Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Hearing Xu Shanyue's words, Mu Shishan slightly curled her lips and didn't have any unnecessary expression on her face. Only she knew in her heart, how could Heng Yanlin be afraid of her? The reason why Heng Yanlin did not raise his head, was because she did not know what Heng Yanlin was thinking in his heart.    


But it couldn't be because he was afraid of her that he was right.    


Mu Shishan's secretary brought over some food and placed it in front of Mu Shishan. Then, he took another serving and sat down to eat.    


Heng Yanlin didn't say a single word throughout the entire process, and only continued to eat.    


"Phew, I'm full. I'll leave these for you to eat."    


Xiao Yun's stomach was already bloated from eating so much, and after he glanced at Heng Yanlin at the side, he directly pushed the remaining food in front of his table in front of Heng Yanlin, and spoke to him.    


Xiao Yun could already be considered as an excellent eater, so after she finished eating, the rest of the people also finished eating, and upon seeing that, they pushed some of the evil leftover dishes to Heng Yanlin.    


The amount of food Xiao Yun had taken was simply too much, so most of it was left over. If they did not eat any more, allowing others to see how wasteful they were, even if no one said anything, they would still feel a little uneasy in their hearts.    


However, they could not eat any more, so they could only push all of this to Heng Yanlin and let him help them out.    


Mu Shishan saw everyone's actions, and immediately frowned. Regardless of what relationship Heng Yanlin had with the girls, the way they were acting right now caused her to feel uncomfortable.    


Seeing Mu Shishan frown, Ling Meiqing immediately understood what he was thinking, and immediately explained it to him.    


"Earlier, Heng Yanlin was already more edible. Furthermore, from what he heard, he didn't manage to find a job earlier, so he was a bit hungry. That's why Xiao Yun ordered a few more dishes."    


After all, they were in front of Heng Yanlin, so Ling Meiqing was a lot more tactful in saying some things, but to Mu Shishan, how could she not understand with her intelligence? She immediately looked towards Heng Yanlin, who had already finished most of the dishes.    


Just as Ling Meiqing had said, Heng Yanlin truly did not have any money before, and it was just that in her villa, she was one of those gluttons. Mu Shishan was clear about this matter, so he did not suspect Ling Meiqing's words at all.    


However, when she heard Ling Meiqing's words, she immediately felt unwell in her heart. What Ling Meiqing had said, was extremely clear, Heng Yanlin was too poor to eat, and he could even eat. If he did not find a job, then he would have starved to death on the streets.    


When Mu Shishan heard this, her heart suddenly felt a little sour. At that time, she had only thought that Heng Yanlin was someone who was like a divine stick.    


So she did not care too much about Heng Yanlin. Now that she heard about what Heng Yanlin had done previously, it became so tragic, and the food that was originally on the tip of her tongue became tasteless. Wasn't the previous her treatment of Heng Yanlin a little too harsh? Mu Shishan thought.    


After all, no matter what, if a person was unable to eat their fill, even if word of this spread, no one would think that she did the right thing. Furthermore, Heng Yanlin was her husband.    


Hearing Ling Meiqing's words, Heng Yanlin was suddenly a little helpless, it was just saying that it was a little too miserable, but right now, he was not in a position to refute Ling Meiqing, since Ling Meiqing had said that, then that was fine, since it was just saying it.    


Xiao Yun and the others at the side probably thought so too, so there was actually no problem if there was only one more Mu Shishan.    


After Mu Shishan ate a few bites, he was no longer in the mood to eat. He directly looked at the Heng Yanlin who was still eating non-stop, and was slightly shocked in his heart. This Heng Yanlin's appetite, was indeed just as Ling Meiqing had said, it was really a little too big.    


"Have you finished? After eating, come with me. Although that Kang Xunfan is a bit overboard, but it truly exists when you insult him. Come with me. "    


Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin, and after he finished eating, he turned and left, and did not wait for Ling Meiqing and the others to speak.    


When Xiao Yun and the others heard Mu Shishan's words, their eyes immediately filled with anxiety. Originally, when they saw Mu Shishan directly kick him out, and even sat down to eat with them, they had a rather happy conversation.    


As a result, they did not take what happened before seriously. How could they have expected that Mu Shishan would bring up this matter again, and even call Heng Yanlin away alone.    


No matter how he looked at it, Mu Shishan seemed as if she wanted to punish Heng Yanlin. Moreover, if word were to spread that Heng Yanlin had insulted a superior, it would indeed affect him somewhat.    


At this time, Ling Meiqing's heart also became anxious, she had actually thought that the reason Mu Shishan chased Kang Xunfan away was because of her. And right now, when Mu Shishan found out about the relationship between her and Heng Yanlin, they actually weren't particularly good, so naturally, she started to look through the things that happened before.    


Looking at Mu Shishan's attitude, he did not even give her a chance to speak, so even if she went after him, it would be useless. She could only wait until Heng Yanlin was dealt with before thinking of a way to speak to him.    


"Since the CEO has called me, then I'll go over first. I'll go back later."    


