Top Immortal Emperor in the City



"Boss Wang, this piece of jade stone is not bad. It looks very comfortable, and the transparency is also very good. You can try it."    


Heng Yanlin and Jiang Qianman looked around, it was as if they were shopping, but in that moment, they were surrounded, but these people were not heading towards them, but rather towards the jade stone in front of them.    


An incomparably huge jade stone stood upright in front of him. The jade stone had already been cleaned very cleanly, and a tall and skinny middle-aged man held a flashlight in his hand, constantly shining it on the jade stone in front of him.    


Looking through the skin, it was still as clear as if one could see the water within. Immediately, one's heart started to beat faster. This piece of jade stone had already been here for a long time.    


Seeing that someone seemed to have some interest in this jade stone, the crowd immediately gathered around. In this stone gambling area, if anyone started to cut the rock, it would be the busiest time.    


At this time, Jiang Qianman also watched this scene with great interest. Although she was not really interested in gambling, but she was just looking at her. She still liked to join in on the fun.    


"How much of this jade stone did you take out?"    


Zhao Xin looked at the jade stone in front of him and shined his flashlight on it again. After he was sure that he did not see wrongly, he opened his mouth and asked the stall owner.    


"Boss Wang, you're already a regular customer. I won't say too much. Just one million. I believe you know that the price is fair."    


When the stall owner heard this, he immediately raised his finger and spoke to Zhao Xin and Zhao Xin. Who knew how many people had come into contact with this piece of jade stone?    


However, they were still jade stone worth millions, so after hesitating for a while, they did not dare to make a move. Right now, Zhao Xin and the others were prepared to gamble and directly buy the jade stone and cut it open to take a look.    


"Alright, one million then."    


He was also an expert. Just from the place where the flashlight had shone, he could see a hint of green. It was obvious that there was a piece of jade in there. Zhao Xinhe did not dawdle and immediately transferred a million to the stall owner.    


"Do you want to open the stone now?"    


After leaving the jade stone here for so long, someone had finally bought it and made a business deal with it. Naturally, he was extremely expectant as he asked Zhao Xin and the others.    


As a merchant who took action on a jade stone, he naturally had some understanding of it, he could see that there was jade inside, but unfortunately, he was just a small boss and did not dare to bet on it.    


Now that he had sold the jade stone, he naturally wanted to see if he could get any jade from it.    


"Unravel! Unravel it now!"    


Zhao Xinhe took in a deep breath and spoke in a heavy tone. Now that this jade stone had been bought, he naturally had to remove it. Furthermore, he had some confidence in his own eyesight.    


"Alright, I will get someone to help transport the jade stone over."    


Seeing that, the stall owner became excited as well. He then called out to five people to bring the half man tall jade stone to the machine.    


"Where to start?" The stonecutter asked Zhao Xin and the other disciple.    


Zhao Xinhe took out a thin brush and drew a line in the air. He then said to the stonecutter, "Let's start from here."    


When the stonecutter heard this, he also nodded his head and turned to respectfully burn an incense stick of time. This was a million jade stone, he had known it from the start.    


With such a solemn expression on their faces, Zhao Xin and the Stone of Insight master nodded their heads in satisfaction. As a rock gambler, he was naturally a superstitious person.    


In a place like this, the more people gathered, the more people there would be. In a place like the stone gambling, it was always the busiest, and when they heard that there were millions of jade stone, they naturally attracted everyone over.    


Heng Yanlin was being pulled by Jiang Qianman the entire time, so he held the best position while staring at the stonecutter and untied the jade stone with one slash.    


At this moment, everyone held their breaths as they stared at this scene. None of them dared to breathe too loudly. Even though Zhao Xinhe was extremely confident, his palms couldn't help but tremble at this moment.    


It was obvious that his inner heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.    


The slicing sounds finally stopped. The corners of Zhao Xin's mouth twitched. After which, he took a step forward and wiped off the layer of gray dust that had covered it. After which, a lustrous green color directly appeared in front of everyone.    


"Ss, such a good water species and it even has this color, it has risen!"    


"This water quality should be at the same level as the ice type. This level of jade is definitely going to increase by leaps and bounds!"    


Everyone looked at the emerald green colour that was reflected in their eyes. They seemed to be able to sense the crystal clear and refreshing feeling as they discussed one after another. Their eyes were filled with envy when they looked at Zhao Xinhe.    


When the jewellery merchant, who had been standing by the side, saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward and spoke to Zhao Xinhe.    


