Perfect Super Natural Power

C398 Investing

C398 Investing

Lu Yonghao read the previous chapter of the Special Ability Pen and could feel the emotions between the words. He felt that the story of the thunder was a true story, because the emotions inside were revealed.    


However, he was suspicious. What was the relationship between the lightning and the Special Ability Pen? There was already a Lih Xiaotian in front of him. Another sudden clap of thunder really wouldn't stop there!    


However, thinking about it, he understood that the answer had to be found in the content of the past. Thus, he continued to read.    


In the dark night, it was incomparably quiet.    


The wind could not break the silence of the night, and as it slowly blew, the clouds slowly drew closer to the moon in the sky.    


In the night sky, there was only a crescent moon hanging in the sky. Slowly, the clouds covered the bright moon.    


Bulo City's City Lord felt unsettled, and his eyelids were constantly twitching. He finally sighed and stopped writing.    


To the current him, it was as if the sun had risen. With the help of the Military Advisor, the five cities of Lian Ke City had become one of the most powerful forces in the central continent. Perhaps in the near future, the entire central continent would belong to him.    


However, he was becoming more and more unhappy. He didn't even feel as pleased with himself as he did before.    


He could only give himself one reason: the greater the power, the greater the ambition.    


He raised his head and looked out the window. It was pitch-black, and he couldn't help but curse as he tried to loosen the stifling feeling in his heart.    


A sword coldly pressed against his neck. This was the first time City Lord Bulo felt that death was so close.    


A voice like ice came over: "Where is the advisor?"    


The city governor of Bulo didn't panic at all. Although the grim reaper was waving at him, he felt an unprecedented sense of calm. He said, "I don't know."    


A cold snort could be heard, "He's your advisor, don't tell me you don't know where he is."    


"Do you know where it is, a dog that is not under your control?"    


After a moment of silence, a wave of pressure came from the sword at the neck of the city lord of Bulo City. His cold voice rang out again, "Tell me everything about him."    


"I can tell you, but I want to ask a question. Can you answer me?"    




"Will I die?"    






"This is already the second question."    


"You're not only going to kill the advisor, you're going to kill me too."    


"Remember one year ago today?"    


Bulo City Lord fell silent, then slowly said, "Is it about the matter in the west side of the city?"    


"You still remember, I guess you still have a bit of a conscience."    


Bulo City Lord smiled bitterly and said, "The Military Advisor's name is Fabira. He should be rushing to the Sea Japan near the coast of the Chao Tang Empire right?"    


The sword suddenly moved to the right, causing the body of the city governor of Bulo, who had been moving to the right, to lose control, falling to the ground.    


"You have already died once. Remember, from now on, your life belongs to me. Think carefully about the people in the war."    


Looking at the figure that floated away like the wind, the city lord of Bulo City shouted, "Fabira is a member of the Devil Sect."    


A firm voice resounded from the sky, "Thank you!"    


The city lord of Bulo laughed, but his eyes, which were squeezed shut, were filled with tears.    


The floating figure turned around the city a few times before finally stopping in front of a grave on the hill behind the city.    


"I'm sorry."    


The heavy, mournful voice came from his parted lips, and he fell to his knees.    


He couldn't kill him because he knew that if it weren't for him, many people living happily and peacefully would lose everything they had.    


The wind was still blowing, but the moon was shining in the sky.    


Lu Yonghao looked at it and couldn't help but stop because the whole story suddenly stopped at this moment. Although he couldn't understand what this previous reason meant, he found some corresponding connections: the Devil Sect, Lih Xiaotian was a member of the Devil Sect. This Thunder and Lih Xiaotian originally weren't on the same side, but now they could be considered to have some connections.    


As he thought about this, he couldn't help but stop.    


The current him was no longer the same as before. He no longer forced anything, so even though he was extremely eager to know the origin of the Special Ability Pen, he was still able to calmly wait. He understood that the "truth" about the Special Ability Pen would surface sooner or later.    


He came out of the Special Ability Pen and climbed into the net.    


What he did not expect was that it was already past 12 in the morning. That Yang Chen was still online. This reminded him of the task he had created and he couldn't help but start chatting with him.    


He told the other party that he wanted to write, but he couldn't bring up the pen. The other party was indeed worthy of being called a top-notch character in the internet.    


After chatting for close to an hour, Lu Yonghao's entire mood came to an end and he immediately decided to write a novel. After Yang Chen knew of his intentions, he said that he would wait online and then read the script for him.    


Lu Yonghao thought that since the other party was the chief editor, he still had to work tomorrow, so he directly told him to sleep first. Lu Yonghao thought that the other party was also chief editor, he still had to work tomorrow, so he directly told him to sleep first.    


Then, Lu Yonghao began to create a light at night.    


Just like most people, just like what Yang Chen said, the first time was full of inspiration and enthusiasm. Lu Yonghao was quite different from others in that he had a lot of experience. More importantly, he also had a fantasy experience!    


