Perfect Super Natural Power

C362 One Slap Two Scattered

C362 One Slap Two Scattered

After Lu Yonghao woke up from the yellow state of the Special Ability Pen, he received a call from Ye Hui instead of someone else.    


He was very happy and quickly picked up the phone, because to him, the answer was not important at all. He could calmly accept it, but what he could not endure was the corresponding torture.    


In fact, it was only after a long time that he realized that he already had quite a lot of feelings for Ye Hui. He didn't want to lose Ye Hui, he liked to be together with her, especially during their passionate times.    


Although he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that men were creatures that could think of their lower body. When there was such a beautiful girl who could continuously have sex with him, which man wouldn't like it?    


"Come to my house and we'll talk." Ye Hui merely said a few words before hanging up. Her tone was very cold, causing Lu Yonghao's heart to sink.    


He thought to himself that he and Ye Hui had still reached this step in the end. In fact, if he were to choose between Ye Hui and Chiang Huayue now, he would prefer Ye Hui. However, Chiang Huayue's feelings for him made him unable to abandon her.    


Thinking of this, he took out a cigarette and took a puff. After using the smoke to calm down his emotions, he directly rushed towards Ye Hui's home.    


No matter what, there was no need to pester him any further. It would only end when he had to!    


Soon, Lu Yonghao arrived at Ye Hui's home.    


The moment Lu Yonghao opened the door, he saw Ye Hui. At this moment, Ye Hui had a solemn expression on her face, giving Lu Yonghao a serious feeling.    


"Come in and take a seat." Ye Hui tilted her body and indicated to Lu Yonghao.    


Lu Yonghao responded with an 'oh' before changing his shoes and sitting down inside.    


Ye Hui poured a cup of cold water for Lu Yonghao and sat down on the side.    


Looking at Ye Hui who looked like a stranger, Lu Yonghao felt the atmosphere was tense. He tried to break the deadlock and changed the topic, "Is Wu Wenfeng alright? I've already asked Elder Xu to help rescue their people. "    


"I'm fine." Then, she said, "The main reason why I've called you here today is to tell you two things."    


"Two things?" Lu Yonghao was a bit suspicious, but he still acted normal on the surface and said: "Whatever it is, just say it."    


"The first thing is that I plan to resign from Quick Read. I know that the company is very busy right now, but I hope that you can directly approve it." Ye Hui said with a serious expression.    


Lu Yonghao stared at Ye Hui and sighed in his heart, "Alright, but if you want to come back any time, I will welcome you at any time."    


"Thank you." Ye Hui said, "As for the second thing, you and I will end this way. I hope that you can treat Huayue well. Also, I will move out of here and I will change my phone number. When the time comes, you don't have to look for me, okay?"    


To be honest, after hearing Ye Hui's words, Lu Yonghao really wanted to tell her that she had to do this. But in the end, he still endured it because he knew clearly that if the two of them met again, they might continue to tangle with each other. Since it was made clear, then he might as well disperse.    


With that thought in mind, he nodded and said, "Sure, but before that happens, I hope you can accept my flower."    


With that, he conjured out a fiery red rose.    


"What does that mean?" Ye Hui looked at the fiery-red rose that Lu Yonghao took out and could not help but ask in confusion.    


Lu Yonghao said bitterly, "Being together with me is like a blurred dream, but the days together with you, I am really happy. But as a man, I did not treat you well, this bunch of roses, is just my simple heart, it was just something I wanted to buy when I was on the road, I know we can't continue, let this rose end all the good things."    


With that, Lu Yonghao placed the fiery red rose on the table. Then he stood up and said, "Alright, then I won't disturb you any longer."    


Ye Hui sat there without saying a word. Lu Yonghao looked at her and felt a lot of reluctance. In the end, he still walked out.    


After Lu Yonghao walked out of Ye Hui's house, he closed the door and felt as if he had turned over a bottle of soy sauce. After Lu Yonghao walked out of Ye Hui's house, he closed the door and felt as if he had turned over a bottle of soy sauce in his heart.    


However, at this point, he had no other choice but to wish Ye Hui in his heart.    


Lu Yonghao didn't linger and left.    


