Magic Little Rural Doctor

C135 Breakthrough

C135 Breakthrough

Liu Jingjing did not understand Kang Yun's character. When she heard that Liu Da Wei was a strong woman who had cheated Kang Yun, she could not hold it in anymore. She went up to Liu Da Wei and slapped him, saying, "You are really an animal!"    


He still wanted to go up and beat her up, so Zhao Yong hurriedly stopped her and advised: "Stop hitting her. If there are any wounds left, then it'll be troublesome if you turn over the confession!"    


Only then did Liu Jingjing stop, but the root of her teeth still itched with hatred. She kicked again before letting it go. She forced herself to calm down and asked, "What did you see just now?"    


Everyone shook their heads and firmly said, "I didn't see anything. The wound on his face was touched by himself!"    


Only then did Liu Jingjing wave his hand and say, "Captain Zhao, take him away!"    


"Yes, Chief!"    


Zhao Yong immediately stood at attention. He called two policemen to carry Liu Da Wei out and stuffed him into the police car.    


"Chen Long thanks you this time!" Liu Jingjing said.    


"It's everyone's responsibility to fight crime!"    


Chen Long waved his hand and then smiled. "I've been promoted. Congratulations, Superintendent Liu!"    


"Don't make fun of me, didn't I get promoted because of you?"    


Hearing Chen Long's compliment, Liu Jingjing felt a little embarrassed. She quickly changed the topic and said, "Xiaolong, the culprit has been caught. The victim's family has urged me several times already. Do you want to meet them?"    


"This …"    


Chen Long hesitated. The reason he did all these was partly because of his sense of justice, but also because of Zhou Lingling. Seeing Zhou Lingling's parents made him feel sad.    


"Brother Long!"    


Right at this moment, Zhou Lingling suddenly appeared and begged, "I want to go home and take a look, or else I'll die with regrets. I'm begging you!"    


Seeing the pleading look in her eyes, Chen Long did not have the heart to refuse her. He lightly sighed and said, "Fine, I'll go!"    


"Then it's set to be the day after tomorrow!"    


Liu Jingjing's eyes lit up and said, "It's an agreement. I'll be leaving first!"    


Zhao Yong, who was waiting for Liu Jingjing inside the car, saw that Chen Long and Liu Jingjing were talking animatedly. His heart was filled with anger, but when he saw Liu Jingjing come back, he immediately put on a smiling face.    


"Jingjing, you're back?"    




With a smile on his face, Liu Jingjing returned to the car and said with a nod, "Go back!"    




Zhao Yong smiled and nodded. He started the car, but a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. Crystal, you must belong to me!    


After sending Liu Jingjing and the others off, Zheng Xiaocui asked: "Xiaolong, Big Wei, he …" He won't be shot, right? "    




Chen Long did not hide anything as he bluntly said, "What he did was enough to shoot him ten thousand times. You should tell your husband about it as soon as possible!"    




Zheng Xiao Cui did not have any feelings for her brother-in-law, plus today's incident, she already hated Liu Da Wei to the bones, so she was not sad. She reached for her phone, and the blanket slipped, revealing half of her smooth and silky skin.    


"Sister-in-law, I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first!"    


Of course, Chen Long saw it too, but he, who was already experienced in matters between men and women, obviously wouldn't have a breakthrough, and besides, he was surrounded by top tier beauties, he really wasn't interested in Zheng Xiao Cui at all, so he waved his hand and left.    


"This matter has finally come to an end!"    


Chen Long walked out the door and looked at the blue sky. He let out a sigh of relief and a bright smile appeared on his face.    


At this moment, threads of dark yellow qi appeared in Chen Long's line of sight. They gradually condensed and eventually turned into a giant golden dragon!    


"This is …"    


Facing the colossal dragon, Chen Long did not feel threatened at all. Instead, he felt a sense of familiarity. He could not help but reach out his hand to touch it.    




A burst of thunderous roar entered Chen Long's ears, and he was instantly stupefied!    


The golden dragon let out a loud roar and charged into his dantian. It circled around the small pond once and dove into it.    


The spiritual energy pond surged with monstrous waves as boundless spiritual energy instantly rose. Within the spiritual energy, one could vaguely see a golden figure. It was the golden dragon!    


Countless amounts of spirit energy gathered around it, gradually condensing into a golden ball that spun at an extreme speed in its dantian.    




Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth instantly erupted, transforming into long dragons of spiritual energy that rushed towards Chen Long. They drilled into his body, while Chen Long seemed to turn into a black hole, not refusing at all!    


After an unknown amount of time, the golden ball in his Dantian seemed to have eaten its fill as it slowly rotated in his Dantian. The gathering of the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth gradually stopped and Chen Long also came to his senses.    


"Gathered efforts to punish those who commit adultery and exterminate evil, helping the Lord to advance to the next level!"    


Hearing the voice, Chen Long was shocked. He quickly checked his body and revealed a look of ecstasy as he laughed, "Haha, the Qi of Merit is indeed amazing!"    


Mystic Dragon boundary, breakthrough!    


After suppressing his excitement with great difficulty, Chen Long slowly breathed out as a light flashed in his eyes. What inner strength expert? Transformation realm grandmaster? In a blink of an eye, he was reduced to ashes!    


