Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Heng Yanlin's lips curled up slightly, and then, he tapped the word gently. The word slowly fell and released a burst of white light, illuminating everything beneath it.    


Crackle ?    


A series of soft sounds rang out at this moment. Following which, one could see the white smoke rising directly from the creatures of the Nether Realm below, as if they had been ordered by the government.    


Seeing that, everyone was startled, and then a look of joy appeared on their faces, no matter what method Heng Yanlin used, to these Nether Realm Creatures, it was obvious that the effect was extremely huge.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Under the illumination of the white light, these creatures from the Nether Realm immediately let out painful roars. Just what was this damned thing?    


"Hurry up and finish off all these items!"    


Under the shine of the white light, everyone was stunned for a moment. When Commander Wu, who was at the side, saw this, he coldly snorted and then spoke out.    


After Commander Wu said this, everyone quickly regained their senses, and immediately opened fire, killing all these items on the spot. In that moment, all the items that were originally densely packed, were all killed.    


Only then did everyone raise their heads and look into the sky. They saw an incomparably mysterious character that was slowly rotating in the air, emitting a pure white light. Just looking at it made them feel extremely comfortable.    


"Is that the actual word?"    


The crowd looked at it for a while. Although the words were very complicated, they were still able to tell that it was a righteous word.    


The truth was, this was just a simple word. It was passed down to an upright sect in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and this sect could be considered as an extremely upright sect. This symbol print was coincidentally obtained by Heng Yanlin.    


Once the symbol print was used, any place that had righteous Qi would be able to give these words and add limitless power. It was to use the righteous Qi and suppress all kinds of evil methods.    


Righteous Qi was originally the nemesis of this kind of thing. Now that Heng Yanlin had released the righteous Qi, these low level beings would naturally not be able to resist the erosion of the righteous Qi.    


Seeing that all the Nether Realm creatures below had been killed cleanly, within the hospital, for a moment, nothing else came out, Heng Yanlin was just about to let out a sigh of relief.    


However, at this moment, an incomparable black aura was emitted. Then, like a circular barrier, it started to spread outwards.    


Seeing this, Heng Yanlin snorted, his foot lightly tapped on the word 'right', and a bright light instantly erupted from the word, which then turned around and expanded to a distance of a few meters.    


"Crackle ?"    


As the white light landed on the black mist, sounds of explosions continuously rang out. When they heard those sounds, everyone's hearts turned cold.    


Under the suppression of the word, the fog finally stopped after it had spread out from the hospital for dozens of meters.    


At this moment, even from very far away, one could still see the abnormality of the Jianghai City. A mist that continuously emitted a dense, seemingly extremely evil aura, which seemed to be a semicircle in shape, directly fell onto the ground, covering a large area on the ground.    


In mid-air, an incomparably bright and clear character was slowly rotating. After which, it repeatedly emitted an extremely bright light, firmly suppressing the mist on the ground.    


When the ordinary people in the distance saw this scene, they opened their mouths wide in shock. Then, they subconsciously opened their phones and began to record.    


"Fuck, what is this thing? Did we see a deity?" What the hell is going on!? "    


A man who lived on a tall building was woken up by the sound of the cannonball. As he looked at the situation in the distance, he was shocked to see the scene in front of him.    


"Who knows what it is, but what I know is that the white light is definitely a good thing. I have a bad feeling, if this white light can't suppress that black gas, then we'll all be in trouble!"    


At this moment, his roommates at the side were also observing the situation. Following which, they began to speak. From their instincts, they forced them to distance themselves from the black mist.    


When they saw those white words, they could not help but want to get close to them. From this, they were able to tell that those white words were definitely good.    


Moreover, the continuous bombardment from the army seemed to be targeting the thing on the ground. Even if this thing appeared on the ground, one need not think to know that it was definitely not something good.    


However, they were not clear what exactly this thing was. However, they could not help but have some doubts in their hearts. Could it be that this thing did not belong to any supernatural being?    


If it really was such a thing, how would he deal with it once the thing inside had escaped? When everyone thought of this, they could not help but have a headache.    


Seeing that he had suppressed that thing, Heng Yanlin heaved a sigh of relief, then directly jumped down from the word, and after landing on the ground, he walked towards Commander Wu.    


At the moment, Heng Yanlin's face was somewhat pale, when he used that thing just now, its power was not small, but Heng Yanlin's consumption was not small either. Fortunately, this thing had relied on the continuous absorption of the surrounding True Qi to maintain itself, so Heng Yanlin did not need to absorb any more Spiritual Energy.    


Otherwise, if he wanted to suppress this thing, Heng Yanlin's strength would probably be squeezed dry.    


"Well done, at least we can suppress it!"    


At this time, Commander Wu walked over to Heng Yanlin with a face filled with joy, and then said that. As he was speaking, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at the thing in the distance.    


The closer he got, the more he was able to see the profoundness of this thing.    


The incomparably gigantic words and the words. Standing below it, one could feel how weak one was. Meanwhile, the black light barrier in the distance was like a tiger that was always hiding. It seemed like it would leap up at any moment and give people a ruthless blow.    


However, this kind of thing was currently being tightly suppressed. Both of them were constantly exhausting the other party. Looking at the state of the words, it was likely that they would be able to endure for a while.    


Hearing this, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded his head, "Fortunately it's this thing, it can still be used a little. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't even be able to hold on for tonight."    


At this time, Heng Yanlin could not help but sigh. In his heart, he started to think that after this matter was resolved, it was time to refine a flying sword of some sort.    


There were no treasures or flying sword, it would be too much trouble to deal with them.    


If the current Heng Yanlin possessed something like a flying sword, he would not need to use such methods to kill all these things.    


"The power is definitely sufficient. It's just that this display of power is too big."    


At this time, Commander Wu also could not help but let out a bitter laugh. At the beginning, when Heng Yanlin said that the commotion he caused was a little bit big, he did not mind it too much, but the current situation was probably because the people around him were not blind and were able to see it.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin looked at him, but did not say anything. He knew that the other party was just saying it, there was no intention to blame him, so he did not mind.    


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