee was startled, and looked at me with a little surprise. "There are so many Operating Unit in this group, why do you insist on returning them? Didn't you just resign not long ago?"    


I said, "After I quit, do I regret it again?"    


Cao Lee pondered for a moment, then revealed a troubled expression, "Let's go to another Operating Unit, don't go to Issuing Company, I will be fine with any other units, just don't go to Issuing Company."    


Cao Lee, as the vice director of the Group Management Office, presided over the Office of Management and Management, and walked very close to the group leader. Naturally, none of the people in charge of Operating Unit in the Group wanted to offend her, as she wanted to arrange a person for everyone, and everyone should be willing to buy into her account.    


However, Qiu Tong was the only one who might not give her face. Qiu Tong's personality was gentle, yet firm, seemingly docile, but inwardly stubborn. According to Cao Lee's understanding of Qiu Tong, a person who resigned would definitely not want it, could it be that this Issuing Company was opened by your family, and they can just come and go as they please?    


The reason why Cao Lee told me this was because she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Qiu Tong. It was as if she was afraid of Qiu Tong as well.    


I said, "I'm really not interested in the other units. I'm used to doing distribution, so I just want to go back to work. Sigh … Director Cao, since it's not easy to do, then don't make things difficult. I appreciate your kind intentions …" We'll talk about it in a year. "    


Cao Lee seemed to think that she had lost face in front of me, and gritted her teeth as she said: "If you really want to return to the Issuing Company, then that's fine, don't be anxious, first wait, later, there will be a chance. When I ask you to return to the Issuing Company in the future, you won't be an ordinary Publisher."    


I immediately understood Cao Lee's words. She meant that she would become the head of Issuing Company in the future and recruit me as a small boss then.    


Cao Lee had been peeping at the position of Issuing Company boss all along.    


I couldn't help but think about what Cao Lee would think when I appeared in Issuing Company later on, and how I would explain it to her.    


At this moment, I sensed that in the position of Issuing Company General Manager, the greatest threat to Qiu Tong was not Zhao Dajian, but Cao Lee.    


However, Zhao Dajian and Cao Lee couldn't be ignored when it came to the sabotage of Qiu Tong's work. There was also Lee Shun, whose position was shifting left and right. Of course, the most powerful one was Sun Dongkai.    


As a pervert leader with real power, Sun Dongkai had always wanted to get Qiu Tong. Many men had this kind of mentality. What they couldn't get was the best. The more they couldn't get, the more unwilling they would be to let go. In order to achieve his goals, Sun Dongkai would definitely use his power to impose all kinds of obstacles on Qiu Tong in the future.    


Of course, as a scheming leader, he might not personally take action. He might use the people under him to discipline Qiu Tong and then come out to be a good person to win Qiu Tong's favor. For example, he would use Zhao Dajian and Cao Lee's intentions of taking Qiu Tong's place to attack him.    


Of course, in his heart, he wouldn't necessarily think that Cao Lee and Zhao Dajian were more suitable to be the general manager than Qiu Tong. However, this was a public institution, not a private one. Most of the time, the public servants were not the only ones who used it. They were just trying to see who was obedient and who would curry favor with their leader.    


I could clearly feel the gloomy weather around Qiu Tong. It was overcast and murderous.    


This also strengthened my resolve to return to my Issuing Company to work.    


At this moment, Sun Dongkai came out. Cao Lee followed him to the car. Cao Lee and I were in a rush during our meeting. She didn't even have time to ask me what I was doing in the hospital.    


When Sun Dongkai walked past me, he looked at me arrogantly and disdainfully, as if he remembered me this time.    


After Sun Dongkai's car left, I left the hospital and went to the Fourth Brother bun shop at the entrance to buy buns.    


Fourth Brother was busying himself in the shop. When he saw me enter, he immediately recognized me and greeted, "Master, come. Come in quickly and sit down — —"    


I ordered a box of steamed buns, and Fourth Brother brought it over to me very quickly. He also brought me a bowl of porridge.    


While I was eating the buns, Fourth Brother stood in front of me and started to say something, but I understood why he did that. It was because of what I said before I left that night.    


Sure enough, after a while, Fourth Brother said: "Master, you said that I don't need the coat I prepared that night, what's going on? You... Have you ever seen the wandering old people and children? "    


I finished eating the bun, wiped my mouth, looked at Fourth Brother and nodded: "Fourth Brother, you are a good person, I respect you a lot. To tell you the truth, that old man has passed away, and that girl has been adopted by someone who was kind to her. "    


"Ah — —" Fourth Brother's face trembled, and then revealed a sad expression: "The Old Master passed away? It must have frozen to death, right? Where did you freeze to death? "    


And I said, "In the field... Yes, it was frozen to death, I just happened to meet it. That child was very lucky to have met someone with a good heart. Right now, he is living a peaceful and happy life. "    


Fourth Brother looked at me and nodded. His face showed a gratified expression again. Then he said, "Master, how do you know that they are the people I'm talking about?"    