"This boss, I'll pay 1.5 million, how about you give this piece of jade to me?"    


"One million seven hundred and fifty thousand, give this jade to me!"    


"One million nine hundred thousand!"    


The merchants at the side quickly moved closer and spoke to Zhao Xinhe. They were willing to pay such a high price because they also had a risk. However, the risk was accompanied by the benefit.    


With how big the jade stone was, no one knew how much jade it had left. If the jade was big enough, it would be possible to sell it for millions, but if the jade was small, it would be a loss for them.    


In the blink of an eye, the price of the jade had risen to two million six hundred thousand and there were no more merchants bidding on it. This price was their bottom line.    


"My apologies, but I still wish to continue, so I will not make a move."    


When Zhao Xinzhi heard the words of the merchants around him, he cupped his hands and apologetically said. The jade stone had already been extracted from the jade, if the jade was more than a few hundred thousand, then this price would not only be a few million.    


The price of the jade was multiplied by several times. One had to know that the bigger the jade was, the better its quality. The price of the jade was as high as possible.    


When the surrounding merchants heard this, they immediately felt pity. However, they didn't say anything. If the other party wasn't selling this jade, they couldn't just buy it.    


When the surrounding audience saw this scene, all of them held their breath. They looked at Zhao Xinhe with admiration. The prices of these merchants had already reached several million, yet they still had yet to bid.    


It would be a huge loss if it was cut down. If it was any ordinary person, they would have probably stopped at this point and sold the jade on their hands.    


"Continue to unravel it. Completely unravel it."    


Zhao Xinhe took in a deep breath and spoke to the stonecutter. The one before him was not as easy as he had been before.    


At this time, everyone admired Zhao Xinhe's courage. They held their breaths as they watched the stonecutter cut the jade stone apart.    


At this time, Jiang Qianman seemed to have been affected as she watched this scene nervously. One hand was tightly holding onto Heng Yanlin, showing her incomparably nervous mood.    


Heng Yanlin looked at her in amusement, then looked at the direction the stonecutter had cut the stone off, and immediately shook his head. No one else knew, but he had seen everything clearly.    


With this cut, all of the jade inside was exposed. That tiny bit of a jade stone would probably only cost a few tens of thousands of dollars, Heng Yanlin thought.    


It was probably because of him that he was able to see the rocks clearly. Therefore, when faced with all of this, he did not feel the nervousness of the people around him at all.    


"It's been cut open. I don't know if it will increase again."    


At this time, a spectator looked at the jade stone and muttered softly. Zhao Xinhe stepped forward again, and at this moment, his hands began to tremble slightly. After cleaning up the dust, he revealed the situation within.    


However, the place he caught sight of was entirely sand white without the slightest trace of jade, causing his face to turn pale all of a sudden.    


"It's broken. There's not a single piece of jade. There was originally a palm-sized piece of jade in that place."    


"What a poor saber. With this saber, he has lost millions!"    


Everyone looked at that white piece of land and took a deep breath when they saw the location of the emerald. They spoke to Zhao Xin with great regret. This kind of thing could be seen everyday in the stone gambling grounds.    


However, upon seeing this scene, the crowd couldn't help but sigh. At this moment, Zhao Xin was looking at this scene with lifeless eyes. It was evident that this scene was a huge blow to them.    


Originally, he could have sold it for more than 2 million and earned more than 1 million, but now, he had directly cut this into pieces.    


The crowd dispersed in groups of twos and threes, and this kind of thing could not arouse their emotions. Originally, he could have stopped, but he had chosen to gamble. Naturally, he had to take responsibility for the decision he made.    


Of course, if he was able to achieve success, then everyone would naturally be overjoyed. Originally, after the stonecutter had suffered a crushing defeat, his expression was a little unnatural. After all, it was his fault.    


"Let's go and buy a few pieces too!"    


Jiang Qianman was in high spirits at the moment, although the people he saw were all ruined, it did not hinder her interest at all. What's more, if he saw that the others were broken, would he not cut himself?    


She had brought Heng Yanlin along to buy jade stone after all. No matter what, she needed to buy a few.    


Hearing Jiang Qianman's words, Heng Yanlin also nodded his head, just now he had already noticed a few jade stone s, there were some jade on them, but his cultivation was not enough, although he could vaguely see that ball of green, but as to what it was, he could not see it.    


If he wanted to see all of them, then he would need to at least reach the Foundation Establishment stage.    


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