Magic Little Rural Doctor

C228 Sweep Ghost Market

C228 Sweep Ghost Market

At three o'clock in the morning, the night was as dark as ink. There was no moon in the sky, and not even a few stars could be seen. At three o'clock in the morning, the night was as dark as ink, and there was no moon in the sky.    




The door of a shop quietly opened, and three cloaked figures quietly walked out. They were none other than Chen Long, Hu Yue, and Qin Jianfeng.    




Qin Jianfeng sneezed and wrapped the cloak tightly around his body. He wanted to preserve the remaining temperature and cursed, "What the f * ck! It's so cold!"    


"Old Qin, you shouldn't be feeling well anymore, right? Let's hurry up and go back!" Hu Yue teased, "What if something happens to you when you're frozen? Aren't you going to cause me trouble?"    


"Scram, Old Hu, you're shaking like a sieve. You're not much stronger, you still have the nerve to say that about me!" Qin Jianfeng retorted indignantly.    


"That's enough, can the two of you calm down for a while …"    


Chen Long looked at the two of them speechlessly, then asked, "Didn't you say that the Ghost Market is here? Putting aside the human shadow, why can't I see a single ghost? "    


"Don't be in such a hurry!"    


Hu Yue rolled her eyes, but no one could see her from under the big cloak.    


Spring City's antique market is one of the largest in the country. The Ghost Market is not on this street.    


"That's right!"    


Qin Jianfeng nodded and for once, stood with Hu Yue on the same front. He said, "Youngsters are really impatient. They don't have any self-control!"    


"Fine, continue arguing. I'll wait!" Chen Long chuckled and really stopped moving. He looked at the two of them quietly, as if he was watching a joke.    


"Forget it, it's too cold!"    


Hu Yue shuddered, she turned around and walked into the darkness, calling out: "Come this way, don't lose them!"    


Although Qin Jianfeng had not come for a few years, he still followed him easily and familiarly. Although Chen Long did not know how to walk, he had night vision so he followed him at a moderate pace.    


He followed behind the two of them for about ten minutes, turning who knows how many times. Finally, he saw a little light in Chen Long's field of vision, flickering and dimming like a ghost flame.    


Hu Yue, who was walking right in front, stopped, pointed ahead, and said: "That's enough, cover your face. Be careful, don't cause trouble!"    




Chen Long knew this was meant for him, so he quickly responded. He took out a large mask and put it on his face, and secretly used his spiritual sense to sense it.    


There were a lot of good things!    


Chen Long was overjoyed. He sighed as he rushed forward. Hu Yue and Qin Jianfeng, who were afraid that something would happen to Chen Long, also hurriedly followed behind him.    


As they got closer, more and more people began to appear, most of them dressed similar to Chen Long and the other two, tightly wrapped up, only able to see a pair of eyes. One of the things that made Chen Long feel strange was that in modern technology, the Ghost Market was lit with lanterns!    


Seeing the confusion in Chen Long's eyes, Hu Yue smiled and explained, "This is a tradition passed down from the ghost market, and under these circumstances, it will test one's eyesight. Therefore, only this kind of expert has the qualifications to come over, otherwise, they will definitely be cheated to death!"    




Chen Long couldn't help but nod, then he went in and said, "Uncle Qin, Brother Hu, be careful. I'll walk around by myself."    


"That Little..." "Sigh!"    


Hu Yue looked at the direction that Chen Long disappeared to and sighed. She helplessly spread out her hands and looked at Qin Jianfeng, saying, "We're the only two left. Why don't we take a walk together?"    


"That's the only way!"    


Qin Jianfeng nodded, but he was still a little worried. He said, "Is Xiaolong going to be fine by himself?"    


"Don't worry, that kid is very clever. I believe that even if something happened to us, he wouldn't be safe!" Hu Yue shook her head and pulled Qin Jianfeng along with her as they strolled around the city.    


After Chen Long and the other two separated, another five people appeared from the direction they came from. There were three burly figures in the middle, cautiously sizing up their surroundings.    


"You two, get out of this young master's way. I can't see anything from in front of me!"    


The petite figure in the middle cursed as he kicked the person in front of him. The person in front hurriedly moved aside to make room for the person in the middle.    


"F * ck, it's pitch black. What's so interesting about this place!" The man in the middle was extremely dissatisfied.    


One of the people beside him quickly bowed and said, "Master, there are a lot of good things in the Ghost Market of Quan Cheng. This is the outer perimeter, we have to go inside to see it!"    


"Alright, let's take a look!"    


The man who was addressed as' young master 'nodded and said, "If we can get some good stuff, it can't be any better. I'll give dad a birthday present half a month later!"    


"Don't worry about this young master, I've been hanging around in the Ghost Market for years, I'll definitely find you a gift that will satisfy the lord!" The person behind him said in a very attentive manner.    


A young master from an unknown family nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "Help me out properly. Your Xie family will benefit as well. Let's go!"    


When these few people entered the Ghost Market, they didn't even have to fight each other. After all, many of the people here were like them and didn't attract much attention.    


