Super Upstart System

C35 Mission Completed

C35 Mission Completed

In an hour!    


Liu Yan felt like her mouth was bubbling. This fellow had finally let her go!    


This was the first time she felt that kissing was such a tiring thing. She had to avoid this guy a little from now on.    


"Are you satisfied?"    


Liu Yan had almost recovered by now. She still had to go back to the police station to file a case!    


"Very satisfied!"    


Guan Fei was satisfied today. Although he had not completed the transformation of a man, he had tasted the taste of a woman.    


"But you are not worried about the five people below?"    


Liu Yan frowned. It had only been more than an hour and those people should not have left yet. If they saw them when they went out, it would be a headache. At that time, it would not be as simple as kissing.    


Liu Yan heard his words and knew that this bastard definitely had an idea. But when she thought of his means, she felt a little guilty. Who knew what kind of price he would have to pay.    


"I have an idea!"    


Guan Fei was not in a hurry. He waited for Liu Yan's reply.    


"Tell me. What is the condition?"    


Liu Yan finally sighed. Anyway, he promised that he would not touch her body.    


"Take off your clothes."    


Guan Fei did not even think about it and casually said.    


Anyway, they had already kissed. He should be fine looking at your body, right?    


Liu Yan's face changed instantly. She had kissed him, but this guy still wanted to push his luck. How could a girl's body be seen casually?    




Guan Fei saw that she seemed to be going crazy. After struggling for a long time, he finally realized that she did not have any intention of retreating. Finally, he helplessly said, "Then kiss me one more time."    


Liu Yan also knew what he was thinking. She thought that since she had been kissed by him for two hours, the last kiss was nothing. She immediately moved her lips closer to him.    


"It is better for a girl to take the initiative!"    


Guan Fei patted her shoulder in satisfaction. That kind of expression that you did well really deserved a beating.    


Liu Yan was still waiting for this guy to give her ideas on how to get rid of the five strong men outside, but who knew that this guy actually patted his butt and turned around to leave, and hurriedly followed.    


"Where's the idea?"    


If they were to target him, the consequences would be unbearable.    


"Don't worry, I'm here."    


Guan Fei gave her a reassuring look and held her hand as they went downstairs.    


Liu Yan looked at him suspiciously. Although she did not know what he was thinking, seeing that he was so calm, she hoped that he was okay.    


After exiting the elevator, Liu Yan subconsciously looked at the spot where they had just sat. Sure enough, the five of them were still sitting there.    


The bald man was originally unhappy and sat down to drink. He thought that he must find a few girls to relax properly later but who knew that he suddenly discovered that bastard.    


"Master Leng, they came out."    


Master Leng turned his head in confusion and indeed found two people coming out.    


"Kid, I will let you have the person. Don't push your luck!"    


He really did not expect this kid to actually dare appear in front of them while holding Liu Yan. Especially the lip print on Guan Fei's face. It was hard not to attract attention.    


"You are so generous to give me the woman. After you are done enjoying yourself, you should come over and say hello... Let me tell you a secret. " She's still a virgin. The taste is really good. "    


Guan Fei did not have any good ideas. Since Liu Yan pretended to be a drinking partner, if he wanted to help her, he could only say that this identity was completely true.    


Master Leng's veins were bulging, and he humiliated him in front of him. It was too detestable!    


The eyes of the baldy by the side were already bloodshot. He really wanted to punch out and blow this kid up.    


Liu Yan was extremely embarrassed. Although she had guessed what Guan Fei was thinking, it was hard for her not to feel embarrassed when she said that in front of so many people.    


She really did not know why he had so many bad ideas when he was only a high school student!    


"She is now under my care. In order to show my sincerity, all of your spending today will be on me."    


Guan Fei had just said that everyone's spending tonight would be on his head. As a person, he had to keep his word.    


"Everyone, young master has had enough fun today. I will cover all the expenses at this time."    


Guan Fei called the waiter over and paid the bill before leaving.    


He didn't know how much money he could spend in three hours, and whether he could complete the system's mission.    


"Handsome, it's a total of 2,963,780."    


The waiter calculated everyone's spending and said politely.    


