Top Immortal Emperor in the City



"Hello, are you the CEO Mu from Shilan Group, Mu Shishan?"    


The two of them walked side by side into the restaurant. Someone had already reserved a box upstairs. The group of people saw a group of people with a strange atmosphere the moment they entered.    


They probably knew that they were here to look for Mu Shishan to cooperate, so when Mu Shishan and Mu Yurou had not arrived yet, they looked at each other with a hint of vigilance in their eyes.    


Only when Mu Shishan and Jiang Miaosu entered did the men in suits and suits have a flash of joy in their eyes. After that, they anxiously arrived in front of Mu Shishan and extended their hands out, enthusiastically greeting him. They had investigated Mu Shishan before, and naturally recognized him with a single glance.    


At this moment, they were also extremely happy in their hearts, thinking that among them, there were already many who had come for a very long time, but because Mu Shishan didn't have much of a cold toward them, he had never prepared to receive them.    


And now, Mu Shishan was finally willing to meet with them for a bit, and then discuss it with them, because this treatment was much better than before. After all, if they couldn't even meet face, then there was nothing to discuss about cooperating with Mu Shishan.    


Seeing that, Mu Shishan also nodded her head lightly, then extended her slender hand and after making a light touch with the other party, she kept it.    


The group of men who came to negotiate did not mind, but when they saw Jiang Miaosu, who was behind Mu Shishan, they immediately greeted him enthusiastically. Their intelligence was not bad, and they knew that Jiang Miaosu was also one of the people who worked with Mu Shishan, and that he had a share of the Heavenly Moon Group among the Rejuvenation Toner.    


Even though they had an appointment with Jiang Miaosu before, and the other party was not willing to receive them, they did not think much of it. After all, the control over the Rejuvenation Toner was still in Mu Shishan's hands.    


Even if they met Jiang Miaosu, she would not be able to say anything, thus they did not put too much importance on Jiang Miaosu, but seeing that he had come, they were very happy.    


After greeting everyone, the two ladies walked to the side and sat down, and the elites that came to negotiate also sat down. Heng Xiulin looked around and saw that there were no seats left, so he did not mind.    


Seeing Heng Xiulin's actions, everyone looked at Heng Xiulin and paid no more attention to him. He was just a follower, there was no need to pay attention to him.    


They all looked at each other, not wanting to announce their company's offer too early. However, if this were to continue, it would definitely not be possible, since it was extremely difficult for the other party to come over, so they couldn't just let the other party sit there and not say anything.    


The current situation depended on who could sit down first and who could speak first.    


After the atmosphere had turned silent for a moment, a man with a crew cut, whose hair was extremely glossy, finally could not endure it anymore. He coughed lightly, and upon seeing that everyone was looking at him, he became slightly pleased, and spoke to Mu Shishan.    


"CEO Mu wanted to know the reason for my visit, so I went straight to the point. My company is extremely optimistic about your products, the Rejuvenation Toner market, and I hope that I can find a chance to work with Mu Shishan."    


As the man spoke, he opened his briefcase and took out a copy of the contract.    


"In order to express our sincerity, we have already drawn up a contract. We are willing to invest 10 million in exchange for 8% of the Rejuvenation Toner's benefits. What do you think?"    


As the man spoke, he passed the contract in front of Mu Shishan, then returned to his seat and spoke to Mu Shishan with hope filling his voice.    


Ten million for eighty percent might seem like a lot, but everyone present had a thorough understanding of Rejuvenation Toner s. They knew that this price was nothing.    


Some companies offered higher prices for the elites than others. When they heard this price, a sneer appeared on their faces. Some of the conditions were lower than the price for the elites. However, there was some hesitation on their faces.    


Be it Mu Shishan or not, whether or not they agreed on this condition, they were not in a good position to speak of it. If they were to reject, the conditions they offered were even lower, so was it possible for them to agree to it?    


If they agreed, it would be hard for them to say anything. After all, they had agreed to this condition. Insulting others?    


However, right now, they could only hope that Mu Shishan would agree to this condition. As long as Mu Shishan agreed, they could contact their own headquarters and increase the condition by a bit. It was still possible to raise the condition by a bit.    


When Mu Shishan heard that person's conditions, the corner of his mouth hooked up into a smile. Those people who were unfamiliar with Mu Shishan, only thought that Mu Shishan was satisfied with the price, and only those who were familiar with Mu Shishan would understand, that it was just a smile of disdain on Mu Shishan's face.    


With such a good education, Mu Shishan was not as straightforward, but instead revealed that extremely disdainful smile, Mu Shishan casually flipped through it a few times, and the smile on his face became even wider, then he handed the contract over to Jiang Miaosu.    


Seeing Mu Shishan's actions, those people were slightly startled, their eyes flickered a little as they looked at Jiang Miaosu. With the information they had gathered, Jiang Miaosu had only been cooperating with Mu Shishan, in their opinion, there was no need to pay too much attention to him.    


