Top Immortal Emperor in the City



After knowing that Heng Yanlin was not that easy to fool, the few of them immediately extinguished all of their thoughts, and then honestly told them their origins, as well as the Rejuvenation Toner that had been stolen away.    


After Heng Yanlin listened to these people, his face couldn't help but sink. Not only these people stole Shilan Group's Rejuvenation Toner, they also stole a lot of things that were kept secret from other companies.    


Hearing this news, Heng Yanlin also frowned, some of the things that these people stole were at a company in the Cloud Sea City, so they should have already started the Rejuvenation Toner's research.    


It's just that Heng Yanlin wasn't really that worried about this.    


Because if these people could research his Rejuvenation Toner, then they would not come to steal the recipe, but if the company stayed here, then things would become troublesome.    


However, this matter could just be left to someone else. This person was very reliable, and no one was more suitable than him.    


After all, if he were to handle this matter, Heng Yanlin did not need to owe him anything. On the contrary, he should owe Heng Yanlin a favor.    


Thinking to this point, Heng Yanlin directly sat at the side without saying a word, as if he was waiting for something. Those people all looked at each other, and saw the fear in each other's eyes.    


Heng Yanlin's methods just now had truly scared them out of their wits. That kind of pain, completely surpassed their imagination, was like the pain that was being inflicted on their souls, causing their hearts to tremble incomparably.    


Even though they had received strict training, they were still unable to withstand the pain.    


At this moment, they even had the feeling that they were about to die. They did not want to be burned by the burning sensation in their souls.    


Just that, Heng Yanlin stood at the side and did not speak, they could do nothing about it, and did not dare to ask Heng Yanlin, so they could only stay by the side.    


After a moment, with the sound of a car, a Hummer drove directly to the side of the MPV, and after that, the door opened, and Team One's camouflage clothing wearing warrior came out.    


These warriors all had a hint of fierceness on their faces. However, when they saw Heng Yanlin, who was in the driver's seat, the fierceness on their faces quickly faded away.    


These men in black were all elites, so they all had an extremely keen sense for the strength of these warriors.    


From their perception, they were very clear that if they were to fight against these people, even they together would not be a match for any of them.    


Especially for that tower-like man. His entire body was covered in muscles, which made people's hearts palpitate with fear. It was likely that a person like this would have his bones broken if he were to be lightly touched by him.    


Compared to this person, some of the more powerful white men he had seen in the past were not much different.    


When did such a powerful team appear?    


The few men in black all looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes. They had been active for a long time and were quite familiar with each other.    


Naturally, they knew a few things, but they had never been able to find out that there was such a team.    


In this aspect, he hid it so well. It was really a wonder what kind of strength he had hidden in the depths.    




Everyone from the Sharp Bladed Team saw Heng Yanlin sitting inside, so they immediately walked in front of him and gave him a salute, before respectfully shouting out.    


His words made all the men in black beside him shudder with fear. Instructor? These fellows who seemed to have extraordinary strength were actually called Instructor Heng Yanlin?    


However, after everyone looked at Heng Yanlin, they immediately went silent. Calling Heng Yanlin their instructor did not seem to be strange.    


These people gave off an extremely strong feeling, so strong that they felt like they were invincible. But the problem was, Heng Yanlin felt that the feeling was even stronger than these people.    


These people were amazing. They couldn't possibly be at a point where they couldn't shoot, right? Thus, thinking about it, it was not hard to accept that these people were called Instructor Heng Yanlin. No matter what, it was better than Heng Yanlin calling these people their leaders.    




Hearing Sharp Bladed Team's call, Heng Yanlin woke up from his deep thoughts, and after looking at the crowd by his side, he nodded his head in agreement.    


"Sorry instructor, we were late!"    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, everyone felt a sense of guilt. Although they did not know what had happened, they could guess what had happened just by looking at the clothes these people were wearing.    


It was definitely because these people had plotted and plotted against Heng Yanlin, and in the end, they were captured by Heng Yanlin, so he called them over to settle the matter.    


"I don't blame you for this. I called you guys over because I have something I need you to take care of me."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin immediately waved his hand, and then pointed to the black clothed man beside him, and continued speaking to the rest of the Sharp Bladed Team.    