Heng Yanlin was his wife, and even if their relationship was not good, she couldn't possibly do anything to him here, and even if she came here to be serious, at worst, she would just resign. Heng Yanlin did not have to worry about this anymore.    


"You have to be careful, stop being so explosive. CEO Mu is not that Kang Xunfan, you can endure for a bit."    


Xiao Yun looked at Heng Yanlin and after opening his mouth, he exhorted Heng Yanlin.    


"Go on, I think the CEO Mu will not do anything to you, at most, scold you a little, don't worry."    


At this time, Ling Meiqing also looked at Heng Yanlin and comforted him. Although she didn't know how Mu Shishan wanted to deal with Heng Yanlin, but thinking about it, she shouldn't be too excessive. With her understanding of Mu Shishan, she shouldn't make things too difficult for him.    


However, she was not very sure about this either, she could only comfort Heng Yanlin a little.    


"Relax, it's fine. The biggest thing is expulsion. I can already eat now, so even if I fire him, it won't affect me much."    


On the other hand, Heng Yanlin was not that nervous. Previously, when Mu Shishan thought that he was a divine rod, he only mocked and ridiculed him once every single day, and the rest of it was nothing much. But now, Heng Yanlin had only scolded the impatient Kang Xunfan once, and he did not think that Mu Shishan could do anything to him.    


When the girls heard Heng Yanlin's words, they immediately felt helpless. Previously, they were still talking about how he earned so much money but didn't act like he was suddenly rich. It was time for him to go to work, but he still had a calm expression.    


But in the blink of an eye, how did it become like this? It was as if an explosive aura had appeared on Heng Yanlin's body.    


However, what Heng Yanlin said was true, he had so much money right now, and it was basically used for him to run around everyday. Thus, even if Heng Yanlin was expelled, he did not have a single bit of fear.    


After Heng Yanlin bid farewell to the few girls, he walked towards Mu Shishan's figure. Mu Shishan was walking in front, but he was not fast, as though he was waiting for Heng Yanlin.    


This elevator was used by the CEO as he had installed the door. Therefore, other than the secretary who hurried over, there was no one else. The three of them stayed in the elevator without saying a word and only quietly waited for the elevator to reach the top floor.    


Mu Shishan walked into the office, looked at the secretary, and waved to her: "You go out first, I have something to say to him in private."    


Towards his own secretary, Mu Shishan did not have many reservations, the secretary kept quiet and knew what to say and what not to say, so she directly called her own secretary out.    


The secretary looked at Heng Yanlin in shock. She had followed beside Mu Shishan for a long time but she had never seen her CEO meeting with a man in order to drive her away.    


The secretary thought to himself, she wouldn't have thought that Mu Shishan had called him here from such a far distance just to reprimand him.    


Therefore, it was impossible for him to waste his time on something like this. If he had to reprimand her, Mu Shishan would probably reprimand her when she was at the canteen.    


As for saving face? What effect would there be if we just call him here? Furthermore, even that Kang Xunfan was directly chased away, not thinking about leaving any face for him.    


As this thought flitted across the secretary's mind, he responded and closed the door before leaving the office.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin immediately turned his head to look, and then sat down on the sofa at the side, without any intention of being polite at all. It was different from what Heng Yanlin thought, Mu Shishan's office was not that big, although it was already very spacious, but with some decorations from the flowers, it did not seem that big.    


"Did something happen for you to call for me? You can't really be here to scold me, right?"    


Heng Yanlin sat on the sofa and asked after taking a glance at the decorations at the side. He really didn't know why Mu Shishan was looking for him.    


"You actually dare talk back to your boss like that? I'm your boss right now. Is there a problem if I reprimand you?"    


Mu Shishan sat on the leather chair and looked at Heng Yanlin who was dressed in a casual manner, as if he had thought of something extremely fun, and immediately looked at Heng Yanlin playfully, then asked with a smile.    


"Of course there's a problem. If you really want to say it like that, then what if you are my wife? Helping your own wife reprimand the staff seems to be a perfectly reasonable thing."    


Heng Yanlin naturally saw Mu Shishan's playful smile, and immediately replied.    


Mu Shishan listened to Heng Yanlin's teasing and her face slightly flushed. Thinking back to the night when she shared a bed with Heng Yanlin and the scene where she hugged Heng Yanlin tightly in her embrace, Mu Shishan felt a bit embarrassed. She knew that she couldn't talk about this topic anymore.    


"Why did you come to the Shilan Group? Why didn't you tell me? I can arrange a good job for you.    


Mu Shishan suddenly thought of something, and directly asked Heng Yanlin. Previously, when she heard Ling Meiqing talk about Heng Yanlin's miserable state, she felt a little upset when she thought about it, so she immediately asked Heng Yanlin about it.    


She had thought that even at that time, she would still be extremely disgusted with Heng Yanlin, but she wouldn't deliberately do anything bad, so she had thought that it was still possible for her to give Heng Yanlin a good job.    


After all, as long as Heng Yanlin had a good job, she believed that Heng Yanlin wouldn't go and deceive her grandfather again because of the money. Of course, at that time, she would probably think about it.    


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