Magic Little Rural Doctor

C178 Home City Storm

C178 Home City Storm

"Hehe, Brother Zhou, don't laugh at me!"    


Chen Long smiled bitterly. He had spent 43.5 million for 50 million, leaving him with 60.5 million. Although it was not a small amount, but compared to before, it had shrunk a lot. This made Chen Long feel as if he had become a pauper!    


"Brother Chen, actually, your price is quite high. You can go and get rid of some fees!" Zhou Guoping drank a mouthful of tea and said.    


Chen Long waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhou, you don't need to lower the price for me anymore. I can't let you make a loss, can I?"    


"No, no, no. This is in line with the company's rules!" Zhou Guoping shook his head, "According to our company's rules, paying all the money in one go is worth a 5% reduction. In addition, you are a supreme customer, so on this basis, you are worth a 5% reduction!"    


"So that's how it is!"    


Chen Long was suddenly enlightened. He quickly smiled and said, "This is only a 20% discount. If that's the case, then I'll do as you say!"    


"That's right, just like that!"    


Su An Xia took over the conversation. He smiled and continued, "You paid 43.5 million in one go, so the 10% discount is 39.15 million. I will arrange for the staff to transfer the 4.35 million yuan back to your account!"    


"Many thanks!"    


Chen Long nodded and bluntly agreed. There was no helping it, he was in need of money right now. Whether it was the follow-up maintenance of the greenhouse or the resources for his cultivation, this was a bottomless pit!    


However, life still had to continue. After that, Chen Long and Chen Ke Er looked at each other before standing up and saying, "Big Brother Zhou, after this matter is resolved, I won't disturb you any longer. I'll be leaving first!"    


"You're leaving just like that?"    


Zhou Guoping was startled and quickly said, "That won't do, your elder brother hasn't invited you to dinner yet!"    


"Big Bro Zhou, I'm really sorry. Ke'er and I still have other things to do. Next time, I'll treat you to a meal!" Chen Long said apologetically.    


"That's what you said!"    


"Don't worry, I'll definitely remember this!"    


Chen Long and Zhou Guoping exchanged a few more pleasantries before leaving the Jade Cauldron Group. Zhou Guoping looked in the direction that Chen Long had left with a look of appreciation on his face.    


Then, as if he didn't care at all, he said, "Little Su, keep an eye on that brat Xie Kun for me. Don't let him cause any trouble, or else even I won't be able to save him!"    


"Yes, Uncle Zhou!"    


Su An Xia was surprised for a moment, but then nodded her head. In her heart, she was shocked. Even Zhou Guoping couldn't do anything about it. What kind of person was Chen Long?    


After seeing Chen Long and Chen Ke Er driving away from the Jade Cauldron Group, the group of people started moving …    


Chen Ke Er sat in the front seat and sized up Chen Long as if he was a stranger.    


To tell the truth, Chen Long's performance over this long period of time was just like that of another person. He was resourceful and powerful, and when he faced Zhou Guiping, he was incomparably nervous.    


At this moment, Chen Long noticed Chen Ke Er staring blankly at him and couldn't help but laugh. "I say, Ke Er, I know I'm very handsome, but you don't have to look at me like that, right?"    




Chen Ke Er subconsciously looked into Chen Long's eyes, and when she saw those black eyes, she instantly became nervous. She couldn't help but say, "I've seen narcissists before, but I've never seen one so narcissistic!"    


"Ha ha!"    


Chen Long chuckled. He didn't seem to mind and turned around to continue driving.    


"Where are we going?"    


She was afraid that Chen Long would say that he was tired. Let's go find a place to rest, and at that time, how would she reject him?    


Chen Long didn't notice Chen Ke Er's little thoughts, so he replied, "Big Sister Bai Sha and I discussed it a bit and then bought some furniture to use as an office!"    


"That's great. I have a friend who's the manager of IKEA. Let's go there now!" Chen Ke Er's heart jerked as she hurriedly said.    


"Heh, alright. Ke Er's wife is really resourceful!"    


Chen Long laughed mischievously as he stretched out his hand, intending to pull Chen Ke Er's hand, but Chen Ke had long since expected him to do so, so she slapped him back.    


"Drive well!"    




The two of them drove directly to the Yi family's home city. As they walked, Chen Long was dazzled by the variety of furniture. He didn't know which one to choose.    


Suddenly, Chen Ke Er made a call. She told Chen Long to go take a look first and then went to the side to make a call.    


Chen Long was bored to death. He looked around, but couldn't find anything good. Coincidentally, there were two shop assistants chatting on the other side. Chen Long walked over.    


"Miss, can you introduce your family's products to me?" Chen Long said politely.    


Who knew that the clerk among them would roll her eyes at Chen Long and say, "What is there to introduce? In any case, I can't afford it with your poor appearance. If you want to find a suitable one, you should go to the second-hand market nearby and take a look. The things there are more suitable for poor people like you! "    


"That's right, that's right. Our Yi family's home city is a huge international brand. A country bumpkin like you can't afford it. Introducing you would be a waste of your breath!"    


