Super Upstart System

C48 Finally Growing up

C48 Finally Growing up

Ding: Fame mission has been completed, mission reward: 50,000 points, due to excessive completion of the mission, an additional 20 attribute points are awarded.    


Guan Fei did not even have the chance to open his eyes the next day when he heard the system prompt. He immediately lost his sleepiness.    


He subconsciously turned on Guan Fei's live stream and found that his fan count had already reached 1.2 million. He had definitely exceeded the quota!    


Finally, his attribute points had increased. Guan Fei did not hesitate to place 20 attribute points on his sexual ability.    


Appearance: 50    


Strength: 30    


Health: 100    


Sex ability : 60    


Cultivation Technique: None    


Technique: Soul Searching Technique    


Points: 59,000    


Rich General Store Insufficient balance in his account, temporarily unavailable.    


Time passed minute by minute. Guan Fei took off his underpants and nervously stared at the bug sized little Ding Ding.    


This was the biggest matter that concerned a man's dignity. Whether or not he could become a man depended on him!    


As if he had noticed Guan Fei's bloodshot eyes, he remained motionless for a long time. It finally began to react. It began to grow bigger and wider bit by bit. That little thing was finally willing to let its head out.    


"Come on, come on!"    


Guan Fei secretly held his breath, hoping to help it grow faster.    


One minute later.    


He had finally reached the standard that could be used all over the world. Guan Fei let out a sigh of relief.    


He originally thought that this matter would be over just like that, but who knew that there would suddenly be movement from below, causing him to tremble even more intensely.    


"System, don't play me like that!"    


Guan Fei looked at the little thing that was still growing bigger and was a little afraid. He did not want to become a black person, just reaching the level of an old beauty was enough.    


Three minutes later.    


Guan Fei wiped the cold sweat off his face and sat down on the bed. This guy finally stopped growing.    


He looked down and saw that the little brother below seemed to be showing off that he had finally grown up and kept jumping around.    


"Brother, I'll be counting on you from now on!"    


Guan Fei nodded his head in satisfaction. He had already reached the level of Old Mei. He really did not know how much it would be if his attribute points reached 100.    


"Boss, what's wrong?"    


Liu Xiaocha's room was next door. She wanted to sleep early in the morning before going to the company to take a look, but she was woken up by the noise in Guan Fei's room.    


She had gotten used to living here recently, and Guan Fei did not do anything special, so she was very relieved.    


However, after opening the door, she regretted it.    


Because she saw the boss standing naked on the bed, and the big guy in the middle was jumping around proudly.    




It was the first time Liu Xiaocha saw a man not wearing clothes, let alone that thing!    


Guan Fei proudly raised his head. His brother really did live up to his expectations!    




An hour later.    


Liu Xiaocha put on her clothes, lowered her head, and greeted Guan Fei before heading to the company. She really did not know how to face this man.    


Guan Fei was a little bored. The school during the weekend was not that interesting, so he called Zhang Xiaoli and Han Xue over.    


"School belle, I'm preparing to get into the top three of the grade for this seasonal exam. You should be ready to worship me!"    


At this moment, Guan Fei crossed his legs and sat on the table in the study. The room was filled with all kinds of tutorial materials and spare reference books.    


Zhang Xiaoli curled her lips. This guy made it sound like he wanted her to come over and help him revise his homework, but he was good. He casually flipped through every book and threw it aside. He still dared to say such big words.    


"Young Master, are you serious?"    


Han Xue did not stand on his side this time. This kind of thing was not realistic at all.    


He had to study hard for three years before he could rise to fame in his third year of high school. You, a person who is always last in every exam, want to enter the top three of the grade? Isn't that just a pipe dream?    


"Snowy, ignore him. You can't even read a book for ten minutes. How can you do that?"    


Zhang Xiaoli replied with disdain. Although this guy had saved her yesterday and had a good impression of her, in the blink of an eye, she had returned to her original self.    


