Top Immortal Emperor in the City



By the time Heng Yanlin returned to the villa, the sky was already slightly bright. At this time, the sky was already gradually getting colder, and the sky was already slightly bright. It was already late, and Mu Shishan had already woken up.    


Looking at Heng Yanlin's appearance, he did not look like he was training outside. If Heng Yanlin was training outside, then based on the times when he returned, he would be drenched in sweat, but the Heng Yanlin in front of him did not seem to be perspiring at all.    


Mu Shishan was a little surprised, but she did not say anything. If there really was something, Heng Yanlin would probably tell her. If Heng Yanlin did not say it, she would naturally not say anything else.    


At this time, Aunt Zhang's family had also prepared breakfast, and after the two of them had finished eating, they would go to Shilan Group. As usual, Heng Yanlin had brought breakfast for the people from Ling Meiqing's department, and then returned to his room, preparing to set up a formation in his room, so that no one could come in to take the things away.    


While Heng Yanlin was preparing the formation, in another city, in Yunhai City, the people of Team One were busy preparing, preparing to dig out the research room that had been buried for a long time.    


"Commander Wu, I really didn't expect that you would personally come for this mission."    


The city official of the Cloud Sea City looked at the middle-aged man in military uniform in front of him, revealed a wry smile, and spoke to Commander Wu.    


Last night, after he asked Yun Hai City what it had, Commander Wu decided to bring the warriors of the Team One to Yun Hai City. He was prepared to personally lead them and take down the research room.    


And after such a huge incident, the city order naturally knew of it, so they personally went to find Commander Wu. From his tone, there was a slight unhappiness, but more importantly, there was nothing they could do.    


Yunhai City was his territory and he was the city's official. Now such a big thing had happened and he did not know that there was such a poisonous tumor in his city.    


Regardless of the reason or the excuse, there was only one sentence for it, and that was that he had failed in his duty. If he was the one in charge of the arrest, then it would be fine.    


After all, as long as he was able to capture these people, it could be considered as his effort. In that case, he would be able to pass the test, but right now, Commander Wu was personally leading the team, then, what did he have to do here?    


The troops were personally leading people to capture him, so how could he get involved? There were only a few people on his side, otherwise, he probably wouldn't even know about this.    


Hearing that, Commander Wu knew that this mayor was in an awkward place, he was also not unreasonable. In the end, giving some face to others and leaving behind some connections might prove useful in the future.    


However, the problem was that this friendship could only be given when the time came. Giving something in return was something that could not be given at times.    


"I am really sorry. The people that we have captured are closely related to this company. If they are unable to contact us overnight, I'm afraid they will be alerted. If we let them destroy our corpses like this, it would be difficult for us to find evidence."    


Commander Wu apologetically said to the mayor. Those people that he had captured were well-trained, and for them to be able to keep in contact with the other party while doing this sort of thing, it was very normal.    


And right now, all of these people were already caught, Commander Wu did not dare let them spread the news, if there were any clues, at that time, wouldn't they be alerting the enemy?    


Therefore, he decided to bring his men to Yunhai City and personally participate in the capture operation.    


When the city token heard this, it nodded its head helplessly. Other than this unexpected reason, it was unknown how long the Three Wood Group had been stationed in this Cloud Sea City.    


In Yunhai City, there were probably some spies. If they were to make a move on this side, they would find out soon enough.    


"It's getting late. I think all the people who should be inside have already arrived. This time's operation must be done cleanly to prevent the enemy from destroying everything. Do you hear me?"    


Commander Wu looked at the time, it was already nine in the morning, and at this time, some of the people who should have come should have arrived, so he turned his head and shouted at the group of elite soldiers behind him.    


"Don't worry, we're good at this. Even if the other party is well-trained, we can take him down before he can even put up a fight!"    


Hearing Commander Wu's words, Lv Danxi stepped forward and said to Commander Wu.    


In order to ensure success, Commander Wu had brought everyone from the Sharp Bladed Team here with him. The people from the Sharp Bladed Team often carried out some special missions.    


Commander Wu was already extremely familiar with this kind of operation, so he was more at ease with his own little team.    


