Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Heng Yanlin sat in his office and typed out the documents that all the girls needed one by one. After that, he looked at the busy figures of the few girls with a bored and bored expression.    


It seemed that ever since he came to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, Heng Yanlin had become a lot more relaxed. He did not look like he was in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, where Heng Yanlin was always working hard to raise his cultivation.    


Having probably returned to this environment, Heng Yanlin had a feeling that he had returned home, so even though Heng Yanlin tried his best everyday, he was indeed a bit more relaxed.    


Looking at his surroundings, if this was his hometown, he probably would be able to peacefully enjoy all these right now. Heng Yanlin silently thought in his heart, to the point where he was a little absent-minded.    


"What are you thinking?"    


Ling Meiqing walked in front of Heng Yanlin and waved her delicate hand. After waving it for a while in front of Heng Yanlin, she said, but last time, she had not seen Heng Yanlin absent-minded or anything like that, and now that Heng Yanlin was distracted, especially in his eyes, she seemed to have seen something.    


"Nothing, I was just distracted."    


Heng Yanlin regained his senses, then smiled towards Ling Meiqing and brought the documents that had already been printed out to the girls' table.    


"Maybe he earned so much money all at once, and is thinking of how to spend it."    


Xiao Yun put away the document that Heng Yanlin handed over, pursed his lips into a smile, and teased Heng Yanlin: "If you don't know how to spend it, it can be used to raise little big sis!"    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin walked to her side helplessly. The few girls were indeed very pretty, so if an ordinary person were to hear of such teasing, they would probably not be able to hold themselves back.    


But the problem was, although this kind of woman was extremely tempting, if you were really the type to say it, when the time came, you would only receive a round of cold berating. Heng Xiulin had long seen through all of this.    


As such, he was indifferent about their flirting.    


Seeing that, the few girls were extremely satisfied with Heng Yanlin's attitude. It was as Heng Yanlin had thought, they could tease and tease Heng Yanlin, after all, being so handsome and teasing was quite a comfortable feeling.    


But if Heng Yanlin really thought that they were those kind of women, then perhaps, all of their impressions of Heng Yanlin would drop by quite a bit. Of course, if Heng Yanlin also wanted to go back and flirt with them, as long as Heng Yanlin was able to do so, they wouldn't have any objections.    


By the time Heng Yanlin had finished preparing the scattered items in his hands, it was already noon. Everyone seemed a little hungry, rubbing their stomachs, as they spoke.    


"What's for lunch?" To order takeout or to go downstairs to eat. "    


When it came to eating, Xiao Yun was always the first person to bring up this topic, so when they saw each other, they did not say anything, and immediately reminded everyone, it was time to eat.    


"Don't order takeouts anymore, there are quite a few takeouts who have already grown tired of it. If you don't go downstairs to eat, then go ahead."    


Hearing that, Xu Shanyue frowned, and then said, there was a floor downstairs that was specially made for the Shilan Group staff to eat, and the chefs were all hired at a high price, thus, compared to the other restaurants, it was much better.    


"If we go down, a group of men would come and surround us. How are we going to eat when we're surrounded by so many people?"    


Hearing that, Xiao Yun frowned, and said unhappily. Although the dishes in the restaurant downstairs weren't bad, the reason they basically didn't go was because once they went, there would be a lot of people talking to each other.    


When he thought about how there were so many people surrounding him during every meal, he felt uncomfortable, let alone experiencing it on the spot.    


"How about I go down and pack up some food for you guys?"    


Hearing the few women's words, Heng Yanlin thought for a while, then spoke to them. This kind of matter was nothing much, and to be able to solve the problem for them, Heng Yanlin was willing to help.    


"Packing it up is pretty much the same as take-out it. The things that are packed up don't have any taste that can be found down there."    


Hearing that, Xiao Yun immediately shook her head and said, she was extremely clear about what to eat, so when she heard Heng Yanlin's words, she immediately shook her head.    


Seeing that, the corner of Heng Yanlin's mouth twitched, but he did not say anything else. He had already said his idea, and since he was rejected, then it would be up to them to decide.    


Just that, Xiao Yun was really persistent about eating, to the point where he could not take the slightest difference.    


"Forget it, then let's go down to eat. Actually, it's not that big of a deal. If you dare to come over and strike up a conversation, then all you need to do is send them flying!"    


When Ling Meiqing heard this, she immediately waved her hand with incomparable dominance, and spoke to the girls. Towards those people that were like flies when they saw them, and continuously entangled them, she also felt incomparable disgust.    


However, hiding like this wasn't the only option. He couldn't just hide like this every day.    


"elder sister Mei is mighty and domineering. Since elder sister Mei has said this, then what are you afraid of? Sisters, let's attack together!"    


