Top Immortal Emperor in the City



When Heng Yanlin returned to Mu Shishan's office, Mu Shishan had already packed up and was preparing to leave. Seeing Heng Yanlin come over, she smiled sweetly, and instructed the secretary to the side a few times, then walked towards Heng Yanlin.    


"Let's go."    


Mu Shishan walked to Heng Yanlin's side and said softly to him. Right now, the two could be considered to have left early, but there were no major problems. After all, it was almost time to get off work.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin nodded, and followed behind Mu Shishan. The two of them sat in the elevator and walked down the stairs, and Mu Shishan handed over the car keys to him, indicating that he should drive.    


Heng Yanlin did not object, taking the car keys, he drove to the airport, while Mu Shishan sat quietly at the side, thinking about something.    


"Oh right, where are you going? You haven't even told me about it. "    


Mu Shishan woke up from his contemplation, and after looking at Heng Yanlin at the side, he suddenly opened his mouth to ask. Previously, Heng Yanlin had indeed not told her where he was going.    


"To the Maine, there should be something I need there. I shouldn't have to worry about anything since I'm so close."    


Hearing this, Heng Yanlin immediately responded as if he had said it. For such a close country to still be attached to China, it was basically impossible for anything to happen to them.    


Furthermore, if something really happened, with Heng Yanlin's capabilities, there shouldn't be any big issues. In any case, since the two nations were so close to each other, even if they couldn't fly, it shouldn't be a problem for Heng Yanlin to travel across a small country by himself.    


When Mu Shishan heard this, he realized that Heng Yanlin was indeed much stronger than normal people. He could imagine that there would not be any problems, so he relaxed a little.    


"Don't be too arrogant. You should be careful. Unlike here, you have some power in the country and you can still use it. You might not be able to do it abroad."    


said. No matter what, he should be careful in this matter, he should still be careful.    


Knowing that Mu Shishan was just worrying about him, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded his head, and then agreed to it. With regards to this matter, he could not bother with a woman, although Heng Yanlin did not know much about women, he was clear about it.    


"I'll send you a message when we get there. You have to be careful while I'm away."    


Heng Yanlin concentrated on driving, then turned his head and repeatedly warned Mu Shishan who was at his side. Only this warning made Mu Shishan slightly stunned for a moment, as he did not understand what was going on.    


"What should I be careful of? If you take care of yourself, I'll be very happy! "    


Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin with her beautiful eyes, and then said, but when she said those words, she herself was startled for a moment. She felt that this tone, was really ambiguous, as though she was a wife telling a husband who was about to leave.    


Although they were indeed husband and wife, that was only on paper. The relationship between the two had improved quite a bit, but they still hadn't broken that layer of paper yet, so it couldn't really be counted as reaching that level.    


Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin did not think too much, and spoke to Mu Shishan with a serious face.    


"You and I are both aware of the effects of Rejuvenation Toner, and the amount of Rejuvenation Toner sold, as well as the enormous benefits contained within, I'm afraid that many people will take the risk. For the sake of the formula, you have to use every means possible, so, you still have to be careful these few days."    


After being back on Earth for a long time, Heng Yanlin did not have to worry about the Immortal Cultivation Realm cheating him. Even as a Immortal Emperor, some of the more powerful forces would still have some tricks up their sleeves.    


Although it was not enough to hurt his bones, it was still enough to make him feel disgusted. However, there were some small schemes that directly rushed to the door to attack. It was a bit of a waste of time, so he still needed to be prepared for such small schemes.    


As a result, even though Heng Yanlin had already been separated from the Immortal Cultivation Realm for a long time, he still knew about this sort of thing, and subconsciously, he was exceptionally sharp. Heng Yanlin was very clear, this kind of Rejuvenation Toner, was like a golden egg to the people of Earth.    


As long as he could control it, it would be enough for his business to last for at least a hundred years. After all, this was a recipe that no one could break, so naturally there would be no competition for it.    


In fact, it would take at least a hundred years to decipher the formula.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan immediately understood in her heart, she finally understood what Heng Yanlin meant. People die for money, birds die for food, the Rejuvenation Toner is about to enter its explosive phase.    


At that time, the boundless energy emitted by the Rejuvenation Toner would cause some people to turn green with envy. It was very likely that they would use some methods to obtain the recipe.    


And this kind of thing, other than the Researcher, Mu Shishan, this CEO must have this recipe, so with this, the danger to Mu Shishan increased a lot.    


In addition, other than this, things that can maintain youth and immortality, in essence, with the current knowledge of Earth's technology, are things that can delay the aging of cells.    


If he could continue to study it, did that mean he could come up with something that was immortal? There were many intelligent people in this world, and this sort of thing was something that could be easily seen through.    