Walking down from the building, Lu Yonghao saw an unexpected figure walking over. It was none other than Chiang Huayue.    


"Yonghao!" Chiang Huayue saw Lu Yonghao and was puzzled.    


Lu Yonghao said, "Why are you here?"    


"I came to find Ye Hui, but since I met you, why don't we find a place to chat?" Chiang Huayue said.    


"Why?" Now it was Lu Yonghao's turn to be suspicious. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what it was.    


"There's a coffee shop on the side. Let's go sit there first." Chiang Huayue said.    


Lu Yonghao didn't say anything in response to Chiang Huayue's suggestion. In fact, he was curious as to what Chiang Huayue would talk about with him.    


After a while, the two of them arrived at the coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee. Chiang Huayue sat there, not saying anything, but holding a spoon, constantly shaking the cup of coffee in her hand.    


Although Lu Yonghao was curious, he did not ask. He knew that if Chiang Huayue wanted to say something, she would naturally say it. If she did not say anything, he would not be able to do anything even if he wanted to.    


After a long while, Chiang Huayue stopped shaking the spoon and looked at Lu Yonghao seriously: "Yonghao, actually, I thought about this matter between you and me for a long time and was not wrong. When I told you that it was just a moment of infatuation, but after talking to someone else, I realized that I was too impulsive. "How can you go on without a name? Do you know any girl in the world who doesn't want to marry and have children?    


"Is that so?" Lu Yonghao's heart sank as he could hear the meaning behind Chiang Huayue's words.    


Chiang Huayue said seriously, "I've thought about this for a long time, and I've repeatedly said it. I feel that we shouldn't keep going, so I plan on quitting this game."    


"What if I tell you that Ye Hui and I are finished?" Lu Yonghao wanted to say something, but he endured it in the end because the situation had developed to this point. Even if he forced Chiang Huayue to stay, it would be meaningless.    


Therefore, he nodded and said, "Okay."    


Although that good word was spoken with ease, his heart was incomparably bitter. He never would have thought that the relationship between the three of them would reach this worst step, but that was fine. Since they were going to disperse, they had to disperse a bit better.    


Hearing Lu Yonghao's words, Chiang Huayue couldn't help but ask again, "Do you have nothing to say?"    


"That's all. If there is anything I want you to help me with, then you can come and find me. No matter what, we are still friends."    


"Yes, my friend!" Chiang Huayuerong seemed interested in the conversation. She stood up and said, "Alright then. I'll be leaving first."    


Staring at Chiang Huayue who stood up, Lu Yonghao really wanted to urge her to stay, but he resisted the urge in the end. Then, he sent Chiang Huayue flying away with his eyes.    


When Chiang Huayue disappeared from his sight, Lu Yonghao could not help but feel a little tired. He slumped down on the seat. In that instant, he felt a sense of loss that he had never felt before.    


In the past, when he had Chiang Huayue and Ye Hui by his side, he had never felt that their existence was important to him. But now, he clearly felt that without them, his life had lost its corresponding color.    


He subconsciously took out a cigarette from his pocket. However, just as he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, a waiter walked over and said, "Sir, I'm very sorry, but smoking is not allowed in our coffee shop."    


"Oh." Lu Yonghao took off the cigarette in his mouth, stood up and walked out. When Chiang Huayue left just now, she had already paid the bill. At that time, nothing else mattered to him anymore.    


People got in and out of the coffee shop. Lu Yonghao stood by the intersection and smoked. When smoke rose from his mouth, he finally felt better.    


What should he do next?    


Lu Yonghao asked himself in his heart. Because he had been abandoned by Chen Yan before, he was no longer injured like he was before. But now, he could face everything with a calm heart.    


He was thinking whether he should get Lee Qiang and the others to get drunk. However, after thinking for a while, he decided to forget about it. Instead of this, he might as well go and find Xu Dongsheng. He thought of Lao Ho. Lao Ho was playing chess in the park right now, so he might as well play chess.    


Moreover, he could also ask Lao Ho about some matters related to the operation of the company. After all, the main Large Item was working with Lao Ho, and some things needed to be communicated accordingly.    


When he thought here, he didn't think anymore and went straight to the park to find Lao Ho.    


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