Hearing Ling Meiqing's words, Xiao Yun was overjoyed, and immediately shouted out loud. Then, he pushed the object in front of him away, wanting to go downstairs to eat.    


Ling Meiqing and the others heard and immediately shook their heads, but they were used to Xiao Yun's appearance, so they clapped their hands and gathered the girls and went downstairs to eat.    


"Yan Lin, you go with us too."    


Ling Meiqing looked at Heng Yanlin, and immediately called out. She had already gathered all the girls to head over, but seeing that Heng Yanlin had no intention to move, she called out to him.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the few women, and then nodded his head lightly as he smiled bitterly in his heart. Originally, he had not planned to go along with them, but after hearing their words, he knew how many people would pay attention to them.    


Of course, this was their attraction, so Heng Yanlin naturally wouldn't say anything. It was just that, if he was with them now, Heng Yanlin felt that these people's gazes would directly focus on Heng Yanlin.    


Although Heng Yanlin could ignore all this, if he could save himself some trouble, he would not cause any trouble. After all, this was the company he was currently at, so Heng Yanlin did not need to worry about it at all.    


But since Ling Meiqing had already personally spoken, if Heng Yanlin was prepared not to go, then it would be a bit unreasonable. After leaving the call, Heng Yanlin nodded, walked to their side, and then headed down to the dining hall together.    


All of the ladies were dressed in extremely beautiful attire. Their professional attire and their long and slender legs, which were wrapped in stockings, directly attracted the gazes of the employees at the side.    


Without being able to guess what Heng Yanlin was thinking, when the surrounding employees saw that Heng Yanlin, a man, was actually standing beside all the girls, they immediately looked at Heng Yanlin with jealousy.    


Although there were many beauties here, it did not mean that they had beauties working together as colleagues in the same office. Therefore, the beauties that they usually saw were probably from other departments.    


But right now, Eternal Yan Lin is the only man standing with a group of girls. How could they not be jealous and be with so many beauties? As long as they work a little harder, chasing them down is just a matter of minutes, right?    


Everyone was extremely envious, but it did not affect the girls. They were used to the look in their eyes, so they all smiled and chatted as they walked towards the elevator. When they arrived, they directly pressed on the elevator.    


When the elevator arrived, all the girls directly stepped into it. The elevator just so happened to be empty and there was no one else inside. As for the other people waiting for the elevator, when they saw this, they wanted to walk towards it together.    


However, Ling Meiqing's beautiful eyes stared straight at them. Although she did not say a word, she caused them to be frozen in place, and did not dare to move even an inch.    


The few of them watched as Heng Yanlin rode the elevator with the few girls, slowly closed the door and moved downwards.    


"Who exactly is that man? How did he end up with Ling Meiqing's department? Didn't they say that Ling Meiqing's department only accepts females? "    


The few employees who were fixated on the spot under Ling Meiqing's gaze thought that Heng Yanlin could easily walk to the elevator, but the women did not do anything to him. On the contrary, they were the ones who wanted to go in, and were directly warned about it.    


"Who knows, and never heard that Ling Meiqing's department has recruited men. Could it be that he's not from another department, and has some sort of relationship with Ling Meiqing? I think that boy has quite the pretty boy's face. If that's the case, I think it's possible. "    


The male colleague at the side said in jealousy upon hearing this. Forget about the rest, even he felt that the man was extremely handsome, so it was not impossible for Heng Yanlin to hit on one of the girls.    


When the others heard these words, they immediately nodded their heads. They all felt that these words were extremely likely.    


For someone with money and looks, trying to hit on a few girls would be too easy.    


Heng Yanlin, who was in the elevator, didn't know that he was being treated like a pretty boy again, but thinking about the scene just now, he felt that it was really funny.    


This kind of scene was similar to that of an almighty being from the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Some almighty beings had great strength, just a gaze alone was enough to freeze some people at their original place.    


Without the others present, the girls seemed to be more casual, so they continued to chat and laugh in the elevator, and directly descended to the fourth floor, Shilan Group's dining hall.    


At the same time, at the higher levels of Shilan Group, Mu Shishan took a look outside and then casually stretched a little, revealing her exquisite body, but unfortunately no one was admiring the scene.    


"CEO, where should we eat at noon?"    


The secretary looked at Mu Shishan and asked directly. As the CEO's secretary, she had to take care of these things, so she asked Mu Shishan about it.    


"Let's eat downstairs at noon."    


Mu Shishan thought for a while, then spoke up. If he went to other places, it would be hard to avoid visiting them again, so he might as well go downstairs to eat some, since the food downstairs was not bad.    


Hearing that, the secretary nodded his head, tidied up the table, and then walked downstairs with Mu Shishan.    


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