"Counting it... 30 million. The rest, find a good girl to serve the five people next to you."    


Guan Fei waved his hand and handed the card over.    


The waiter was so happy that he was like a flower. He did not expect to meet a real tycoon today!    


He spent thirty million without even thinking about it, and it was just to make up for it.    


Master Leng and the other three's expressions became even worse. Many people pointed at them and pointed at them. The five strong men couldn't even protect the woman they liked, and in the end, they were even paid. It was too embarrassing.    


Liu Yan also didn't expect Guan Fei to be so rich. What kind of background did he have? At this moment, she was curious about him.    


"Alright, I won't delay any more time for you five strong men to have sex. Bye bye."    


Guan Fei finished the card very easily. Not only did he complete the system's mission, he also tasted the taste of women. This trip to the bar was too worth it!    


Liu Yan knew that she had to complete the show. At this moment, she snuggled into Guan Fei's arms like a little girl.    


Looking at the back of the two people who left in a carefree manner, Master Leng finally could not help but throw the wine glass in his hand onto the ground.    


"Master Leng, if it wasn't for this mission, I would have cut off all his limbs."    


When the baldy saw that his boss couldn't bear it anymore, he said unhappily.    


The other three people also agreed.    


Master Leng sat on the chair unhappily and said coldly, "He is already a dead man!"    




Ding: Host's mission completed. Reward: 20 attribute points, 5000 points.    


Ding: Due to the delayed completion of the mission, the original reward of an additional 50 attribute points is equal to the random punishment.    


Ding: Due to the Host's excessive squandering, skill consumption: Main Character Halo    


Guan Fei had just pulled Liu Yan onto his car and was about to send her back to the police station, but he did not expect the system's voice to come out.    


He eagerly added attribute points to his sexual ability and checked his data.    


Appearance: 50    


Strength: 30    


Health: 100    


Sex ability : 40    


Cultivation Technique: None    


Technique: Main Character Halo    


Points: 11,000    


Rich Sundry Goods Store Insufficient balance in his account, temporarily unavailable.    


Guan Fei was very glad. Originally, the system wanted him to spend 50 million within a week, but he was late by more than a month. He thought the punishment would be very severe, but he did not expect it to be offset, and he even got a Main Character Aura skill.    


Main Character Halo: Invincible for an hour. The halo can absorb all physical and magical damage. It can increase the user's strength by 50% and has a Critical Hit effect of 20%.    




Guan Fei looked at the description of the skill. It was simply an unkillable cockroach. No, it should be an invincible cockroach!    


"System, what's the next main mission?"    


Guan Fei was a little excited and worried. The more money he squandered, the more he had a headache. Spending money was not a problem. The problem was that he had spent too much in a short period of time.    


"Due to the host's lack of spending ability, please squander 100 million within half a year. Mission reward: 50 attribute points, 10,000 points. Mission failure, erase!"    


Hearing the emotionless voice of the system, Guan Fei felt his scalp tingle. Mission failed. This time, he would be erased by the system. There was no need to play like this!    


"But what if I make money?"    


Guan Fei now had his own business. Whether it was the duck restaurant or Guan Fei's live broadcast, he believed that it would not take long for him to make profits.    


"Remind the host again, earning money can only give you attribute points. It cannot be deducted from the sum of the main storyline mission."    


Guan Fei understood what he meant. It seemed like earning money was only for your squandering. It was better to max out the attribute points first.    


Liu Yan, who was in the car, was a little confused about the situation. She wondered if this guy was abnormal. Why was he so excited and depressed at the same time?    


"Why don't I take a taxi back!"    


Liu Yan saw that he was still alone and that his two personalities were a little afraid. She felt that it was better to leave.    


Guan Fei also realized that he was a little abnormal and explained, " If you wear this out and get into a taxi, aren't you afraid that others will take you to get a room?"    


Liu Yan looked at her attire and obediently sat back in the car.    


Guan Fei saw her looking at him vigilantly and knew that she thought he was an idiot. He made up his mind. He would never contact the system again when there were people around.    


"Who are they?"    


Guan Fei helplessly changed the topic. He was also a little curious about their identities.    


The content came from [Miegu Reading].    


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