Super Teacher

C32 The People Were Angered

C32 The People Were Angered

"Principal Hee, if we let such a reckless teacher continue to teach in our school, there will be trouble sooner or later. We can't let him stay any longer!"    


"That's right, Principal Hee. Luckily, we won't let the students bring their cellphones. It's not like those senior students in Class 8 who bring their cell phones are willing to discredit their classmates. Otherwise, if today's incident were to spread online, it would spread like wildfire throughout our school!"    


"A pot of rat shit broke a pot of soup. Principal Hee, the reputation of our school can't be ruined by this guy!"    


These teachers were led by Director Zhou from the Education Bureau. They chatted back and forth with the intention of chasing Wang Feng away.    


Seeing so many teachers wanting to kick Wang Feng out, Principal Hee felt helpless and could only say to the teachers: "How about we have a meeting between the classes of 20 minutes and then we all vote together."    


Wang Feng didn't know whether he could stay in the school or not, the initiative was already in the hands of the teachers. He was looking at the boys, who had just finished running away, with a smile: "Students, come come here, put on your clothes, don't catch a cold, your body is just courting death!"    


Those students were almost angered to death by Wang Feng. You bastard teacher, isn't your mouth going to die?    


The students glared at Wang Feng as they thought about how they could get their revenge.    


Hateful, truly hateful!    


Just as Wang Feng was gloating, Principal Hee's phone call came in. "Teacher Wang Feng, in view of your performance in punishing students this morning, the entire school's teachers have a big opinion of you. Therefore, everyone decided to use the vote to decide whether or not you can stay in this school. I'm sorry, I can't help if I wanted to. "    


"They want to chase me away?" Wang Feng harrumphed, "That depends on whether they have the ability to do so! But then again, Principal Hee, do you want me to leave or do you want me to stay? If you wish for me to leave, then there's no need to vote. If you want me to stay, I'll stay even if I have to. Of course, I've never had any milk. It's just a metaphor. "    


"Rogue!" Principal Hee's face turned slightly red. He scolded Wang Feng in his heart and then said seriously, "Teacher Wang, of course I want you to stay. Are you sure you can pass the whole school's teacher test?"    


"Hur hur, I'll do my best." Wang Feng was not worried at all, "Just you wait!"    


Wang Feng was famous for his glibness. It was a piece of cake for him to deal with these teachers who had stayed in school all their lives.    


Because there were no classes in the second period, Wang Feng rested in the office as he thought about how to excuse himself.    


"Xiao Lin, go pour me a cup of water!" A male teacher in his forties shouted at the female teacher who was in her twenties next to Wang Feng. The female teacher responded, "Okay." She put down the red pen she was holding, stood up, took the teacup from the male teacher's desk, and then walked to the water dispenser behind the male teacher to get some water.    


This female teacher was wearing black-rimmed glasses and had shoulder-length hair. She looked very delicate and bookish. People outside might even think that she was a university student.    


It was probably because this female teacher looked so easy to bully, that the male teacher sat motionlessly in his seat. He called out to Xiao Lin, who was standing far from the water dispenser, to help him pour the water.    


"Teacher Ding, here's your water." Xiao Lin placed the water in front of Teacher Ding's desk and returned to his own desk, preparing to continue with his homework.    


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