"Master? Are you stupid? "    


At this moment, Chen Long heard a voice resound in his ears, causing him to come back to his senses. He looked at Tang Feng and couldn't help but hit the little head in front of him. "You're the fool!"    




Tang Feng cried out in pain as she looked angrily at Chen Long. She argued, "Just now, you were in a daze, and now you're laughing. What's the difference between you and a fool?"    


"I can't be bothered to explain!"    


Chen Long pursed his lips but did not speak of his breakthrough. Even if he did, Tang Feng might not be able to understand. It was ridiculous for a Grandmaster Transformation to be born like this!    




Tang Feng looked at Chen Long with disdain as she coldly snorted, "If you don't explain yourself, I don't want to hear it!"    


"Oh yeah, Ke Er called just now to ask if you're done. Once you're done, I'll go back and bring them over. You haven't treated Little Ye yet!" Tang Feng added.    


Chen Long thought for a moment and said, "Then go and fetch them. I'll be at home …"    


However, before he could finish his words, he saw two cars drive over. Taking a closer look, isn't that Sun Jiaxin's BMW and his Ferrari?    


Sure enough, two cars stopped in front of Chen Long. Sun Jiannan, Ye Yu and Chen Ke Er got out of the cars one by one. The appearance of three beauties instantly attracted Chen Long's attention.    


Sun Jiexi had an intellectual charm, like a ripe peach. It was mesmerizing!    


Ye Yu, pure and charming, like a hibiscus blooming, untainted by mud!    


Chen Ke Er was lively and quick-witted, like a charming bird, and her delicate figure was soft and easy to push down!    


The three great beauties each had their own special talents. In an instant, even Chen Long felt that his eyes were no longer useful. No matter how he looked, he wouldn't be able to see enough!    


"Xiaolong, has everything been settled?" Sun Jianhui asked with a smile.    




Chen Long was surprised, but quickly nodded and said, "It's done, Liu Dawei has been arrested!"    


"Liu Dawei is such a bastard. Even if he were to die ten thousand times, it wouldn't be enough!" The straightforward Chen Ke Er couldn't help but scold.    


"You're right!"    


Even Ye Yu couldn't help but nod his head. On the way here, Sun Jiaxin had told them everything. This saved Chen Long from having to explain it to them again.    


"Alright, stop talking, the dead are big, talking more is disrespect to the dead!"    


Chen Long waved his hand to stop their discussion, then said, "I'll treat Xiao Yezi in a while, let's go to my house for a while!"    


Although Chen Long said that it was his house, it was actually Bai Sha's house. His house hadn't been rebuilt since the last time he collapsed it!    


However, when he arrived at the entrance of Bai Sha's house, he discovered that his house was already covered. He could not help but be shocked and stood there in a daze!    


Just at this time, the door to his house was opened. When Bai Sha saw that Chen Long was actually standing outside, she excitedly asked, "Xiaolong, when did you come back? Why didn't you come in? What are you doing standing outside? "    


"I just came back!"    


Chen Long was dumbfounded. He pointed at his own house and asked, "Sister Bai Sha, this is …"    




Only then did Bai Sha react and replied, "After you left, I took the initiative to get someone to help you rebuild your house!"    


"That... Xiao Long, you won't blame me, right?! " After saying that, Bai Sha couldn't help but stick out his tongue.    


Seeing Bai Sha's cute appearance, Chen Long couldn't help but laugh. "Sister Bai Sha, I can't thank you in time. Why would I blame you?"    


"That's good!"    


Bai Sha let out a sigh of relief when he saw two more girls standing behind Chen Long. He was shocked and quickly said, "Xiaolong, you brought a friend. Come in quickly!"    




Chen Long nodded his head and introduced Tang Feng and Ye Yu to Bai Sha. Unexpectedly, Bai Sha had a face full of surprise and joy as he pulled Ye Yu and asked, "Are you really Ye Yu? I'm your fan and I really like listening to your songs! "    


Seeing Bai Sha's surprised look, Chen Long was suddenly speechless. He never thought that Bai Sha was also Ye Yu's hardcore fan!    


"Thank you!" Ye Yu smiled reservedly.    


Bai Sha then looked at Chen Long and sighed, "Xiaolong, I didn't expect you to know Miss Ye Yu!"    


"This... It's a long story! "    


Chen Long smiled awkwardly and led everyone into the house. When Li Mei and Chen Zishan saw that Chen Long had brought so many beautiful girls into the house, they were surprised and immediately greeted him.    


"Have you all eaten? I just finished cooking. Let's eat together! " Li Mei said with a smile. She secretly gave Chen Long a thumbs up, causing him to blush.    


"Thank you Auntie!"    


The few of them hurriedly thanked him and began to eat their breakfast. Although it was just a simple porridge dish at any time, everyone ate with relish.    


Very quickly, everyone was done eating. Ye Yu impatiently asked: "Xiaolong, can you start treating me now?"    




Chen Long nodded his head and brought Ye Yu into the room. He gently helped her remove the film, and everyone held their breath, feeling extremely nervous.    


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