Tranxending Vision

C13 The female Director could act coquettishly

C13 The female Director could act coquettishly

Sizzle, sizzle...    


With experience, this time Xia Lei welding the key was even faster than the previous time. He finished the welding in less than five minutes, and it was even better than before.    


The suited man excitedly grabbed the still hot iron key with a red cloth and observed the weld and lines. Then he said to the woman beside him, "Give him six thousand, let's go."    


Without saying a word, the sexy girl ordered six thousand yuan from her purse for Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei handed the money over to Old Man Jiang, but Old Man Jiang quickly waved his hands, "No no no no, young man, how can I take this money? If I took it, there would be no room for my old face. You earned this money. You can keep it. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I'll stay."    


While the two of them were talking, the man in the suit and the sexy lady had already left. They didn't even say any superfluous words.    


"How secretive, I wonder what they are for." Old Man Jiang mumbled to himself.    


Xia Lei was actually very curious in his heart, and he said to himself: "Then, the key is probably hundreds of years old, right? Why was it broken? "Why would these two come to this remote place to find a welder?"    


"Young man, let's continue." Old Man Jiang said.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Mn, then let me know how much you want to bid for it."    


Old Man Jiang said, "I was originally planning to sell it for 110,000 yuan, but as you can see, these equipment, the port, and a two-year rent are all quite fair." However, from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely admire you. I've been in this business all my life, but I've never seen anyone as skilled as you. It was a kind of fate that I gave you this store, which has been with me for the rest of my life. "How about this, you just give me 105,000 yuan."    


"Deal, thank you, sir." Xia Lei was also very straightforward.    


By the time he finished all the procedures, the sky was about to turn dark, so Xia Lei called Ma Xiaoan over. When he told Ma Xiaoan about this, Ma Xiaoan was immediately stunned.    


"My god, where did you get so much money? To be able to buy this shop all of a sudden, isn't that a bit too sudden? " Ma Xiaoan's expression was very exaggerated.    


"Don't worry about the money. I'm just asking if you're interested in doing it with me." Xia Lei said.    


"Of course I do. I've been wherever you've been for the past few years. We've always been together, so it would be better if I went to work for someone else." Ma Xiaoan said happily.    


"Then we'll work together. Since you won't work for me, we'll split the profits equally." Xia Lei said.    


"That won't do, this shop is yours, how can I split it with you? Your biological brother knows how to calculate, how about this, if you earn more then give me more points, if you earn less then give me less points, if you lose money, then I don't want your money. " Ma Xiaoan said.    


"You, kid. Alright, it's a deal. I'll go back and add some equipment, then simply decorate the store and it can be opened. " Xia Lei said with a smile.    


"Have you decided on the name of the restaurant?" Ma Xiaoan asked.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "En, my surname is Lei, your surname is Ma, I will call you Lightning Horse Studio."    


"Not good." Ma Xiaoan said.    


"You have something better?" Xia Lei looked at Ma Xiaoan curiously.    


Ma Xiaoan laughed and said: "Your surname is Lei, and my future sister-in-law is Jiang. You should be called Lei Jiang Workshop."    


"Fuck you!" Xia Lei slapped his palm across, but Ma Xiaoan dodged it long ago.    


Both of them were very happy to have their own studio. It was like someone who had been wandering around for a long time suddenly having a home.    


The two of them cleaned up the store, then cleaned up the place. It wasn't until Xia Xue called them to hurry the two of them up for dinner that they rode back on their worn-out Qian Jiang 125 motorcycle.    


That night, Xia Lei ordered a few equipment and tools on the Internet, and spent tens of thousands more. The money he had won in Macau was more or less spent here. Now that the money was gone, his heart was even more at ease. With his own studio, not to mention earning a lot of money, his job and income would definitely be more stable than before. More importantly, with his left eye's ability, as long as he made a name for himself in this business, he might really be able to accomplish something big!    


That night, Xia Lei slept soundly. He dreamt of Jiang Ruyi, and then of Long Bing ?    


The next morning, Xia Lei casually ate some porridge and went out. Just as he reached the foot of the stairs, he met Jiang Ruyi who was walking upstairs with her head lowered. If he did not move aside voluntarily, Jiang Ruyi would have knocked him in the arms.    


"Ru Yi, what happened to you? You look like you lost your soul so early in the morning? " Xia Lei said.    


"Aiyo, I was just about to come to your house to look for you." When Jiang Ruyi saw Xia Lei, his face immediately revealed a smile.    


"Don't smile at me, it's not good if you smile at me." Xia Lei said: "I'll make it clear to you right now, I don't have time to accompany you shopping and buying clothes today. If you really need someone to accompany you, I'll ask Xiao Xue to accompany you."    


"What else are you going to buy?" "Even if you give me the dragon robe, I won't be happy." Jiang Ruyi frowned again.    


