Perfect Super Natural Power

C403 Further

C403 Further

Lu Yonghao had to say, this chief editor Yang Chen was very warm-hearted, of course, this was understandable. After all, he was the chairman of Quick Read, it was hard for the other party to not care about his boss.    


However, this extra thing was really not within his consideration. What he cared about right now was Yang Chen's teachings.    


After Yang Chen told him about the knowledge of creation, he did not stop there. Instead, he started commenting on the more than 10,000 words he wrote.    


As a novice, his writing was considered okay, because his words were a bit readable. At the same time, he also had a storyline. However, from a professional perspective, his novel had a few major problems.    


A good work, first of all, must be a strong sense of substitution. Only by treating the protagonist as yourself can the reader feel stifled when the protagonist is humiliated, feel refreshed when the protagonist raises his or her prestige, and the YY in the work, also known as the spirit of *, can be reflected to the greatest extent, allowing the reader to achieve the greatest pleasure in reading.    


So how can I enhance the sense of substitution? This required a certain amount of skill, and for a rookie, the easiest way to do it was to avoid having to involve elements that would affect their sense of substitution. For details that had nothing to do with a topic, do not use too much ink and do as much blurring as possible.    


Yang Chen said he once saw a post asking the lead character how tall he was. An old author replied with a classic "one person tall". At first glance, this seemed like a sentence of nonsense, but in reality, it fit the essence of YY. No matter how high the lead character was, it would make a part of the readers feel that it was not compatible with them and that it was difficult to replace them. However, the simple and commonly used "one person tall" was a setting set in which the reader could very well replace the lead character, be it high or low.    


If that was not understandable, then it could be said more clearly. The mainstream readers on the website were males that were between ten and twenty years of age. For newbies, it was relatively easy to set the main character to have such an identity. A student in modern society, or a newbie looking for a job, had to be a young man! If women, middle-aged uncles, or all sorts of strange things such as kittens, puppies, saplings, pebbles are the main characters, 99% of the readers will be in the street, because the reader will not be able to blend in.    


So if you have to take an unpopular route and write about these unpopular protagonists, then the only way to save them is to transform. The one who wrote about the female protagonist gave her the chance to transform into a male, while the one who wrote about the non-human protagonist gave her the chance to have a human form, or at least temporarily pass herself off as a human. However, no matter what, it was the way of the king to directly set the main character to be a human male. If you start off off off track and you don't want to abandon the idea of rewriting, the easiest way is to change the protagonist. If you were writing about a woman, you would lean on her boyfriend and describe the story from his point of view. If you were writing about a kitten or a puppy, you would find a master to focus the story on the owner.    


In addition, there is a small skill to enhance the sense of subrogation, which is to design a harmless hobby, or a trivial flaw, for the lofty and all-around hero, and exaggerate it. For example, the protagonist was a lost person and would often get lost. This would not only lead to new stories, but it would also allow the protagonist to walk off the altar. While maintaining his light, he would also appear more approachable.    


Lu Yonghao agreed.    


As for the second point, it was that his opening story was too long and lacked golden fingers.    


At this time, whether it was the editors or the readers of the web site, they all wanted more novel and interesting novels to appear. At the very least, they had to write traditional but interesting works, such as the one he had written, that began with a description of a woman named Jin Chunxiang. That was fine, as he didn't care about the name at all, Jin Chunxiang looked like a Korean woman, which was a little against the rules.    


Then, instead of criticizing Lu Yonghao directly, Wu gave an example. He said that a new novel by an old author, starting with the first chapter, began with a long description of the scene, followed by a dialogue between characters who had nothing to do with the main plot, followed by a splendid fight, then by the appearance of the main character, and then by a dreamy, lyrical recollection, followed by an inexplicable plot. With these tens of thousands of words, he didn't even understand what kind of novel it was. When the editor could no longer bear to ask the author what the selling point of the work was, the author said there was no need to worry. At that time, the editor completely fainted!    


