Carefree Battle God

C386 Disgusting

C386 Disgusting

Seeing her slightly timid look, Chen Fusheng quickly smiled: "How could that be? You are Mingyue's sister, and that means you're my sister."    


"What you said earlier was completely different from them. Not only did you not have any intention of ridiculing them, you even advised me to pull myself together. "You mean well. How can I not be angry at you for not knowing what's good for me?"    


Wang Xiaohua smiled sweetly and felt relieved. She nodded and said, "That's good. I thought you didn't like it."    


The two of them walked on the road, the starlight shining on the concrete pavement. The weather was still cold, and the cold wind of the night was somewhat chilly. When the wind blew onto someone's body, they couldn't help but want to take care of their clothes.    


Chen Fusheng was afraid that Wang Xiaohua's weak body would be caught by the wind in the night, so he quickly took off his jacket and draped it over Wang Xiaohua's body.    


Wang Xiaohua was a little touched. She smiled sweetly at Chen Fusheng and said, "Thank you brother-in-law."    


Chen Fusheng merely shook his head with a smile and didn't say anything.    


Wang Xiaohua pursed her lips and suddenly said, "Brother-in-law, let me ask you a question. What do you think love is?"    


Chen Fusheng was stunned for a moment. This question wasn't strange at all, but it sounded a bit ambiguous when it came out of his sister-in-law's mouth.    


Therefore, he could only say in a joking tone, "Then let me give you an example."    


"For example, even though I don't have money or a job, your sister still chose to be with me unflinchingly. This is called love."    


Wang Xiaohua nodded as if she didn't quite understand his words. "Then, Brother-in-law, what do you think about kinship?" she asked again.    


Chen Fusheng glanced at her and said with a smile, "This question is much easier to answer."    


"If one day you fall in love with a man like me who likes to eat soft food, your mother will definitely stop you from being together. That would be kinship."    


Wang Xiaohua thought about it carefully before laughing out loud. "Brother-in-law, I've discovered that you're different from other men. Your way of thinking is too unique. It's so enjoyable to chat with you."    


Chen Fusheng could only smile and didn't say anything more.    


Wang Xiaohua was silent for a moment. Then, as if she had thought of something, she mustered up her courage and said, "Brother-in-law, tomorrow our school will organize an art exhibition. Are you willing to participate with me?"    


Chen Fusheng was stunned for a moment. Hearing the word 'art exhibition', a beautiful figure flashed in his mind.    


When he first met Ouyang Shuang, the first place he went to participate in was a private painting exhibition of Qingzhou.    


At that time, Ouyang Shuang still treated him like a cold and aloof lady. She treated him coldly and didn't put him in her eyes at all.    


However, Chen Fusheng couldn't remember since when Ouyang Shuang had changed and treated him so warmly and considerately. Although he would occasionally play with her temper, he was already like a completely different person when compared to the start.    


It had been such a long time since they last met. How was the little girl now?    


"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, what are you staring at?"    


Wang Xiaohua saw that Chen Fusheng didn't answer his question and just stared at a distant place in a daze. She couldn't help but give him a nudge and said in a slightly disappointed tone, "You don't want to come with me?"    


Chen Fusheng came back to his senses and quickly replied with a smile, "No, no, you misunderstood me."    


"Just now when I heard you mention the art exhibition, I suddenly thought of a friend, so I was stunned for a moment. I will accompany you to your school's art exhibition tomorrow. It will also be a good opportunity for you to train your literary and artistic skills. "    


Wang Xiaohua nodded and said in a voice softer than a mosquito, "Then it's a deal. I'll be waiting for you at the school gate tomorrow at 10 o'clock. We'll see each other again!"    


Chen Fusheng nodded. "No problem."    


On the morning of the second day, after Chen Fusheng finished his breakfast, he promptly took a taxi to Qingzhou University.    


As soon as he arrived, he saw Wang Xiaohua already waiting at the door. After he noticed Chen Fusheng, he quickly waved at him: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law here!"    


Wang Xiaohua seemed to have purposely dressed up for the day. She wore a pink school hat with a blue uniform on top. Beneath that was a pair of jeans with a cut up body. It looked very pure and cute.    