At that time, not only some companies, even some organizations or countries would pay attention to this Rejuvenation Toner.    


Therefore, there was a need for Heng Yanlin to remind him about this. If he was here, then it would be easy to not worry too much, but Heng Yanlin needed to go out for a few days right now, so he needed to repeatedly remind him about this sort of thing.    


"I know, don't worry. It's relatively safe in China. Even if they wanted to fight, they wouldn't be so brazen."    


Mu Shishan knew in his heart that Heng Yanlin was worried about him, so he directly nodded his head in response, indicating that he would pay attention to this matter.    


Seeing that Mu Shishan agreed to it, Heng Yanlin did not say anything more. After all, Mu Shishan was wearing his jade pendant, if something were to happen, then the jade pendant could resist for a while.    


So, Heng Yanlin didn't have to worry too much, as long as Mu Shishan was paying attention, nothing would happen to him. Furthermore, the Rejuvenation Toner had just spread out, so those people probably wouldn't attack so quickly.    


Right now, what they wanted to do was to use their own methods and directly break open the Rejuvenation Toner and obtain the formula within.    


Because Heng Yanlin was concerned about her, at this time, Mu Shishan seemed to be somewhat happy. After that, the two of them tacitly stopped talking about this matter, and turned to talk about other things.    


Mu Shishan would tell Heng Yanlin some of the things he had experienced before, and Heng Yanlin would also tell him some of the interesting things, but he would choose to tell Heng Yanlin things that were easier to understand.    


If it was any sort of Star Wars or similar thing, Heng Yanlin would probably be bragging a little. He knew that Mu Shishan did not believe it, so he would not do such a thing.    


After stopping the car, Mu Shishan directly accompanied Heng Yanlin to the airport. After getting the tickets, it was still early, and the two of them were at the airport. They casually found a restaurant and sat down to order some things.    


The things here were all extremely expensive, but the two of them did not lack money, especially Heng Yanlin, who did not have any concept of money, so to him, being a little more expensive was just a bit too much.    


It was just that because Mu Shishan's appearance was a little too high, it attracted the attention of the people around him, and they kept on glancing at him, but they only dared to peek at him secretly.    


The aura on Mu Shishan's body was simply too strong. Although she did not fully reveal her coldness because she was with Heng Yanlin, it was still her responsibility as the CEO. That kind of aura made some people not dare to look straight at Mu Shishan.    


Those men who had secretly looked at Mu Shishan, and saw such stunning beauties, immediately sat together with Heng Yanlin and gave him a look filled with jealousy and envy.    


Just that, when they saw Heng Yanlin's extremely handsome face, they sighed in their hearts, and then looked at themselves, and immediately became thwarted. Not mentioning Heng Yanlin's clothing, but also his temperament, just his appearance, was enough to defeat them.    


In this era where they couldn't even compare to each other in looks, how could they allow themselves to confidently surpass Heng Yanlin? If they had such looks, even if they did not have money, they would still dare to fight Heng Yanlin head on and strike up a conversation with him.    


Compared to the man, some of the women at the side also had their eyes lit up when they saw Heng Yanlin. It was normal for the man to place his gaze on the woman, and it was normal for the woman to place her gaze on Heng Yanlin.    


Especially the Heng Yanlin who was acknowledged as incomparably handsome by all the men present. To women, he was even more attractive.    


Mu Shishan also noticed the gazes of the girls, but did not say anything, she only looked at Heng Yanlin carefully. Previously, because he was using Battle Qi with Heng Yanlin, although their relationship became different, she did not look at Heng Yanlin so carefully.    


So after looking carefully a few times, Mu Shishan realized that this was the first time she had seen Heng Yanlin's handsome appearance. Although she had seen some handsome men in the past, compared to Heng Yanlin, they were countless times weaker.    


After all, on Heng Yanlin, he was not only a bit handsome, even his temperament was something that would cause people to be captivated if they saw him.    




Heng Yanlin was currently lowering his head and eating, and when he raised his head, he saw Mu Shishan's expression, and immediately touched his face, asking with some suspicion.    


Hearing that, when Mu Shishan saw that he had sized up Heng Yanlin, she was immediately caught, and immediately blushed a little. Then, she frantically shook her head, indicating that she was fine.    


Heng Yanlin looked at her weirdly, but seeing that Mu Shishan did not say anything, he naturally did not pursue the matter.    


The two of them sat in the dining hall for a while, until it was almost time, when Mu Shishan drove Heng Yanlin out of the airport right after he passed the security check. Fortunately for security check, Heng Yanlin's identity was different, so a passport or something like that could be easily taken care of.    


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