Top Immortal Emperor in the City



"CEO, you're looking for me?"    


Heng Yanlin walked into the office and immediately saw Mu Shishan, thus he opened his mouth to ask. And when Heng Yanlin walked into the office, he discovered that Jiang Miaosu was also sitting on a sofa at the side, smiling at Heng Yanlin.    


Seeing this, Heng Yanlin also smiled at Jiang Miaosu, and then sat on the sofa at the side.    


"Mm, I called you here to discuss some matters with you, so I called you here."    


Seeing Heng Yanlin coming in, Mu Shishan smiled slightly, and then said. Hearing what he said, Heng Yanlin was startled for a moment, then felt that it was a little strange.    


"Tell me, and I'll listen."    


Heng Yanlin's expression was the same as before, he looked at Mu Shishan and spoke indifferently. Seeing this, Mu Shishan did not mind, and directly said, "The advertisement is already starting, I think, it will not be long before our products are released."    


"Hmm, looking at the current situation, it should be able to attract quite a few buyers when the time comes."    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin also nodded his head, although he did not understand much about it, but it did not mean that Heng Yanlin was not concerned about it.    


It's like this, because some ordinary skincare products do not use those jade bottle s. When the time comes, we can sell them in that shop, and if we leave them for a period of time and cause them to lose some of their potency, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.    


Mu Shishan had just thought of this matter, but even though Heng Yanlin had made quite a lot of jade bottle, in the huge market, he still made very few.    


Moreover, the most important thing was that the jade bottle needed to be used to store the medicinal liquid that was only diluted by a tenth of a drop. The rest of the medicinal liquid was used to sell to those buyers who wanted to buy it.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin frowned, if he did not resolve this issue, it would be troublesome. Other than saying the rest, when the medicinal liquid was leaving the factory, it did not use any jade bottle s to store the medicinal liquid, but it was already losing effect.    


This would waste some time. In addition to the transportation, some time would be wasted. There was also the time left before the goods were sold. When the time came, there would probably only be some time left.    


They had already said before that this medicinal liquid could be used for three months without any problems. At that time, they would be able to use this to compare if it was true.    


Although they could change this matter and tell the buyers that it was because the time was shorter, this method would definitely not be good. Three months of time was already short enough, and now, it had not even appeared in the market yet.    


This was definitely not good news for those buyers. When the time came, some people would boycott them, and the losses would not make up for the losses.    


"Then what should we do?"    


Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan, but did not think to say that, and directly asked.    


"I want you to make a few more jade bottle s, and even bigger ones. These jade bottle s are for the merchants, and during normal times, they can be stored inside, waiting for someone to buy them before taking them out. On the other hand, when we are on the way here, I feel that we can also use larger jade bottle s to transport them, so we can delay the time for the effects of the medicine."    


Heng Yanlin listened and nodded his head, "Alright, you guys can make the big jade bottle. When the time comes, I will handle it a bit. Also, we might not need the shape of the jade bottle.    


If it was only to make a few larger jade bottle s to store the medicinal liquid, it wouldn't be difficult at all. But to Heng Yanlin, it could be considered as extremely simple.    


At the very least, he placed the medicinal liquid into a special storage space. Even if he did not sell it at the moment, he would not be able to completely evaporate the Spiritual Energy.    


Seeing that Heng Yanlin had agreed, Mu Shishan was obviously very happy. He then continued to explain, just how many stores were there in the country that wanted to purchase their goods?    


However, due to the fact that the price of this item was a little too high, these shops only had some goods on the table and did not plan to sell too many goods. Otherwise, it would be terrible if they were unable to sell it.    


Moreover, in most places, there were no shops willing to purchase these skincare products, so once they were sold, the most likely would be their website.    


Since some places were not sold, the website was redesigned. Those customers could purchase these skincare products online. Of course, the price was a bit higher.    


If it was too low, perhaps no one would come to sell it. After all, if they could buy something cheap or real on the internet, who would go to the store to buy it?    


For these merchants that were already willing to sell, Mu Shishan was prepared to give them some preferential treatment. For example, right now, they could obtain the jade bottle that Heng Yanlin made for free.    


It was not that it was impossible, but they would need to spend money to buy the things that were used to store the medicinal liquid. This was something that Mu Shishan had thought of long ago, and it was something that they would definitely have to buy.    


After all, if he did not buy such an item, when the time came and the medicinal liquid was left for a period of time, it would be time for the item to be sold. Regarding this, Mu Shishan would not take responsibility for it.    


"Release the data on our products as well. We can start selling them in a few days."    


Mu Shishan looked at the secretary at the side and instructed, although the questioning voices outside would only shut up after the products were released and used, but at the moment, it was extremely beneficial for the products to lower the amount of questioning.    


When the secretary heard this, he immediately nodded his head and turned around to leave. Other than this, he would also need to invite some trolls over and make a good stir on the internet. Otherwise, it would have a huge impact on their company if they were to be scammed by the trolls hired by others.    


Not long after their company began publicizing them, there were quite a number of people who were constantly discrediting them online. They only thought about it for a moment before coming to the realization that these were companies that wanted to discredit them.    


As expected, it immediately attracted a large number of people. All kinds of insults and abuse were too fake. Furthermore, she even took out the data of other products as an example and viciously criticized the authenticity of this data.    


The Secretary had already been on guard against this situation. Therefore, after a fierce commotion, he immediately invited the water army, suppressing the negative comments. Some people had nearly been taken into the ditch when they saw the negative comments.    


While the skin care product called Rejuvenation Toner was being fermented, a company in China was gathering at the upper levels. Everyone was frowning at this time.    


Their company made a piece of this skin care product. Although its reputation was still a bit inferior to those international brands, it was still quite good overall. After all, the price was much cheaper than those international brands.    


But right now, they were frowning in bitterness. From the information they had obtained, they had directly heard of Shilan Group's skin care products, and the effects had reached an extremely heaven defying level.    


Originally, seeing how Shilan Group was selling it at such a high price, they did not think much of it. After all, they were selling it at a relatively cheap price, so there were a lot of customers who were not worried about the sudden appearance of this guy, especially with their good reputation.    


However, after knowing about the effects of the medicinal liquid, they were unable to remain calm. With such a powerful effect, how could they continue to remain calm? If he continued like this, he was afraid that someone would go bankrupt.    


The price of this item was not bad, but its effects were enough to make up for this disparity. Moreover, with a good reputation, coupled with the high price, it would directly turn this skincare product into a brand and luxury item. Furthermore, it was a very effective luxury item.    


The people in the country were very clear about the pursuit of luxury goods. Once the Green Pills were turned into such an effect, it would definitely arouse the fanaticism of all the women in the country. At that time, not to mention them, even in the world, they would be able to challenge famous brands.    


However, this outcome was not something that they could bear. Once this happened, there would definitely be a lot of customers who would abandon them and throw themselves into the arms of the Rejuvenation Toner.    


He did not doubt this at all as there were already quite a few people in the same industry who had ended up in this state. Thus, when he obtained the data on the medicinal liquid, he felt an intense sense of danger.    


"CEO, the other side also hired the troll army. Our water army only played a small role, so it's not very obvious."    


The secretary at the side looked at the tablet in his hand and after receiving the news, he told the CEO that the troll army was naturally theirs. In order to pull the other party back a little, he directly invited the troll army out.    


However, from the looks of it, these water troops did not have much of an effect.    


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