At this moment, Chen Long was wandering the Ghost Market by himself, looking at the small stalls under the lanterns one by one, feeling somewhat speechless.    


"What the hell is this? Nine of the ten items are fake and one of them is defective. They're not worth much. I wonder if that idiot would buy something like this!"    


Just as he finished making fun of them, Chen Long saw a short man walking over with a few strong men. He took a fancy to a jade bracelet and asked, "This thing looks pretty good. How much is it?"    


"Tang Yang Zhi Jade Bracelet!"    


The stall owner coldly lifted his eyelids, then added: "500 thousand, no two bids!"    


"It's not expensive, this young master wants it!"    


That person threw the card into his pocket without saying a word. Then, he took out his phone and dialed 500,000 yuan into the bank card number marked on the stall. Then, he turned around and left.    


Good heavens! Rich people!    


When Chen Long saw this scene, he could not help but add a few more comments to his mind. Stupid, ignorant, fat sheep!    


The bracelet was made of white jade. It wasn't made of mutton fat jade, nor was it of Tang Dynasty, it was a modern craftsmanship, yet it was sold for 500,000 yuan. What a fool!    


Chen Long inwardly mourned for this fellow. Many people had noticed him and knew that he was not only a novice, but was also rich. Then, his journey later on would definitely not be a peaceful one. It would be very exciting!    


Well, that's it, yes!    


After withdrawing his gaze, Chen Long ended his aimless stroll. His spiritual sense was like a fishing net as it spread out, enveloping a portion of the Ghost Market and carefully sensing the items that emitted spiritual force.    


Found it!    


Chen Long suddenly opened his eyes and a look of joy appeared on his face. From what he could sense, there was something good on the stall ten steps ahead of him!    


Chen Long leisurely walked to the stall, squatted down, and casually rummaged through the pile of junk, ignoring the increasingly gloomy expression of the booth owner.    


Just as the stall owner was about to kill someone, Chen Long took out a silver ring and asked, "How much is this?"    


"One hundred thousand!"    


The stall owner said in a low voice. His voice was full of anger, clearly showing that he was suppressing his temper and didn't want to fall out with Chen Long.    


However, Chen Long remained indifferent. He fiddled with the silver ring and mumbled, "Although this thing is silver, it seems like it has only been a few years. The thing on my head is not a gem at all, it should be a piece of glass. Are you selling it for ten thousand? "    


"Ninety thousand!"    


"No, ten thousand!"    


"Eighty thousand!"    


"Just 10,000 yuan, no more than that!" "If it weren't for coaxing my wife, I wouldn't have asked for such a thing!"    


"Alright, you win!"    


The stall owner was defeated. He helplessly looked at Chen Long and said, "Lad, you are the person who will cut the price the best I've ever seen. Count me in. You can take it!"    




Chen Long sneered and said, "Uncle, don't you try to sell yourself at such a cheap price. This item is only worth seven or eight thousand in the market. If it wasn't for your price, I might not have even given it to you!"    


After he finished speaking, he did not care about the red-faced stall owner at all. Chen Long kicked the ring into his pocket and stood up to leave. He simply did not give the stall owner a chance to explode.    


"First one, done!"    


Chen Long chuckled. This ring wasn't as bad as Chen Long had said. Although the ring itself was made of silver, the gem on top of it was a diamond!    


This purple red diamond was a rare treasure that was several times more expensive than the colorless diamond. Not only that, but Chen Long could feel a faint spirit energy coming from the purple diamond. It was an excellent material for refining!    


"Hmm, it should be able to withstand a simple Spirit Gathering Array and a Vajra Barrier. Not bad, I'll give it to Ke Er!" Chen Long mumbled to himself as he tossed the ring into the Yin Yang Nether Domain.    


"This is the only piece here, let's go to other places!"    


Chen Long shook his head and continued walking forward while maintaining his Spiritual Sense.    


The Ghost Market was indeed large enough. There were many stalls and many items, but there were very few good items. Of course, the so-called good items were items that emitted spiritual energy. Some of the antiques didn't have spiritual energy, so Chen Long naturally wouldn't be able to recognize them.    


After continuously visiting several places, Chen Long didn't feel any more fluctuations of spiritual energy. Just when he was disappointed, he turned a corner and a sun-like dot of light suddenly appeared in his divine sense.    


"This …"    


Chen Long was stunned. Something good must be able to emit such fluctuations of spiritual energy. His feet moved, and he quickly rushed over.    


Chen Long quickly found the stall and immediately saw the object that was emitting spiritual energy. He was astonished. It was actually a small pottery cauldron!    


However, Chen Long did not show any signs of excitement. Just like last time, he first randomly flipped through the cauldron without any change in his expression. Then, he picked up the small cauldron and asked, "Boss, how much is this thing?"    


"Five hundred thousand!" The boss lowered his head and answered.    


"Un, it's alright. I'll take it!"    


As Chen Long spoke, he stood up and took out his phone to pay the bill. But at this moment, several people suddenly surrounded him, one of them arrogantly said.    


"Wait, I want it!"    


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