Super Teacher

C40 Accident Pregnant

C40 Accident Pregnant

After driving out of work, Wang Feng was stuck halfway.    


He looked ahead, where there were so many people, as if there had been a car accident.    


Since everything was blocked, Wang Feng stopped the car and went to the scene of the accident to see what was going on.    


Wang Feng wasn't a nosy person, but he was someone who liked to join in on the fun.    


But when he saw a pregnant woman with a large belly lying on the ground, her legs bleeding, he could not bear to watch any longer.    


"Give way, give way." He rushed in immediately and squatted down beside the pregnant woman to take her pulse. "Madam, I am a doctor, how do you feel? How many months has the child been? "    


"It hurts, it hurts …" The pregnant woman was in so much pain that her face turned white, "The child will be next week... "Pre-delivery date..."    


"Alright." Wang Feng immediately shouted to the people around him, "Everyone help out a bit, circle around them. Also, there's a lady with experience in childbirth, help deliver the baby."    


Originally, everyone wanted to help, but since they didn't know how to do so, and because they were afraid of being held responsible, no one was willing to help.    


Now that Wang Feng stood out, whatever responsibility he had would definitely be borne by Wang Feng, so they all started moving.    


The tall men stood in a circle, consciously facing outwards, not looking in.    


It wasn't because they didn't want to see it, but because of some horrible legend.    


It was said that a man who watched a woman give birth to a child would suffer from a bad luck. Not to mention having long needles and eyes, it wasn't worth it to go through bad luck for three consecutive years!    


A woman in her thirties walked over and said to Wang Feng, "Sir, what do I need to do?"    


"I will give the needle to this lady. Just do as I say and help with the delivery." As Wang Feng spoke, he took out a silver needle from his bag and prepared to insert it.    


"What are you doing?" A man rushed in and shouted at Wang Feng, "Get out of my way!"    


The man pushed Wang Feng away. Although he couldn't push Wang Feng away at all, Wang Feng still gave way on his own. He knew that this man was the husband of this woman.    


The man grabbed his wife and shouted angrily at Wang Feng, "If anything happens to my wife, I'm not done for!"    


"You came before I could do anything. If anything happened to your wife, you'll be blamed. I'm saving your wife and children. You can only think about it for two minutes at most. " Wang Feng said calmly to the man, "After two minutes, I won't need to do anything anymore."    


Wang Feng's words were very reserved, but the meaning couldn't be any clearer.    


Even so, the man still didn't believe Wang Feng at all: "You are a scammer who wants his acupuncture to meddle in other people's business! My wife is waiting for an ambulance, there's no need for a liar like you to step in! "    


In the eyes of men, Chinese medicine was a scammer, acupuncture belonged to the category of traditional Chinese medicine, so acupuncture was also a scammer.    


Since this man was so hostile towards Wang Feng, Wang Feng didn't want to care about it anymore.    


Just as the man was about to wait for the ambulance, the phone rang. "Hello, Mr. Liu. We're on the 5th or 4th. Either you get someone to bring your wife here on a stretcher right now, or we can pick her up, but that'll waste a lot of time. You decide for yourself. "    


"He's still on the fifth or fourth route?" The man was stunned. He was not stupid. With his wife's condition, let alone carrying her on a stretcher, even if there was a stretcher carrying her, it would still be too late.    


What should he do?    


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