"A few days ago, these people ran to the Shilan Group and stole some of the Rejuvenation Toner's original liquid. Today, they even thought of stealing the Rejuvenation Toner's formula, but they were caught by me."    


"In addition, according to the information I've just obtained, these people are from small countries. Before this, they stole quite a few secret documents, as well as some extremely important items."    


"People from a small country?"    


When the crowd heard this, their expressions immediately changed. The people from small countries had a deep blood feud with them. Due to the many benefits and complex relationships before them, the two countries were relatively restrained.    


However, these people, especially the soldiers, hadn't let go of this bitter hatred in the slightest.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, it was a new hatred and an old hatred, it was all boiling up, it was already a mortal hatred, you actually dared to openly come here, to create trouble here, do you really think that these soldiers are useless?    


However, what made them blush was that even though the other side had done so many things, they hadn't noticed at all.    


This time, if Heng Yanlin had not personally captured them, they would not have known that there was a group of people from a small country hiding inside.    


"It's the people from a small country. You can bring them back and interrogate them. Also, they have a company in Yunhai City. It's a secret location for research. Send someone to take care of it tomorrow."    


When Heng Yanlin heard Sharp Bladed Team, he cried out in disbelief and immediately nodded his head in agreement.    


When the people from the Sharp Bladed Team heard Heng Yanlin's words, they did not hesitate either and directly agreed. Regardless of whether or not these people had done anything, as citizens of a small country, or soldiers, they should properly investigate what was going on.    


"Don't worry Instructor. Leave these people to us. You just wait for the good news. We will definitely take care of that secret research room."    


At this time, Lv Danxi was also extremely angry, but when he heard Heng Yanlin's words, he did not hesitate at all.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin nodded his head while smiling. Towards Sharp Bladed Team, he was still very at ease. With these people, the research room in Yunhai City would not be able to continue existing.    


"Enough, take him away and go back. Tell Commander Wu that he owes me a favor."    


If it weren't for Heng Yanlin, this team would have been here, and that research facility in Yunhai City. Who knows how much damage this would have caused.    


Therefore, when Heng Yanlin said that Commander Wu owed him a favor, it was very normal, and the other party did indeed owe him a favor.    


When the people of Sharp Bladed Team heard this, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But they could only nod their heads, with their understanding of Heng Yanlin, how could Heng Yanlin care about this favor.    


It was just that Heng Yanlin wanted to borrow their power to directly destroy this fellow. Who asked them to directly target him, Heng Yanlin?    


As for why Heng Yanlin was doing this, it was only because Heng Yanlin had borrowed their power, but did not want to owe him anything. Thus, he turned the tables around, and wanted Commander Wu to owe him a favor.    


However, he had to owe Commander Wu this favor, because the truth was as expected. Without Heng Yanlin, he would not know of some people who would not be able to capture them.    


Everyone understood Heng Yanlin's intentions, but they did not expose anything, and directly walked to the car, and grabbed the black clothed man out, one by one.    


However, they were only caught, and the Sharp Bladed Team did not give them anything to put on their bodies, such as handcuffs.    


To them, this wasn't necessary. Even if these people were powerful, how could they surpass them? Before this, they were already incomparably formidable.    


And after that, Heng Yanlin gave a portion of the medicinal liquid to Commander Wu, other than some being used to research, the other being given to Sharp Bladed Team to cultivate.    


The current Sharp Bladed Team, after going through the modified version of the medicinal liquid and cultivating, their strength had advanced by leaps and bounds, so they didn't even want to handcuffs these people.    


In their hearts, they might have been more than happy to have these people flee in the middle of the journey. Then, they would have been able to properly teach these people a lesson.    


After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin got the people of the Sharp Bladed Team to take this MPV away as well. Otherwise, if they were to leave the MPV with Heng Yanlin, they might as well just let the MPV go.    


When that time came, the tickets would naturally be dealt with by the people from the country. If not, it would be a waste if they were to leave them there, and if Heng Yanlin took them back, he would have to explain himself.    


Since it was something that wasn't there yesterday, and it had suddenly appeared today, Mu Shishan would inevitably have some questions.    


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