Top Immortal Emperor in the City



"Now, I don't want to say anything to you anymore. If I kill you now, I'll be able to get what I want."    


Feeling the abundant energy by his side, Yun Xiaozi raised his head, looked at Heng Yanlin and spoke coldly. Previously, he had given this guy a slight chance, but he actually didn't want it.    


Heng Yanlin pursed his lips slightly, without saying anything. With a tap of his foot, he left behind an afterimage as he pounced towards Yun Xiaozi. Seeing this, Yun Xiaozi's face flashed with a cold and disdainful smile.    


At this time, Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. At this moment, he only felt that his entire body had already entered a quagmire, and his surroundings were filled with endless resistance.    


He, who was originally extremely nimble, was now unable to even take a single step, and at this time, Yun Xiaozi's speed had instead increased explosively. His entire body's speed was several times faster than Heng Yanlin's compared to before, and he instantly attacked towards Heng Yanlin.    


In just an instant, Heng Yanlin felt as though his body had been struck countless of times by Yun Xiaozi's palms.    


Sure enough, how could this fellow be powerful, but as long as he was not a Grandmaster, he was not a match for Yun Xiaozi. Seeing the situation, everyone shook their heads, then thought of it in their hearts.    


They had clearly seen the current Heng Yanlin in front of their eyes, and he had been completely suppressed without any ability to resist at all. It was likely that if he continued like this, he would die at the hands of that Yun Xiaozi in no time at all.    


"Kid, I will twist your head off and use it to pay my respects to my four disciples."    


Looking at Heng Yanlin who had been completely oppressed by him, a flash of happiness flashed past Yun Xiaozi's eyes, and then he said coldly.    


Heng Yanlin lifted his head, not the slightest bit of fear on his face, "You won't have the chance." Heng Yanlin's words lightly fell, then after, a cold light flashed, and Yun Xiaozi was instantly dumbstruck.    


"What, what is this? How is that possible? "    


Yun Xiaozi touched his chest, and at that moment, a hole appeared there, causing all the energy in his body to disappear from here.    


Within his Qi Jing, he could not even see clearly what killed him just now. However, how could this be possible? In his Qi Jing, as long as one was not a grandmaster, he should be invincible.    


"flying sword."    


Looking at Yun Xiaozi, Heng Yanlin thought for a while before replying. After observing him for a while, Heng Yanlin roughly understood how the Qi Jing was produced, so he directly used the flying sword to kill him with one slash.    


"flying sword?"    


When Yun Xiaozi heard this, he muttered to himself for a moment. Then, all the glint in his eyes disappeared, and his body fell to the ground in front of Heng Yanlin, like a jade pillar that had flipped over a mountain of gold.    


What was going on?    


The spectators were all betting on what kind of ability Heng Yanlin had to lose to him, but in the next moment, Yun Xiaozi actually died in his hands just like that, how could they not be shocked?    


That strike just now was something that even Yun Xiaozi could not see clearly, and with their strength, it was even more impossible for them to see clearly. Immediately, countless people looked at Heng Yanlin with faces full of fear.    


They were all thinking back to how Heng Yanlin killed him.    


Heng Yanlin looked at the Hidden Cloud Sect in front of him, grabbed Yun Xiaozi and stepped into the sect. After a while, a huge fire started inside the sect, the fire instantly spread throughout the entire structure.    


"From today onwards, there will no longer be a Hidden Cloud Sect!"    


Heng Yanlin walked out from the rising flames, and then turned his gaze, sweeping his gaze across everyone, and said that.    


To the side, countless men in green training clothes looked at Heng Yanlin, their eyes filled with hatred. This was their sect, but it had actually been destroyed by Heng Yanlin just like that!    


"If anyone wants to seek revenge on me, I can do it now."    


Heng Yanlin's back was against the raging flames, he swept his gaze over to the disciples dressed in green, and when these people made contact with Heng Yanlin's eyes, they instantly dodged, and no one dared to meet his gaze.    


Seeing that no one stuck their heads out, Heng Yanlin stepped on the small path and in a moment, he disappeared from everyone's sight.    


Only after Heng Yanlin left did everyone let out a sigh of relief, as if they had come back to life. They raised their heads and looked towards the Hidden Cloud Sect that was burning in flames, their eyes filled with shock.    


Heng Yanlin's move had completely destroyed a sect. Originally, a sect without a Grandmaster already meant that their power was not as strong as Heng Yanlin's, but now, with Heng Yanlin setting the sect on fire, it could already be said that the sect was being destroyed. This move, was simply too ruthless!    


This was a sect with the backing of a Grandmaster. It was equivalent to having their entire sect destroyed. At this moment, countless people looked at each other before hurriedly leaving.    


They had to leave this place as soon as possible and report back to their clans. They could not afford to provoke a clan. If they did, their clans would be exterminated and they would have nowhere to cry to.    


When they thought of this, everyone was frightened and hurriedly left. From today onwards, there would be an additional person in their circle who they could not afford to offend. Once they met this person, they would quickly back away.    


On the other side, Heng Yanlin was holding onto the wooden sword, and was frowning, as he slowly walked down the mountain.    


The Grandmaster's Qi Realm was indeed formidable, when he had just flown out of the plane, he had exploded with the power of lightning and destroyed all the restrictions around him, which was why he was able to ignore everything and use his incomparable speed to kill Yun Xiaozi.    


However, in this way, the originally small amount of lightning was now completely depleted. He needed to slowly recover in order to restore his original might.    


Heng Yanlin had just killed Yun Xiaozi not long ago, and in that short period of time, Commander Wu found out about the news. Following that, he made a call and fiercely praised Heng Yanlin.    


Because these sects relied on their own strength, they did not put official powers like them in their eyes at all. Although it was always mutual, it still made Commander Wu and the others feel a little uncomfortable.    


And right now, Heng Yanlin had ruthlessly taught the other party a lesson. Naturally, Commander Wu was overjoyed.    


After Heng Yanlin heard this, he casually agreed to a few sentences, then hung up the phone, preparing to buy a plane ticket back, but the current plane ticket was all sold, and seeing this, Heng Yanlin frowned.    


After calculating the time, it looked like Mu Shishan was about to wake up. After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin bought a ticket for the high speed train, preparing to take the high speed train back. After a while, Heng Yanlin arrived at the train station.    


Looking at the time, it would take more than two hours to reach the Jianghai City, he reckoned that he would be able to make it in time.    


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