Thus, after hearing those words, he nodded his head, but maintained a straight face.    


"I know your strengths, but you can't let your guard down. Who wants to blow up this matter, then don't even think about that body refining matter."    


When the people of Sharp Bladed Team heard this, they became anxious. Commander Wu's words could be said to be aimed directly at their weakness. Body refining, they had always been thinking about it.    


If they lost this opportunity to refine their bodies, then they would not be able to keep up with the others in Sharp Bladed Team.    


In addition, when they went out on missions, especially last time, they thought they were strong enough, but they were still beaten to death.    


That time, if Heng Yanlin did not coincidentally exist, they would most likely not have had a life to return to this place. Therefore, to them, this body refining technique was more important than their lives.    


"Report, I guarantee that we will be able to complete the mission. If there are any mistakes, we will take the lead and see you."    


Sharp Bladed Team was also shocked, and immediately swore a heavy oath.    


After Commander Wu heard this, he nodded his head in satisfaction, "Depart!"    


When everyone heard this, they all got into their cars to the side. At this moment, their cars rumbled and then quickly charged towards the Three Wood Conglomerate.    


Sanmu Group was in the center of the city, in a very bustling area with a tall building. Yu Hai City was very famous and had thousands of employees.    


Every time there was a rush hour in the morning, there would be groups of office workers outside, walking towards the interior of the building.    


Today was destined to be different. At this time, dozens of cars drove through the city in an orderly manner. Then, they formed a line and lined up outside.    


Such a scene made the bystanders, including those who were working, a bit dazed. They didn't know who exactly had come to take such a stance.    


While everyone was stunned, they immediately stopped and watched. The next second, they saw something that let them know that they were definitely in big trouble this time.    


In the car, the door instantly opened at the same time and a group of soldiers with guns rushed out. The moment these soldiers got out of the car, they rushed towards the building.    


Meanwhile, there were also a few other soldiers who had completely sealed off the outside of the place, preventing anyone from entering.    


Team One will go to the left and seal the first elevator, no one is allowed to go in or out. Team Two will seal the second elevator, Team Three will seal the third elevator, Team Five will seal the emergency exit, and we will search along the corridor.    




With an urgent order, the group of people quickly dispersed from the building. At this time, the people outside were completely dumbfounded.    


He had never seen such a formation in the country before. In the country, everything was always done by the police. When had there ever been so many soldiers with so much equipment who would actually do such a thing?    


At the beginning, the crowd only thought that this was an act or a movie, but after watching it for a while, they gave up on this idea.    


As for acting, you've seen passersby, and if they wanted to get close to you, they'd have to push you to the ground.    


Moreover, looking at the machinery in their hands, it didn't seem like they were putting on an act no matter how one looked at it. Some of them immediately took out their phones to record this scene.    


At this moment, the buildings of the Three Wood Corporation were in a state of chaos. No one knew what was going on and just what was going on. Soldiers rushed forward and ordered them to stand to the side.    


"Hey hey hey everyone, let's talk properly. What happened exactly? Why did so many soldiers come and seal my building off?"    


A man in a suit hastily ran over at this moment. When he saw the mayor accompanying him, he immediately asked.    


The Sanmu Corporation was also a very large company, and the tax they paid was also very high. Therefore, they had met this mayor several times before.    


At this moment, he was incomparably happy to see a familiar person. He immediately walked in front of the mayor and respectfully greeted him.    


"Mayor Li, I am the general manager of Sanmu Group. I wonder what everyone is doing?" We are serious businessmen! "    


At this moment, Shi Mu was asking Mayor Li excitedly. Based on his experience with these officials, as long as he said such words, they would at least comfort him a little.    


When that time came, he could say whatever he wanted. After all, the Three Wood Group was a small country's company. If the other party were to act recklessly, it would be difficult to explain internationally.    


However, what made him somewhat shocked was that after he finished saying those words, the other person only indifferently looked at him, then turned around and didn't even look at him.    


This caused him to be startled. He immediately thought of something. Could it be that something was discovered?    


If that was the case, it would be terrible! Thinking about this, San Mu's face became pale.    


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