"What happened?"    


Jiang Ruyi said quickly: "Didn't I receive a call to go to the scene of the crime after lunch with you yesterday? "There's a tricky case, and they've given us a death order. They're going to let us solve the case in a week, or else they're going to remove me, the director."    


"What case?" "It's not that serious, is it?"    


"How is it not serious? Professor Zhang Po Qing from Hai Zhu's archaeological field was killed by someone at home two days ago. Yesterday, her body was found when the maid came back from the old home. The killer's technique is very experienced, there were no traces left behind at all. Even the terminal of the monitor was taken away, and we don't have any leads to solving the crime. " Jiang Ruyi said with a sullen face, "Lei, what do you think I should do?"    


"This matter is indeed very troublesome, but I am unable to help you." Xia Lei said.    


"Who said you can't help? I just came to ask for your help. "    


Xia Lei was surprised: "Me? "I'm not a cop, I'm not a private detective. How can I help you?"    


Jiang Ruyi said: "Didn't you know a woman of great background? "The woman who pointed a gun at Li Qinghua's head last time. I thought last night that since she was so powerful and had a great background, she would definitely be able to help me through this crisis."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Lei Zi, just help me out. You can't bear to see me being the bureau chief for only a week, right?" Jiang Ruyi held Xia Lei's hand and shook it gently, looking like she was acting coquettishly.    


Xia Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm really not close with her, he wouldn't help me like this right?" After saying that, he suddenly thought of something, "Wait, you just said that you lost an artifact. What artifact did you lose?"    


"It's a key."    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat and he asked anxiously: "What key?"    


"It looks like an iron key. It's been here for hundreds of years." Jiang Ruyi stared straight at Xia Lei, "Why are you asking this?"    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "I just happened to see that key."    


Jiang Ruyi said in shock: "You've seen the key before? How is that possible? "    


Xia Lei told his what happened yesterday afternoon.    


"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Follow me!" Jiang Ruyi pulled Xia Lei and walked towards the car park.    


"Where are you taking me?"    


Jiang Ruyi said excitedly: "Come with me to the police station. I have the photo of the key in my office, as well as some information on it that Professor Zhang studied. The most important thing is that you give me a description of those two people, and I'll draw them. "    


Xia Lei secretly sighed in his heart. He had originally planned to go to his workshop, but now it seemed that he wouldn't be able to go.    


Half an hour later, Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi arrived at the Northern Arch Region's police station. Once he entered the police station, Xia Lei saw that all the police officers were looking at him and Jiang Ruyi, many of them had expressions of schadenfreude. These people seemed to be waiting for Jiang Ruyi's joke. If Jiang Ruyi was removed from her position as director in a week, it would be enough for them to make fun of him for a while.    


"Hurry up, I hate these guys." Jiang Ruyi urged Xia Lei on in a low voice.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "You are the bureau chief, and are their superior. How can a superior be afraid of a subordinate? You should have some dignity. "    


"Let's first get through this first before talking about any awe-inspiring questions." Jiang Ruyi pushed Xia Lei's shoulders and walked forward, not minding in the slightest the strange gazes from his colleagues in the police station.    


Entering the office, Jiang Ruyi took out a document bag and handed it over to Xia Lei.    


There were a few photographs in the folder. There were pictures of the body, photos of the scene, and a photo of a key.    


Seeing the key on the photo, Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


The key in the photo was the one he had welded together yesterday. The length, color, and stripes of the two keys were exactly the same!    


In his mind, he saw the man in the suit and the girl with the sexual feelings. Their clothes, height, faces, eyes, and so on appeared one by one in his mind. The feeling he gave others was as if he had returned to yesterday afternoon's time and had personally witnessed the two of them in Old Man Jiang's store!    


"What's going on? How could I remember it so clearly? It's just like looking at the photos of the two of them. Even with their outstanding memory, they shouldn't be able to reach such a level, right? " Xia Lei was shocked.    


Jiang Ruyi stared straight at Xia Lei, "What did you think of?"    


However, Xia Lei acted as if he did not hear her voice, and closed his eyes to recall the pattern of the iron key he had welded. Following that, the image of the cast iron key appeared in his mind. Those complicated lines appeared clearly in his mind, and every detail was very clear. It was as if he was looking at the photo of the key with his own eyes!    


Half a minute later, Xia Lei opened his eyes and looked at the photo of the key. The pattern of the key that he recalled earlier was exactly the same as the pattern of the key in the photo. In that memory, he had almost forgotten all the details!    


Xia Lei suddenly understood that this was not a memory at all. It was more like his left eye stored up all the images he had seen before. As long as he recalled a particular image, his left eye would provide an image that was as clear as a photo.    


Inadvertently, he discovered a new ability in his left eye ? photographic memory!    


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