Top Immortal Emperor in the City



In the villa, Heng Yanlin suddenly opened his eyes and felt the scene before him with his consciousness. His eyes instantly turned cold, because these fellows didn't hide anything and directly rushed towards his villa. If Heng Yanlin couldn't even notice them, then Heng Yanlin might as well not cultivate anymore and find a rural land to cultivate.    


"Presumably, the one who stole my Rejuvenation Toner is also you guys."    


Heng Yanlin woke up from his cultivation state, his eyes filled with coldness. As he perceived the black-clothed man heading straight towards him, he muttered in his heart.    


As a result, no matter what the opponent did, they would not be able to escape Heng Yanlin's control. After that, Heng Yanlin sent his consciousness towards Mu Shishan's room.    


Sensing that Mu Shishan had already fallen into a deep slumber, Heng Yanlin muttered to himself for a bit and decided to not wake Mu Shishan up, in case he got scared.    


Thinking about it, Heng Yanlin immediately retracted his consciousness, and prepared to deal with these uninvited guests. But just at this moment, he noticed Mu Shishan turn his body over slightly.    


It revealed a delicate and innocent look, causing Heng Yanlin to be startled, but in the end, a helpless smile surfaced on his face.    


Noticing this, Heng Yanlin laughed bitterly, he did not know if he should exclaim at his low self-control, or if Mu Shishan was captivating at the moment, he was unwilling to retract his consciousness.    


Only a moment of hesitation later, it was broken as the black-robed man in the distance was already approaching the villa. If Heng Yanlin still did not move, then these people would break into the villa and directly enter Mu Shishan's room.    


Their goal was, without even thinking, they were definitely here for Mu Shishan, so if they could not stop them outside, then they would rush to Mu Shishan's room.    


Whenever these people entered, they would see them. A hint of killing intent flashed across Heng Yanlin's eyes; even Heng Yanlin himself did not know why he was doing this.    


It was just that this was no longer important. What was important was that Heng Yanlin wanted all of these people to stay, and to capture the person behind the scenes.    


"Squad One, you are already approaching Mu Shishan's villa. Fifty meters ahead of you is Mu Shishan's villa.    


In the car outside, looking at the few people's path as they advanced, they had already reached the exterior of the villa. The black clothed person in the car directly spoke into the microphone before turning to everyone.    


When the black clothed person heard this, he looked at each other and nodded his head. Then, he waved his hand and dashed towards the villa. Moments later, the group successfully arrived at the villa's entrance.    


"According to our intelligence, that Mu Shishan should be living in the room on the right of the third room. He would be using a tool to directly climb up to the top of the room.    


After the leader saw the structure of the villa, he said to the people beside him. After all, this villa was purchased with millions of dollars.    


However, at that time, it would be terrible if they were hit by some alarm. Some rich people liked to do these things, so just to be safe, it would be better to directly climb up and take them away.    


When the crowd heard this, they did not hesitate and directly nodded their heads in an incomparably serious manner, indicating that they should use this method. For them, climbing such a small height was not difficult at all.    


"Alright, hurry up and move. Four minutes have already passed."    


One of the members looked at the time and said in a low voice. According to his own plan, this matter should be settled within ten minutes. Right now, half the time was up and he couldn't drag it out any longer.    


Upon hearing these words, everyone nodded their heads. After which, they directly took out some things and placed them in their hands. Clearly, they wanted to rely on these things to directly climb up to the third floor.    


However, just as they were about to take action, a ghost-like figure directly appeared behind them. No one noticed this in the slightest.    


"Did no one tell you that entering someone else's house without permission is illegal?"    


An extremely unfamiliar voice rang out from behind a group of black-clothed people. After hearing the voice, the black-clothed people suddenly froze, cold sweat rolling down their faces.    


They were elites among elites, but at this moment, they were silently being approached by someone behind them without them noticing it at all. If it wasn't for the other party opening his mouth, they probably wouldn't have known that such a frightening person had appeared behind them.    


The reactions of the black-clothed man were extremely good. After they heard Heng Yanlin's words, the group of people quickly pulled the guns out from their chest, turned around, and pointed the guns at the figure behind him.    


When they clearly saw who it was, the group of black-clothed men were stunned, because the person in front of them, who they had seen in the photos before, was actually Mu Shishan's husband, Mu Shishan's legal husband.    


According to the intelligence they knew, this Heng Yanlin was just an ordinary person, they did not care about him but right now, who was the one telling them that he was just an ordinary person? They did not need to care about him, they would definitely give him a huge slap across the face.    


How could you, an ordinary person, know that they had silently come tonight, and then wanted to abduct Mu Shishan? Can you, an ordinary person, silently appear behind them?    


If this guy had been given a weapon, they would have immediately kneeled down in a circle without saying a word. Moreover, they would have died for no good reason.    


However, even though this guy was a bit strange, he was not particularly smart. He clearly knew that they did not come with good intentions, but he still openly stood in front of them.    


With so many of them, all of them were pointing their guns at this fellow. It was likely that this fellow would not be able to create much trouble. Moreover, this fellow had appeared here at this time.    


At that time, he could directly go in from the place he came from, and then smoothly bring Mu Shishan away from there. Thinking of this, the leader had a smile on his face.    


"Who are you people? What are you doing here?"    


Heng Yanlin seemed to turn a blind eye to the guns in front of him, as he calmly faced the black-clothed men and asked. Some things still had to be asked, if not, these people would already have met the King of Hell, so how could Heng Yanlin have such patience?    


"Who we are is none of your business. Hurry up and tell us where you came from. Bring us there, or else this weapon will take your life!"    


The leader saw that Heng Yanlin actually still wanted to ask them a question even at this time, and immediately twitched his mouth and spoke fiercely to Heng Yanlin. If not for the fact that this fellow was still useful, he would have suspected that he had given Heng Yanlin a reward.    


Moreover, Mu Shishan and the rest had decided to kidnap him. It was just killing one more person now, there was nothing much to it, in any case, it was still going to be on the black list.    


"I'll say it again. Who are you? Where did you come from? Who is the person behind you? Explain it clearly to me. I can let you people die a little more quickly. Otherwise, you will be able to taste what it means to live a life worse than death."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin acted as if he did not hear anything, his gloomy eyes swept across all of their bodies, then he opened his mouth and spoke coldly, he did not have such a good person, so he was speaking rubbish with them.    


All he wanted to know was who were behind these people, and where they were. That was enough. As for the rest, he could solve them himself.    


"You must be sick. Do you know what this is? This was a weapon! Do you think that this is fake? "    


This was a spear in his hands, and as long as he moved his fingers, he could take Heng Yanlin's life. But this guy, under such circumstances, actually still dared to threaten them?    


Looking at the situation in front of them, they were clearly villains. It was normal for them to infuriate Heng Yanlin and give him a metal warhead.    


"This guy, could there be something wrong with his head?"    


A black-clothed man at the side saw that there was still no fear on Heng Yanlin's face, and instead looked at them coldly. He had some doubts in his heart, but he did not feel that Heng Yanlin would be able to create any waves in this situation.    


No matter what Heng Yanlin wanted to do, as long as the people on their side moved their fingers, they could easily take Heng Yanlin's life. In this kind of situation, unless they were courageous people, they might still be able to maintain their calm.    


But no matter how they looked at it, Heng Yanlin didn't look like the type of person who had exceptional guts. On the contrary, Heng Yanlin seemed like the type of person who had problems with their brains, if not, how could he not see the situation clearly and want to threaten them.    


With this feeling, he opened his mouth and spoke these words to the leader.    


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