I stood up and paid the bill. Then, I looked at Fourth Brother and said two words: "Instinct!"    


After saying that, I turned around and left.    


After walking a distance, I turned around and saw Fourth Brother still standing there in a daze. The expression on his face seemed to be deep in thought.    


Somehow, at this moment, I had a feeling that this meatloaf seller, Fourth Brother, seems to have a story. Of course, I don't know what the story is exactly at this moment.    


After returning to the ward, I looked for the doctor and the nurse, arranged the clouds, and arranged the related matters. I sat on the edge of the bed of the clouds, and said to the clouds, "Yun, I'm going to the Great Prairie with Qiu Tong to visit your parents. You might not be able to return this new year, so we'll take a look at your parents for you. We will bring back the New Year goods and bonuses given by the company and then Big Bro will come and accompany you. This year's Spring Festival, I won't go anywhere else, I'll just stay here with you and celebrate New Year with you. "    


By this time, I had already decided that I would not go home for the Spring Festival. I would spend the New Year with the clouds in the hospital ward, and at the time of the reunion, I would not abandon the clouds and leave her alone in the hospital.    


After talking to Yun Xiao, I turned on my computer to log in to QQ. I was a bit nervous and excited, I wanted to see how Floating Dream would reply to my words.    


However, she didn't reply to anything, and she wasn't online.    


I was a little confused. Qiu Tong didn't go online in her office just now? She clearly said that she was going to the office to send the QQ email. As long as she sent the email, she would definitely open the QQ. Naturally, she would definitely see my reply.    


Could it be that she purposely refused to reply after reading it? Or was there something in his mind that he didn't immediately say out loud?    


I let my imagination run wild for a while, but I couldn't figure out what Qiu Tong was thinking, so I shut down the computer.    


After sitting there for a while, I picked up the phone and called Qiu Tong's office.    


"Hello, Hsinghai and Issuing Company, I am Qiu Tong!" Qiu Tong's gentle voice came over the phone.    


"It's me, Boss Qiu!"    


"Yi Ke!" What's the matter? " Qiu Tong said, her voice calm.    


"I was wondering what items I would need to take to go to Yunduo Family, and how much money I would need to take with me!" "No," I said.    


I've already arranged for people to buy the things I brought with me to the supermarket. As for the money, there's still quite a bit left of the money I brought back from Myanmar last time. I think it should be 30 thousand.    


I agreed. "Yeah, sure!"    


"Anything else?" Qiu Tong asked me again.    


"Gone!" I said, "Are you busy?"    


"Yeah, I closed my QQ after sending the email. I was just about to go visit a few customers …" "Your call came just in time. I'll be out of the office soon." There was nothing out of the ordinary about Qiu Tong's voice.    


I was stunned, which meant that Floating Dream had already seen my reply. Could it be that my reply had no effect on her?    


When I finished my call with Qiu Tong, I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't come up with anything.    


In the afternoon, the weather became gloomy and the north wind gradually grew stronger. The strong cold currents mentioned in the weather forecast had begun to affect the Hsinghai, and the forecast said that there would be a snowstorm today.    


Since a snowstorm was about to break out at the Hsinghai area, it would definitely snow over at the Horqin Grasslands in the northwest.    


Around 4 am, heavy snow began to fall from the sky. Accompanying the howling wind, snow began to wreak havoc in every corner of the city.    


I flew through the wind and snow to the waiting room of the Hsinghai Station. Qiu Tong had arrived a long time ago.    


Standing beside Qiu Tong were Little Pig and Xue'er. Of course, they were here to see Qiu Tong off.    


Seeing me, Little Pig grinned and said to Snowy, "Little Snow, look, Big Brother is here!"    


Snowy giggled when she saw me. She pounced on me and let me hug her. Unbefuddled by Little Pig's incitement, she called out, "Hello, Uncle!"    


I picked up Snowy and said, "Be good, Snowy. Snowy is still the best. I don't want to listen to Big Sister Piggy's nonsense."    


Little Pig was stunned. His face pulled back and he stared at me. "Hey — — Brother, what are you talking about? How can you be so impudent, is there anyone who can speak to big sister like that? "    


Qiu Tong stood at the side with a dejected look, as though she was thinking about something. She didn't seem to hear what Little Pig and I were arguing about.    


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