Magic Little Rural Doctor

C204 Vegetarian Cat

C204 Vegetarian Cat

That afternoon, Qian Tong ate and drank to his heart's content before leaving Phoenix Village. After he left, the construction of the greenhouse officially began.    


Perhaps because the food and lodging provided by Chen Long's family was too good, the workers were in high spirits and their efficiency was quite high. In just a few days, the whole greenhouse had already taken shape.    


However, everyone else was busy with their work, so Chen Long had nothing to do. He trained at home all day and sometimes he would even go for a stroll in the mountains. In any case, he couldn't see anyone all day.    


It had to be said that the spiritual energy inside the mountain was much richer than outside. Chen Long instantly liked the feeling of cultivating inside the mountain. He even wanted to build a house inside the mountain!    


Later on, this idea became more and more intense. In the end, he hardened his heart and secretly decided that in the future, he would take down Phoenix Mountain and build a villa here!    


This morning, Chen Long finished his routine training and was about to go home to eat dinner when he found a cat under his feet, meowing against his pants.    


This cat was completely white, its hair short and thick, smooth as silk. One of its pupils was an icy blue, and the other was as black as ink. It was actually a purebred Persian cat!    


While cultivating, Chen Long should be at the place with the highest concentration of spiritual energy. Many of the animals in the mountain were attracted by the spiritual energy in the air and could not help but come closer, but after Chen Long finished cultivating, they would all leave vigilantly.    


"I never thought that there would be such a domesticated cat in the mountains!"    


Chen Long picked up the cat with one hand and looked at it in surprise. He was not surprised that the cat would come over. What he could not understand was why the cat did not leave!    


He put the cat back on the ground. The cat still surrounded Chen Long as if it had no intention of leaving. Chen Long could only shake his head and smile. "Forget it, little thing. You're smart. In that case, come home with me!"    


With that, Chen Long started to walk towards the village. The white cat quickly followed, moving its four snow-white legs, looking very pretty.    


Chen Long walked very fast. When he looked back, he saw that the white cat could keep up with him. He could not help but increase his speed. He did not expect the white cat to follow him and increase its speed.    


"This cat is weird!"    


Chen Long's heart moved. He knew his own speed. The speed at which he erupted was not something that an ordinary person could keep up with. Even a world-class athlete would not be able to catch up to him!    


Now, a cat had caught up to him and was not one step behind!    


However, a person and a cat soon appeared in front of Chen Long's house. After all, the journey was not that far and the speed was even faster. It was much shorter than usual.    


"Not bad, not bad!"    


Chen Long laughed as he held the white cat in his arms. Actually, there was nothing strange about this. A cat that lived in the mountains, if it wasn't something extraordinary, it would have died a long time ago!    


Since he was able to meet her, then it must be fate. If she wanted to follow him, then so be it!    


Thinking of this, Chen Long pushed the door open and walked in. When he entered the door, he found that the house was quite lively. Besides his parents, Chen Ke Er was actually also here, but Bai Sha wasn't.    


"Ke Er, why are you here?" Chen Long asked.    


Chen Ke Er was helping Li Mei, and she snorted coldly without looking back, "What happened to me here? "You don't like it?"    


"How could that be!?" "Of course you're welcome!"    


Chen Long smiled in embarrassment. Ever since the last time he had teased her in the room, she had never felt good towards him. He did not know when she would stop.    


However, when he saw the white cat in his hands, his eyes lit up. He quickly smoothed out the fur on the white cat and put it into his arms. He smiled and said, "Ke'er, quickly take a look at what present I've brought you!"    


A gift?    


Chen Ke Er was slightly bewildered in her heart. This was only a New Year event, why would he give her a present? Or was it that he was … You want to propose to me?    


Thinking up to here, a scene like this appeared in Chen Long's heart. He knelt on one knee and held a ring in his hand. He looked at her affectionately and said …    


"Ke Er?"    




Chen Ke Er turned around in anticipation, but she only saw a furry thing in front of her that was instantly frightened and couldn't help but scream out.    




"What is this?!"    


Seeing Chen Ke Er's mad appearance, Chen Long hurriedly explained, "Ke Er, this is a cat! I remember you liked raising cats when you were young!"    




Only then did Chen Ke Er open her eyes. She noticed that Chen Long was indeed hugging a snow-white kitten, so she immediately tossed everything to the back of her mind. She snatched the kitten from Chen Long's bosom and said in pleasant surprise, "This kitten is so cute!"    


"Hehe, it's coming back with me from the mountain, I'll give it to you as a gift!" Chen Long smiled as he spoke, his face was filled with a gallant smile. However, what he said was the truth.    




"Of course it's true!"    


Seeing Chen Long's serious expression, Chen Ke Er was pleasantly surprised. She hugged the cat and tiptoed to kiss Chen Long on the cheek. After kissing him, she felt very embarrassed, and her face blushed as she squatted on the floor and stroked the white cat.    