When asked by the author how many words to embody the selling point, the editor's answer was that it had to be within a hundred words. Of course, a hundred words was an exaggeration. In any case, showing the selling point to the reader as early as possible as quickly as possible was the way to succeed. After all, this was different from the time when Online Literature first rose to prominence. It was an era when too many works of art appeared at the same time. These mixed novels brought a lot of trouble to the readers when they had to choose their books. In this way, the success of the first part of the work basically determined the life or death of a book. If the author is too "composed," putting the best parts of the work many thousands of words behind, then, apart from the author himself, I'm afraid no reader can appreciate those wonderful plots.    


Under Yang Chen's tutelage, Lu Yonghao was truly knowledgeable. He only felt that the distance between the two sides was too great, and they all said that there were zero thresholds in the creation of the internet, but in reality, in the creation of the Online Literature, there were too many methods. He was sure that if he did not have a professional like Yang Chen to teach him, it would be impossible for him to complete the creation task given by the Special Ability Pen well.    


After a long professional baptism, Lu Yonghao stopped his conversation with Yang Chen. In the meantime, his mind began to wander.    


The current him was different from the previous him, who was only in a small class. The current him, walking step by step in the Zhengyuan Group, had long since become mature. And after Yang Chen's professional teaching, he was able to properly think of the corresponding secrets within.    


He had a new idea. The main character was just an ordinary person. However, unlike ordinary people, he was chosen by the aliens and became an experimental specimen.    


In fact, the aliens had chosen many samples on Earth, but the relevant failures had ended up in failure, and the corresponding research plans had ultimately been considered unfeasible.    


These experimental subjects that were chosen from Earth were all abandoned due to failure. However, what no one expected was that the mouse Shen Xiaolin, who encountered failure in the middle of the experiment, woke up after being abandoned.    


He returned to Earth, and having been remodeled by an alien, he possessed all sorts of abilities that ordinary people could not imagine. Thus, he became the 'god' of Earth!    


Lu Yonghao believed that if this was the case, then the protagonist would be able to turn the tide and turn the tables on Earth, and furthermore, he would have a certain degree of respect. In addition, this was urban literature, so no matter what, he had been living in Beijing for a few years, and based on his experience with Zhengyuan Group, he could write down some of the things that had happened on purpose.    


But after some consideration, he thought of another thing, and that was the main thread of his idea.    


The main line was the lifeline of the novel, and he had to find this lifeline in order to create it.    


Just like Yang Chen had told him at that time, the main thread was the line inside the buddhist beads, and adding the buddhist beads or other accessories depended on his own opinion.    


Just as he was thinking this, he heard a rustling sound from the side. Chiang Huayue had woken up, and Chiang Huayue was lying on the bed, looking as if she still hadn't woken up yet. She looked at Lu Yonghao who was sitting in front of the computer and asked curiously, "Yonghao, what are you thinking about sitting in front of the computer so early in the morning?"    


"Nothing." Lu Yonghao said casually, then added: "You know our Quick Read is reading about, I used to like to read web novels, and my recent contact with them made me interested in web writing, so I'm currently thinking about the concept of a novel."    


"Is that so?" Chiang Huayue couldn't help but become interested. "You still have so much free time to manage your Quick Read reading!"    


"It's just a hobby!" Lu Yonghao smiled and said, "Alright, let's not talk about it anymore. I'm thinking about the novel now."    


Chiang Huayue nodded and continued lying on the bed. Lu Yonghao was lost in thought again.    


Chiang Huayue couldn't help but smile as she looked at Lu Yonghao, who was deep in thought. This guy, when he got serious, he was really charming, he was really getting better and better. Luckily she was with him now, otherwise, she would be really worried that he would be taken away by someone else!    


Lu Yonghao thought for a while, and very quickly, he confirmed the main line of his novel, which was divided into two parts. Part of it is the protagonist playing in the city. The second part is the struggle between the protagonist and the aliens. The main line of the early period, aimed at the main character of amnesia to recover memories.    


After the frame was set up, Lu Yonghao started to think about the inner plot.    


When he began to think, the plot kept coming up, and he couldn't suppress the enthusiasm for his creation. Then he began to beat it in front of the computer.    


Chiang Huayue, who was at the side, looked at Lu Yonghao tapping on the keyboard and was flabbergasted. She thought that this guy was really good, he was actually so exaggerated. Then she looked at Lu Yonghao's computer and saw that there was a document on it.    


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