Super Teacher

C1309 I Win

C1309 I Win

Just as Master Yao was about to stand up, a punch landed on his face, knocking him down to the ground.    


Master Yao felt a little stuffy. However, he believed that he could still stand up, that he could still hold on for a little longer, and that he might be able to turn the tide of the battle. Thus, he stood up once again.    




A few consecutive punches caused blood to spurt out of Master Yao's nose, mouth, and mouth. Even his teeth were broken.    


In the end, Master Yao didn't even dare to stand up anymore. He could only obediently lie on the ground and wait for the referee to count down, "... Three, two, one, zero! In this match, Tom, who has mastered Free fighting technique, wins! "    


"Chinese martial arts, I spit!" Tom spat towards Master Yao. When he spit on Master Yao's face, it was not only Master Yao who was insulted, but everyone in the Chinese Martial Art Tao felt humiliated.    


A martial arts master in the first group had actually been defeated by a third-rate fighter. How could he possibly lose any face?    


Master Yao had lost, not to mention the rest of the ladders. In just a few seconds, the battle was over.    


All eyes were on Master Yan's match, because Master Yan was the hope of the entire village.    


The one fighting with Master Yan was a black man with long arms and legs and a lean body, but he was very agile and had amazing explosive strength.    


Even if Grandmaster Yan were to suppress his opponent, he would not dare to take his opponent's punches or kicks head on. He could only use his Chinese martial arts skills to continuously attack his opponent's weakness.    


The opponent's black boxer was also very smart. If he could dodge, he could dodge. But if he could not dodge, he could only block. He had to conserve his stamina and wait for the right moment.    


The two sides had gone from fighting Master Yan to interacting with each other. The situation was moving in the opposite direction, which made everyone tremble in fear.    


"Grandmaster Yan, you can do it!"    


"We can't lose again!"    


Master Yan's match concerned the morale of the entire Chinese Martial Art Tao Realm. If he lost again, it would be extremely difficult for him to fight in the next twenty-four matches.    


Only Wang Dachui, who did not care, humphed and said, "Within ten moves, Master Yan will lose."    


Just as everyone was about to retort Wang Dachui, the black boxer suddenly hit Master Yan's chest with a weird elbow strike and then hit Master Yan's chin with an uppercut.    


"Pu — —" Master Yan spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.    


"Ten, nine, eight …" Hearing the referee's count, everyone loudly shouted, "Master Yan, get up! Quickly get up!"    


Master Yan struggled a few times, but gave up in the end and collapsed onto the ground.    


The referee raised the black fighter's hand and loudly announced, "I declare that the winner of this match is the free fighting technique, Guo Ba!"    


"The guoba? This name sure is fitting. " Wang Dachui, who was being "showcased" by Wang Feng, could not help but tease him while You Feng rolled his eyes at him.    


At the scene, the people from the Chinese Martial Art Tao Realm were all dispirited. One could imagine how they felt when their entire army had been annihilated.    


"They all lost?"    


"I lost, sigh!"    


"Who said that?" Wang Dachui grunted, "I won."    


Only then did everyone notice that Wang Dachui had won, and they couldn't help but let out sour groans.    


Although they did not treat Wang Dachui as one of their own, Wang Dachui was one of the true representatives of the Chinese Martial Art Tao.    


If he won, it could be considered as him barely saving some face for the Chinese Martial Art Tao Realm.    


Both Wu Yaohui and Wu Jiawei did not appear on stage. Seeing the dejected faces of the crowd, Wu Yaohui tried to cheer them up, "Don't worry. With us here, we will definitely restore our morale!"    


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