"Ke Er, aren't you angry anymore?" Chen Long said carefully, "I'm sorry, I was in the wrong the last time. I won't tease you again!"    


"Well, I'm not mad at you!"    


Chen Long gave her a present, then apologized in a low voice. The little temper she had in her heart naturally vanished.    


Thinking about what his mother had taught him, about how to tie a man's heart to his stomach, about how to do nothing, about how to bolt his kidney, about how Chen Long was a good man, about how to make the first move, and so on, Chen Ke Er felt her face go hot.    


"Time to eat!"    


"Sigh, I know!"    


Chen Long replied, then looked at Chen Ke Er and said, "Ke Er, let's go eat, shall we?"    




Seeing Chen Ke Er nod, Chen Long held her hand and walked towards the place where they were eating. The white cat naturally followed behind the two of them.    


Seeing Chen Long pulling Chen Ke Er in, Li Mei and Chen Zishan looked at each other and saw the understanding and smile in each other's eyes. Li Mei hurriedly stood up and said, "Xiaolong, Ke'er, come and eat!"    




Chen Long pulled Chen Ke Er's butt and sat down. He grabbed his chopsticks and was about to eat, but he was stopped by Li Mei. She asked, "Did you wash your hands?!"    




Chen Long pursed his lips. He was just playing with the cat just now. He and Chen Ke Er both washed their hands together, and they put their small white hands on their palms and rubbed them together. This was too refreshing!    


"Eh? Why is there a cat here? " Chen Zishan asked curiously when he saw the white cat.    


Chen Long swallowed the food in his mouth and explained, "I gave this to Ke'er. This kitten was following me on the mountain this morning, so I had no choice but to bring it home!"    


"This cat is pretty good-looking!"    


Li Mei's eyes lit up when she saw the white cat. Women really had no resistance against cute little things. She handed a steamed bun to the white cat and said, "Eat something?"    




The white cat took a sniff and turned its head away, ignoring him and putting on a proud and pampered look.    


"Heh, he actually doesn't eat steamed buns, could it be that he only eats meat?" Li Mei said somewhat angrily. There was no other way around this, even though she was rich now, her habit of working hard and saving for so many years couldn't be changed in a short time.    


"Why don't we just eat some food!"    


Chen Long laughed as he took out a stack of vegetables and handed it over. He didn't expect to be stared at by the eyes of everyone at the table. Whose cat ate the vegetables!?    


However, in the next moment, they were all petrified on the spot!    


That's right. When the white cat saw the vegetables on Chen Long's chopsticks, its eyes immediately widened. It whimpered and pounced on Chen Long, taking a bite and swallowing it down in two to three bites. It then looked pitifully at Chen Long.    


"Meow …"    


Hearing the cries of the white cat, Chen Long immediately laughed heartily. "Haha, not bad, not bad at all. You're really impressive. Our cat loves to eat vegetables!"    


With this, after Chen Long's demonstration, a small pile of vegetables appeared in front of the white cat. It let out a cry of joy and began to gobble down the food.    


After the meal, Chen Ke Er picked up the white cat and went out for a stroll. It was so beautiful that it could be eaten by a cat. This caused Chen Long to be unable to refrain from cursing in his heart, "Carry the cat, how can you eat it …"    


A white cat pulled the two of them together again. Chen Long went out of the construction site with a smile on his face. He wanted to see what was going on.    


The construction site was bustling with activity. Everyone was working hard, not a single one of them being lazy. There were many places where a stand had been set up. Chen Long was very happy to see a greenhouse like appearance!    


"It'll be ready soon!"    


Just as he was sighing emotionally, he saw Chen Ke Er hurrying over with the white cat in her arms. She looked at Chen Long with slight embarrassment and said, "Xiaolong, let me tell you something. Let's talk about it in advance. You can't be angry!"    


"What is it? Say it, I'm not angry! "    


Although Chen Long had some doubts, he still agreed without hesitation. In any case, their relationship was already decided, so it shouldn't be a big deal.    


"Then I'll say it!"    


Chen Ke Er glanced at Chen Long worriedly before explaining, "You know I took Little White for a walk earlier, right …"    


"I know. Didn't you say that you went to eat something?" Chen Long said with a smile.    


"Yeah, you also know that it likes to eat vegetables, right? "Entering the garden seems like he's gone mad. He ate quite a few of those things …" Chen Ke Er said, full of guilt.    


"I ate quite a bit. How much was it?" Feeling that something was wrong, Chen Long could not help but ask.    


"There isn't much left …"    


"Fuck, this little bastard!" "Your cat eats so much vegetables, don't you feel embarrassed?!"    


Chen Long was instantly enraged!    


That small garden was made from his own property, and all the vegetables inside were grown and eaten by his own home. He even set up a small double-element Spiritual Concentration Formation. He never thought that a cat would be able to eat it …    


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