Magic Little Rural Doctor

C125 Chen Ke Er's Nightmare

C125 Chen Ke Er's Nightmare

"Phew — finally done!"    


Chen Long let out a long breath and sat paralyzed on the bed. He almost didn't want to move anymore.    


"Is it done?"    


The most shocked was none other than Ye Yu. She was still nervously waiting for the pain to come, but not only did she not feel anything strange, she even felt comfortable and almost fell asleep.    


"Still fast?"    


Chen Long sweated profusely. He was so nervous that he had almost lost all his energy, but this guy actually thought it was too quick. How could he argue with him?    


Seeing Chen Long's pale face, Ye Yu immediately tensed up and immediately sat up and asked: "Xiaolong, are you alright? "I just feel like …"    


"It's alright, I'll rest for a while!"    


Chen Long smiled. From his angle, he could see a hint of white and immediately felt relaxed and happy. If Ye Yu's fans found out about this, they would definitely tear him into pieces!    


Sun Jianming, who was sitting at the side, didn't see it, but Ye Yu, who was sitting on the other side, saw Chen Long's flickering gaze. She couldn't help but blush a little and immediately covered her collar with her hands and asked, "Does the wound not need bandaging?"    


"No need!"    


Chen Long knew that he had been discovered and felt a bit embarrassed. He let out a laugh and said, "This will help the wound heal. Don't worry!"    


"But it won't get infected?" Sun Jianxin asked doubtfully.    


"No way!"    


Chen Long pointed at Ye Yu's face and said, "Big sister Jianming, you have to believe in my professionalism. Would I make such a low level mistake?"    


"Look, this is a protective layer that I set up using a unique technique. It is absolutely impervious to all poisons!"    


After hearing Chen Long's boisterous introduction, Sun Jiaxin rolled her eyes in disdain and said, "Isn't that what you'd do with the rice flour? How could it have such an effect?"    


"Sister Jianming, that's something you don't know!"    


Chen Long explained with a straight face, "Longmi has the function of disinfection and germicidal, and it also contains an extremely rich amount of nutrition. Speaking of which, its curing effect is even better than the so-called mask!"    


"It's so amazing, why don't you make a mask?" Sun Jiexi said.    


Seeing that Sun Jianhui still didn't believe him, Chen Long was a little moved by her words. He said, "Hey, sister Jianming, you're amazing. To be honest, I'm not lying to you. The effect of the Romance Rice is really good. Don't you think that your skin has gotten better since you started eating the Romance Rice?"    


"This is really the case!"    


Sun Jianhui was shocked and couldn't help touching her own face. A few days ago, she felt that her skin had indeed become much smoother than before. "Xiaolong, you mean you want to make skin care products?"    


"That's right, this is a business opportunity!" Chen Long said excitedly.    


Hearing Chen Long's words, Sun Jiaxin's face turned serious and said, "Xiaolong, I think it's better to consider this matter over time. Firstly, your product doesn't look good on sale, it's sticky and women don't want to use it. Secondly, it doesn't have a reputation. If it doesn't have a reputation, then it's not for sale, so …"    


"If that's the case, then this really is the case …"    


Chen Long suddenly had a headache. However, this was just an idea that had just sprouted in him. He would have to carefully consider all aspects of its implementation.    


"There is also another fatal reason!"    


At this point, Sun Jiaxing's expression became a lot more serious. He continued, "The biggest health care industry in Spring City is the Zhou family's health care industry. The boss is an old acquaintance of yours. I'm guessing you're familiar with him …"    


"Yan Jing Zhou family?" Chen Long was stunned. "Aren't they in real estate business?"    


"Who told you this …"    


Sun Jianhui was at a loss whether to laugh or cry as she explained, "The Zhou family has dabbled in all walks of life, and the most powerful one is the Zhou family's health care industry. They are known as the companies that can earn the most money for women. Do you know how powerful the Zhou family is in this industry?"    


"It's actually this powerful?"    


Chen Long was shocked. He did not expect the Zhou family to be such a huge force. However, he was not afraid. If the Zhou family dared to extend their claws, he would not mind cutting them down for them!    


"That's why I said, you should avoid provoking the Zhou family in the future. Let's forget about this matter!" Sun Jia tried his best to persuade him.    


"You're right, sister Jianming!"    


At this moment, Ye Yu suddenly opened his mouth, a trace of unknown sorrow and fear flashed in his eyes. He paused for a moment before continuing: "Xiaolong, it's best if you don't touch this business. This is the Zhou family's Lightning District …"    




Chen Long waved his hands impatiently, interrupting the two and said with a wry smile, "I'm just talking. I don't have much money and I have nowhere else to go. I don't even have enough raw materials. We'll talk about it later!"    




Sun Jianhui helplessly shook her head. She really wanted to help Chen Long, but she was also helpless. The Zhou family's influence was too great!    




It was in the Sky Blue Real Estate's office in Spring City.    