Guan Fei knew that the two of them would not easily trust him, so he casually threw a few books to them and said, "I remember the contents of these books clearly, including each symbol. If you don't believe me, you can ask."    


"Just pretend!"    


Zhang Xiaoli unceremoniously picked up a tutorial book and asked, "What is the title of page 13?"    


"It's a little difficult, okay?"    


Guan Fei was a little speechless. Since he had already said so, why not ask something of a certain standard?    


"You can guess it first."    


Zhang Xiaoli impatiently knocked on the textbook.    


"Peacock flying southeast!"    


Guan Fei said it directly.    


Han Xue moved closer to take a look. She really guessed it right. Her face changed slightly. Could it be that she really remembered it all?    


"What is the tenth word of the third line on the twenty-fifth page?"    


Zhang Xiaoli increased the difficulty and also wanted to see if this fellow was pretending.    




That's right again!    


At this moment, Zhang Xiaoli also had some doubts. When did this fellow carry it down?    


She was a little doubtful and threw the book that Guan Fei handed over to her to the side. She randomly picked a book from the study.    


Guan Fei looked at the book and shrugged indifferently.    


"Page 21, what is written in the first paragraph?"    


Zhang Xiaoli took a mathematics textbook this time. This guy had never passed mathematics. It was also the best test.    


"Functions are mathematical models that describe the law of movement and change of things. If you understand the law of change of functions, then you can grasp the corresponding law of change of things..."    


Guan Fei memorized the entire page word by word, including numbers, symbols, and numbers.    


"You... How did you do it?"    


This time, Zhang Xiaoli could not help but believe that no one would be so bored as to memorize this kind of thing.    


"I have always been a genius. I just hate studying."    


Guan Fei smiled complacently. If he really worked hard, even he would be afraid.    


"Look at you being so cocky. We'll see what happens in a week."    


Zhang Xiaoli could not stand his tsundere expression and immediately began to attack him.    


But she was also very happy. She did not expect this fellow to have this kind of ability. This time, the person who underestimated him should have a whole new level of respect for him!    


"Oh right, I have also registered as your company's live streamer!"    


Zhang Xiaoli raised her eyebrows. After returning last night, she registered as a live streamer and passed the review in less than an hour.    




Guan Fei was stunned. He did not expect Zhang Xiaoli, the campus belle, to be a live streamer.    


Han Xue nodded at the side and said, "I am the first person to pay attention to her."    


"What are you broadcasting?"    


Guan Fei smiled. He was also very curious about what was so special about this school beauty who was a bit of a sophomore.    


"Nothing else. I just keep making jokes. When I'm tired, I stare at the camera and don't say anything."    


Zhang Xiaoli opened the live broadcast room. Guan Fei realized that in less than 24 hours, there were more than a thousand people who were her fans. How bored were these people?    


It turned out that he had heard of you sitting on the camera. Even if you didn't say anything, there were still people who paid attention to it. They originally thought that it was nonsense, but they didn't expect to have such a live streamer by their side.    


Zhang Xiaoli's carefree personality would not tell any jokes!    


"There are many people who like me. If you don't believe me, I will broadcast it to you right now!"    


After saying that, Zhang Xiaoli turned on the selfie stick and started to broadcast it on Guan Fei's computer.    


When she got online, other than greeting and telling a few cold jokes in the live broadcast room at the beginning, she did not speak anymore and only acted cute towards the camera.    


Guan Fei quietly turned on the live broadcast room and found Zhang Xiaoli's live broadcast. When he found that there were actually five to six hundred people watching online, he could not help but feel a little speechless.    


It was true that a woman was beautiful!    


All kinds of bullet comments praised Zhang Xiaoli for being beautiful and pretty. Of course, there was also a lot of news about the date.    


Guan Fei suddenly thought of something and smiled mysteriously. Not long later, he saw a bullet comment pop up in the live broadcast room.    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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