But looking at Mu Shishan's actions, they realized that Jiang Miaosu's cooperation with him was deeper than them. Otherwise, such a contract, in order to avoid being suspected by Jiang Miaosu, would not be possible for him to see it.    


But seeing Mu Shishan do this, could only mean one thing, and that was, the importance of Jiang Miaosu in this collaboration, was far more important than the information they had gathered.    


A few people who had noticed this information immediately had a look of regret flash past their eyes. If they knew about this, they should have interacted more with Jiang Miaosu previously.    


Jiang Miaosu took the contract, and after looking through it a few times, he immediately shook his head. This company, did they really think that he was some big crocodile? Some of the terms in the contract were simply overbearing.    


Everything else aside, when this company took out their shares, they even requested to share the Rejuvenation Toner s recipe. Upon seeing this news, even with Jiang Miaosu's self-restraint, he almost laughed in anger.    


He shook his head slightly in his heart, then casually handed over the contract and threw it to Heng Yanlin, showing him the contract.    


Heng Yanlin took the contract, and said somewhat helplessly: "Sister Su, give me the contract, I do not understand it, the words on it are densely packed, I do not even know what is inside."    


Heng Yanlin felt a headache coming on regarding contracts, as the terms and conditions were filled with traps. If he was careless, he might get cheated, how could Heng Yanlin understand what was going on?    


There was no such thing in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. Whoever was strong was the one in charge, and those who were weak, who dared to use such a thing to swindle powerful cultivators, would be easily killed once they found out.    


As for the strong, there was no need for such a thing. If the opponent was a weak cultivator, it would be fine if he could just submit. But if the opponent was courting death, then he would just kill him.    


If you were to do this, the other party would definitely not buy it. At that time, the other party would just fight one match after another, and the result would be the same.    


That was why Heng Yanlin couldn't understand this. If he could, he felt that it would be much easier to scheme against his enemies than this.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Jiang Miaosu took a glance at Heng Yanlin and felt a little helpless in her heart. Heng Yanlin was, after all, the creator of the Rejuvenation Toner, and since Mu Shishan had brought Heng Yanlin here, she felt that it should be to let him have a look at the contract inside.    


But right now, Heng Yanlin was actually trying to say that he couldn't understand, which made things a little awkward. The people at the side saw that the contract was in Mu Shishan's hands, and was passed on again and again, and in the end, it actually ended up in Heng Yanlin's hands.    


Wasn't this fellow just an errand boy? Why did he have to let Heng Yanlin take a look at the contract right now, but that errand boy didn't seem to have any interest in the contract, and directly looked through it without even looking at it? He then directly put it to the side, showing extreme disregard for the contract.    


This made the face of the man who just handed over the contract turn gloomy, what did Heng Yanlin's this count as? The other party had even put his contract to the side. What was this? This was akin to slapping his face. If he was to do nothing, then his face would be completely disgraced.    


Thinking about that, his eyes immediately turned cold, then turned to Heng Yanlin and said, "Young friend, I passed the contract over, and you didn't even look at it, and just threw it to the side, isn't that a bit unreasonable?"    


The man's face darkened, and his tone was filled with dissatisfaction. In any case, there were still some hidden things in the contract that they had painstakingly made up with their effort, to the point where they were just thrown to the side by Heng Yanlin. Naturally, he was somewhat furious in his heart.    


He directly called Heng Yanlin to be his friend. In his opinion, Heng Yanlin was indeed a child, to actually do such a childish thing, for a person who didn't even understand the ways of the world, if it wasn't naive, what was?    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin was startled, he then looked at the contract and at the man, feeling helpless, he could not understand the contract, so what if he placed it aside? Could it be that he was going to keep holding it all the time? And then there was respect for him. What kind of joke was this? Did he even need to respect him?    


Heng Yanlin looked at him lazily. There was no need to explain himself to this kind of person, Heng Yanlin would not waste his breath on this kind of person.    


"CEO Mu, you are really a very arrogant person. I think it's better for you to just directly fire this kind of person, so as to avoid discrediting your company."    


Seeing Heng Yanlin being so dismissive, the person was so angry that his lungs almost burst, as he pointed at Heng Yanlin and said coldly.    


When the crowd heard this, they looked at him with a strange expression. This guy, is what you just said going through your head like that? Who do you think you are right now, to actually start commanding Mu Shishan, this is the internal company's business, and with that, you directly started directing it, aren't you afraid of being disliked by others?    


In front of so many people, are you sure it won't affect your request for cooperation at all?    


He only felt that when he raised this condition, Mu Shishan's face was already full of smiles. Thinking about it, Mu Shishan had already agreed to it, this condition of his.    


To him, since Mu Shishan had already agreed, as his partner, he was only reprimanding a staff member, it was not a big deal.    


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