The most important thing to know about web creation was inspiration. The imagination of a man who could move freely in the air was the foundation, and to use the jargon of web creation, it was YY, which was also * *. Of course, to Lu Yonghao, it wasn't much of an idea to a woman.    


Moreover, it was combined with the two stories he had seen from the Special Ability Pen.    


"What? The fourth prince is in the imperial capital, and he's fighting with a woman?" The astonished expression on his face instantly changed to one of anger. He pointed at the commander of the guards, Li Jun, who was standing foolishly to the side and roared, "Immediately call that beast into the palace!"    


"Your highness... Your highness... "The Fourth Prince has been drunk and is currently sleeping like a log." Although he knew that His Majesty had always been an enlightened emperor, every time His Majesty dealt with the absurd matters of the fourth prince, he would always lose his mind.    


"You're involved in this as well, right?" At this moment, Xiao Zhengming was already sitting on the dragon throne, looking at Li Jun expressionlessly.    


Li Jun's heart chilled as he hurriedly knelt down and shouted, "Your Majesty, your subject deserves to die ten thousand times."    


"Humph!" If you had to die then you would have died dozens of times already. As the commander of the army, not only did you not stop the fourth prince from messing around, but every time you went out with him, the prestige of the empire would be tarnished by you. "    


"Your Majesty, this humble subject knows his wrongs. This humble subject deserves to die, but even if Fourth Prince wanted to do it, this subordinate wouldn't be able to persuade him!"    


"Is that so? Don't think I don't know anything about you, but you've gone too far this time. " He stood up gently with his hands behind his back and walked to the window. Looking out of the window, he spoke, "The reason why you're staying with the fourth prince is so that you can protect him. However, everything that the fourth prince has done, you've participated in.    


"This …" Li Jun lowered his head in silence.    


"You can leave now. Remember, don't go overboard in the future!" Xiao Zhengming said slowly.    


Hearing Xiao Zhengming's words, Li Jun immediately stood up and left. Looking at Li Jun's leaving figure, Xiao Zhengming had an unnoticeable smile on his face. He then shook his head: "Sigh, no matter how you pretend, the empire will be handed over to you sooner or later. It seems like it's time to let you go out and train."    


"Old Li, was it like yesterday?" Xiao Chu stuck out his fat head from the side and asked with a smile.    


Li Jun hurriedly stopped and patted his chest. "Damn, please, don't be like this the next time, every time you're out of nowhere, just trying to scare me. If it were anyone else, I'd probably be dead already."    


"Hehe, Old Li, it looks like there won't be a problem. Haha, the old man doesn't know who's fighting with me. When he finds out tomorrow, he'll definitely be furious." Xiao Chu jumped out and placed his right hand on Li Jun's shoulder.    


Li Jun could only lower his head and smile bitterly. Ever since Xiao Zhengming had received news of Xiao Chu, it was just that Xiao Chu did not know about it. He raised his head and stuttered, "You … Don't tell me you're still going to drink! " Looking at Xiao Chu's sunny smile, Li Jun felt his head go numb.    


"Heh heh, Old Li, don't say that. I'm going to talk about Feng Yue, you already told the old man that I'm too drunk to wake up, how can I help you? Xiao Chu gestured in front of his neck with his right hand.    


"Sigh, they tricked me again. Those three brats are going as well?" Li Jun had a helpless expression.    


"Haha, what are you talking about? It's all because they called me that. Those three brats are definitely hugging beauties right now and raising their cups for drinks. Let's go! A single moment of the Spring Festival Gala is worth a thousand gold!" As he spoke, he jumped and Xiao Chu had already left. Li Jun turned around and looked at the garden. As soon as he lifted his foot, he stopped and walked step by step towards a bush in the garden.    


"Come out!" With a wave of his hands, the grass was split into two halves and a mouse drilled out with a 'gulu' sound. It then instantly disappeared into another bush. "Seems like I was overthinking it." Li Jun self-deprecated, put down his guard, displayed his figure, and chased in the direction that Xiao Chu went.    


The little mouse behind the bush let out a breath, then turned into a person wearing night clothes in the white smoke. The air on its covered face was short of breath, and the faint red mouth under the black veil was also opening and closing from time to time, causing its petite body to tremble. A thin voice came out of the man's mouth, "I didn't expect that even with a slight sound he would discover it. Sigh, luckily he still has his transformation technique, or else I wouldn't dare imagine it. Looks like I'll need to rest for a few hours before I can move. This Ruyi Clan's transformation technique uses up too much battle power."    


As he was writing, he didn't think too much into it and began to knead his thoughts. However, when he finished writing, he thought to himself, how about writing the Druid down?    


He couldn't help but think of what Yang Chen had told him at the time, which was that if you want to write, you should write it down. The fantasy world itself had to be written out, so there was no need to pay too much attention to reason.    


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