With that, the two shop assistants looked at Chen Long's ashen face proudly and laughed.    


Chen Long said angrily, "What's with your attitude? Is this how you treat your customers? Where's your manager? I want to file a complaint against you all! "    


"Complaint us? You're still looking for our manager? Save it, how could our manager possibly meet with a bumpkin like you! "    


Chen Long rolled up his sleeves and angrily said, "What kind of attitude is this? They are simply looking down on us with their dog eyes! "    


The clerk, who looked older, sneered and shouted, "Yo? What is it? You still want to hit me? The security guards are here to cause trouble! Hurry up and chase him out! "    


Immediately, a few big and tall security guards walked over. One of them pointed at Chen Long and said, "Hurry up and f * ck off, this isn't a place that people like you can come to. If you dare to behave atrociously here, I'll kill you!"    


"I'm not leaving today. Call your manager out. I have to ask him, is this how you treat your customers?"    


With Chen Long's temper, he really didn't want to leave!    


"Brat, I see that you are refusing a toast. Brothers, kick him out!"    


One of them stretched out his hand to hold Chen Long down, intending to throw him out.    


How could Chen Long let him succeed? With a flash, Chen Long appeared behind him and lightly pushed him, causing him to fall flat on his face.    


The security guard turned angry from embarrassment and shouted, "Hit him!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the rest of the people immediately took out their glue sticks and rushed forward.    


Chen Long sneered. How could he be afraid? The reason he did not make a move earlier was just because they were ordinary people. However, since they were looking to be beaten up, then he would not be polite!    


Chen Long did not show any signs of weakness as he rushed up and directly started fighting with them. He kicked over one of them and slammed his fist down onto the ground. Soon, only Chen Long and those two female shop assistants were left on the field.    


Chen Long pointed at the two of them and said, "You have to thank your mother for turning you into girls. Otherwise, you two would have to lie on the ground!"    


Just as Chen Long finished his sentence, a woman ran over and shouted, "All of you, stop! "What's going on?"    


When they saw the woman who came over and saw her, it was as if they had seen her lifesaving straw. They cried out: "Manager Wu, you have to help us ah, this poor bastard is not only unreasonable, but also beat people up. Hurry and arrest him!"    


The person who came over was the manager of Yi family's home city. That Manager Wu had a gloomy face as he stared at Chen Long and said, "Mister, aren't you going too far? "How can you hit someone?"    


Chen Long didn't bother to explain and said with a sneer, "Hmph, what's going on? You can check the cameras yourself? See if the two of them are talking like that! "    


Right at this moment, Chen Ke Er finished her call and walked over. When she saw everyone here, she was slightly shocked and asked, "Xiaolong, what's going on?"    


Chen Long was in a bad mood and said, "What else could it be? These people look down on us, it's one thing for them not to introduce us, but they even said that they wanted to hurt us. Not only did they want to hurt us with their words, I am only defending myself! "    


Manager Wu had been staring blankly at Chen Ke Er the entire time. His gaze flickered before he carefully called out, "Ke Er, is that you?"    


Only now did Chen Ke Er notice that there was another person at her side. She looked over and said in pleasant surprise, "Wen Jing, I just called you, but no one answered!"    


"I didn't bring my phone. Sorry about that!"    


Wu Wenjing pulled Chen Ke Er's hand and couldn't help but sigh. "Ke Er, I didn't expect it would really be you. After so many years since graduation, you've become even more beautiful!"    


"No, no. Wen Jing, you've also become a beauty!" Chen Ke Er replied with a smile.    


When the two clerk next to him saw that their manager actually knew this person, they immediately felt that something was wrong.    


"Wen Jing, then what is going on?" Chen Ke Er asked.    


Wu Wenjing looked at the two shop assistants beside her who did not dare to make a sound, and guessed that the truth was probably as Chen Long had said. She said coldly, "I'll personally go and transfer the footage to them. From now on, the two of you are suspended from duty. Just wait in my office for the results!"    


The two shop assistants were instantly stupefied. With pale faces, they left for Wu Wenjing's office to be criticized and dealt with.    


Wu Wenjing turned around and said to Chen Long, "Sir, I'm really sorry. How about I introduce him to you personally?"    


Chen Long knew that Wu Wenjing and Chen Ke Er were classmates, and they even seemed so courteous, so he felt embarrassed to put on a tantrum. He smiled and said, "Then I'll be troubling Manager Wu!"    


When Wu Wenjing saw Chen Ke Er and Chen Long standing together, she smiled and said, "You and Ke Er are friends, so you're naturally my friend. Don't call me Manager Wu, just call me Wen Jing!"    


Then he winked at Chen Ke Er and said, "He's your boyfriend, right? He's actually so amazing! Even so many security guards can't beat him!"    


When Chen Ke Er heard this, she instantly blushed and scolded with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and do your job!"    




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