Especially when she smiled, her small eyes curved into the shape of crescent moons. In the morning sunlight, she looked like a nimble angel.    


Chen Fusheng quickly crossed the road and trotted to her side. He smiled and said, "Xiao Hua, sorry to keep you waiting!"    


Wang Xiaohua shook her head and said with a smile, "Not really. I just finished class and have just arrived at the door."    


Chen Fusheng asked, "When does the exhibition start? Are we going there now?"    


Wang Xiaohua shook her head and said, "The exhibition room doesn't open until 11 PM. We still can't enter now."    


Chen Fusheng nodded and looked around. He suddenly felt thirsty and said with a smile, "Then I'll treat you to a meal of ice cream. We can find a place to rest for a while."    


Not far away, there was a business district. In the lobby of the first floor, there was an ice cream shop called Hagen Das.    


Chen Fusheng pointed at Hagan Das and said, "Let's go there. I'll treat you to a meal of Hagan Das."    


Wang Xiaohua shook her head in a hurry and said as if she was shocked, "No need, that kind of ice cream is too expensive. It's too extravagant for a small thing like that to cost forty to fifty dollars." Besides, you don't have a job yet, so we don't need to eat such expensive food. "    


Chen Fusheng smiled helplessly. Originally, he wanted to tell this little girl that he wasn't lacking in money to eat Hagan Das, but it was rare for her to be so sensible. He could only say: "Then what do you want to eat?"    


Wang Xiaohua pointed at the ice sand stall on the side of the road and said with a smile, "Let's go eat the ice sand. I'll treat you." That stall has quite a good taste of frozen sand, and it can be bought in a large bowl for three yuan. It's very affordable. "    


Chen Fusheng smiled: "Alright then, I'll listen to you today."    


Wang Xiaohua nodded. Then, she brought Chen Fusheng to the ice sand stall and bought a bowl of strawberry and mango flavors. She used her cell phone to scan the code to pay for them.    


The two of them sat under the umbrella and chatted. Not long after, the boss came back with the ice sand. Wang Xiaohua quickly took it and asked the boss for two spoons. After carefully wiping them clean, she handed them over to Chen Fusheng.    


During this entire process, many students of the Qingzhou University passed by. Looking at the two of them, they had expressions of despise and disdain.    


Those who were able to study at Qingzhou University were basically all from wealthy families. These kinds of roadside stalls were not something they would even touch. As for the people who were eating at the roadside stalls, they naturally looked down on them.    


Facing these contemptuous gazes, Wang Xiaohua's expression remained calm. She did not have the slightest bit of inferiority. She continued to eat the frozen sand in her bowl, seemingly very happy.    


She smiled sweetly at Chen Fusheng and said, "Brother-in-law, is the ice sand in this house delicious?"    


Chen Fusheng nodded and said, "Really? The taste is quite good."    


Just as he finished speaking, a familiar yet annoying voice sounded from behind them.    


"Aiyo, let me see who this is!" "He's actually willing to eat three dollars a bowl of ice sand at a roadside stall. Isn't this way, he's way too rich?"    


Chen Fusheng turned around with a frown and found a man and a woman standing behind him. The man was dressed in a suit and the woman was also dressed like a city beauty.    


However, the two of them had arrogant expressions on their faces. It turned out to be Zhou Hao and Liu Jiaojiao.    


Wang Xiaohua didn't expect to run into the two of them here. When she heard their tones, she instantly became extremely confused. However, they were all relatives, especially when she was young. It was not good for her to flare up on the surface.    


She could only stand up and say, "Cousin, Cousin."    


Chen Fusheng, on the other hand, did not have much to worry about. He simply treated the two of them like air, lowered his head and started to eat the frozen sand in his bowl, completely disregarding them.    


Liu Jiaojiao giggled and said, "Hubby, I've told you before, some people have swollen faces and are still fat. They might have already sold their houses."    


"Do you understand now? To be able to stand out in front of others and end up behind the scenes, you can only eat a roadside stall that costs a few dollars, yet you can still eat junk food with relish. What a pitiful person! "    


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