Super Teacher

C584 Go to Hell You Fat Pig!

C584 Go to Hell You Fat Pig!

Not only did Wang Feng have the ability to listen, he could also use it as a walkie-talkie. Of course, it was mainly controlled by Wang Feng.    


As for whether Jagur would hear the walkie-talkie's volume, Wang Feng wasn't worried at all, because Wang Feng could judge how far Jagur was from Li Nanzhu based on the volume he heard Jagur's voice, and then use the appropriate volume to let Li Nanzhu hear it without Jagur noticing.    


It would take a long period of training to be this meticulous, and ordinary people would never be able to do that.    


Either the sound was too loud for Li Nanzhu to hear, or it was too loud for Jagur to hear.    


Only Wang Feng could perform this task with such precision.    


While Li Nanzhu was still in shock, there was indeed a loud bang outside, causing the ground to shake a few times.    


Jagur had just taken off his clothes and was completely naked. After being shaken like this, he was immediately scared out of his mind: "What's going on?"    


At that moment, Li Nanzhu suddenly pounced on him and stabbed him in the heart with her dagger!    


"You!" Jagur looked at Li Nanzhu in disbelief. Obviously, he didn't expect that Li Nanzhu would have a dagger on her, let alone that Li Nanzhu would dare to make a move against him.    


Wasn't Li Nanzhu's shoulder stabbed by a dagger? How could her hand move?    


Originally, when every woman was brought in, he would personally search them to see if they had any hidden weapons on them.    


The reason why he didn't search Li Nanzhu's body today was simply because he knew that there was a wound on Li Nanzhu's shoulder, and that she wouldn't be able to do anything to him.    


He also didn't believe that Li Nanzhu would intentionally release the news of shoulder injury to numb him because she wanted to kill him. After all, he only asked Ruan Qian for the information after knowing that Li Nanzhu was injured.    


"What's going on, what's going on!" Jagur was very angry, but he couldn't utter a sound.    


"Go to hell, you fat pig!" Li Nanzhu pulled the dagger back and quickly ran out of Jagur's room.    


She didn't even look at if Jagur was dead because she didn't need to.    


Although her fighting strength wasn't as strong as Wang Feng, she was still very professional in killing people.    


Jagur had no reason not to die after the knife pierced his heart.    


Therefore, she only needed to escape now. She hoped that Wang Feng would keep his word.    


Right now, she could only place her hopes on Wang Feng. Otherwise, if she was captured by Jagur's underlings, the consequences would be ten thousand times worse than death!    


Luckily, Li Nanzhu heard Wang Feng's voice just as she was running out of the room, "Come with me."    


Li Nanzhu didn't expect Wang Feng to barge in so quickly. She was stunned for a moment and then immediately followed behind Wang Feng.    


"Who are you people …"    


Bang! Wang Feng killed one of Jagur's men in front of him with a single shot and continued walking forward.    


A car exploded, igniting the flammable material around it. The area inside the base was on fire.    


The others were all rushing to put out the fire, so no one noticed that Wang Feng had already left with Li Nanzhu. They drove away on their SUV …    


Jagur's men quickly realized that Jagur fell into a pool of blood. His heart was stabbed, so he probably won't live for much longer.    


Just when everyone thought that Jagur had died, Jagur suddenly moved. With a painful look on his face, he shouted: "Quick …" "Save me!"    


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