Chen Ke Er's face was flushed red as she stood in front of Zhou Tian Xing. She angrily said, "Director Zhou, what is the meaning of your family members? You want to buy my patent for five hundred thousand dollars? "    


"Oh, Ke Er, don't be anxious. Drink some saliva and listen to me explain!"    


As Zhou Tianxing spoke, he received a cup of water and passed it to Chen Ke Er before returning to his seat.    


He put the blanket on the table, calmed his mood, and said: "Director Zhou, you better think of a good explanation for me. The one million that was agreed upon at the beginning, having half of it instantly chopped off, I absolutely cannot accept!"    


"Ke'er, I know you have a lot of confidence in your skills, but you have to know that you're facing the biggest company in the Zhou family's health care and skin-care products industry!"    


A trace of greed flashed through his eyes, then he continued, "In the Zhou family's health care, there are countless science and technology personnel that produce new technology every day. So, your technology is not particularly needed for the Zhou family's health care!"    


"Besides, I can guarantee that besides the Zhou family's health, no one will dare to take the risk of bankruptcy to purchase your technology!"    


Hearing this, Chen Ke Er's heart sank as she coldly said, "Director Zhou, can I understand that you're threatening me?"    


"There's nothing wrong with your way of thinking!"    


Zhou Tian Xing revealed a faint smile and thought that it was quite natural. He pulled at his tie and said, "No matter what, I'm still a descendant of the Zhou family. I can't harm the family's interests because of my personal preferences, right?"    


"However, it's not like there's no other way, unless …"    


As he spoke to here, Zhou Tian Xing's gaze shot over towards her. He sized up Chen Ke Er from top to bottom, and the lust in his eyes was clear to see!    


Being stared at by Zhou Tian Xing in such a way, Chen Ke Er suddenly had a bad premonition. She nervously asked, "Unless what?"    


"Unless you become my woman, haha …"    


Zhou Tian Xing couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed out loud. "As long as you become my woman, what's yours will be mine. What's mine will also be yours, right?"    


"Circulatory Cycle Revolution!"    


Chen Ke Er was so angry that her entire body was trembling. She picked up the cup of water by her side and tossed it towards Zhou Tian Xing, cursing, "Stop dreaming! Go die!"    


Zhou Tian Xing never expected Chen'er to have such an intense action, as she was drenched in water without being careful. He instantly lit up a flame in his heart, pointed at Chen Ke Er, and scolded loudly, "You little slut, don't even think about escaping from my palm today. Your destiny is to become my prey on my bed!"    


"Humph, I have nothing to talk about with someone like you who has a brain as a bug!"    


Chen Ke Er stood up, looked coldly at Zhou Tian Xing, and said, "From now on, we won't see each other in the martial arts world!"    


"Haha …"    


Zhou Tian Xing burst into laughter. He looked coldly at Chen Ke Er and said, "You think you can walk today?"    




Chen Ke Er was startled in her heart, and she instantly felt a wave of dizziness, then her vision went black and she lost consciousness. At the same time, the pendant on her neck swiftly flickered twice, then lost its brilliance …    


At the center of Spring City.    


Merry Forest Entertainment City.    


"Young Master Zhou, you're here!"    


The general manager of Merry Forest Entertainment City respectfully bowed to a young man. No one around him felt that this was strange, because this young man was Zhou Tian Xing, and the Merry Forest was the property of the Zhou family!    


Zhou Tian Xing nodded slightly before saying, "Have you prepared the luxurious rooms for the emperor that I want? I want to receive guests soon!"    


"It's already prepared, please follow me, Young Master Zhou!"    


The general manager quickly nodded his head and bowed as he led the way. He did not even dare to look at the black bag on the bodyguard's shoulder that Zhou Tian Xing was carrying.    


After arriving at his room, Zhou Tianxing motioned for his bodyguard and manager to leave before waiting alone in his room.    


After a while, a door appeared on the wall of the room. From within, a middle-aged man saw Zhou Tian Xing and revealed a lewd smile. He said, "Tian Xing, I heard that you've brought a little beauty. Quick, let uncle take a look!"    


At the same time, a similar smile appeared on Zhou Tian Xing's face. "Uncle Leng, I'm sure you'll like it. Even I like it so much!"    


The middle-aged man said anxiously, "Then why don't you quickly let me see? "Kid, you're always so slow!"    


"Uncle Leng, you are too impatient, alright?"    


Zhou Tian Xing said. However, he knew his uncle's character very well, so he didn't keep him in suspense. He directly opened the black bag beside him, revealing a face that could topple cities and topple empires.    


The owner of this face was shockingly Chen Ke Er!    


Chen Ke Er's eyes were tightly shut and her brows were tightly knitted, as if she had a nightmare. Her delicate and touching appearance instantly caused the eyes of the two people in the room to shine.    


"Hurry up and wake her up, or else it won't be fun even if we play like this!" The middle-aged man shouted.    


Zhou Tian Xing smiled and said, "Uncle Leng then!"    


As she finished speaking, she took out a small box from her pocket and shook Chen Ke Er's nose, causing her to moan as she opened her eyes.    


"Little beauty, quickly let uncle love you, haha …"    


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