Strongest Guard

C355 He Was Dressed in a Very Hip-hop Outfit

C355 He Was Dressed in a Very Hip-hop Outfit

In any era, there would always be a type of person that brought suffering upon themselves.    


Chief Tang was such a person.    


Originally, Director Loong was already used to being arrogant and domineering. However, after realizing that he was the one responsible for the traffic friction, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't want to argue with him and let him go.    


He didn't expect that Director Tang would continue to push forward and ask for an explanation.    


Loong Chengcheng's eyebrows creased under her glasses as she turned to look at him. "Then what do you want?"    


"It's simple. Repair the car and apologize for it."    


Director Tang pointed to the front of the car, then pointed to the dent on the door that Loong Chengcheng's small leather shoe had made as she answered indifferently with her nose to the sky.    


It was fine to repair a car for Director Tang since the fault lay with Director Loong and she didn't care about the small amount of money.    


But what was an apology?    


Ha, you must be joking, right?    


Not to mention Qingshan, even in Beijing, in an international city like Mingzhu, Director Loong was still a bad person. If he bumped into someone and they didn't die, then that would be the others' fortune — Apologize?    


Hehe, I'm sorry, Director Loong never knew what an apology is.    


Looking at the Audi's license plate, Director Loong asked Chief Tang: "Are you sure you want me to apologize?"    


Director Tang didn't answer immediately. He took one out of his cigarette and spat it out before answering slowly, "Also, take the money to repair the car."    


Taking the money to repair the car really didn't matter to Director Loong.    


She asked again, "Are you sure you want me to apologize?"    


"Are you deaf? I still can't understand Chinese! "    


Director Tang was angry. From the looks of it, this girl was arrogant. She must have some background at home. That was why she dared to ignore his car. What kind of car was it and what license plate was it hanging.    


Yes, Chief Tang admitted that the Bureau of Orchid Forest was a far cry from departments like police stations and industrial and commercial tax departments, and could be considered the standard Qingshui yamen. However, he was still a true boss after all, with countless beauties under his jurisdiction.    


Some of them were off topic, as if it had little to do with Young Woman, the charming girl in front of him.    


However, Director Tang's greatest skill was to be able to get involved with Young Woman, who had nothing to do with him!    


When he first laid eyes on her, Director Tang was stirred up. He thought about how to find an excuse to investigate Young Woman's origins and how to use his old tactics to force her to kneel down in front of him and sing "Conquer" under the pressure of all his good friends.    


Now that her pride had created such a great opportunity for Director Tang, how could she be willing to let it go?    


Director Tang didn't wait for Loong Chengcheng to answer. He took out his phone and asked with a low voice, "Which unit are you from? What's your name?"    


Loong Chengcheng sneered, arms crossed in front of her chest.    


"Just you wait. Do you really think that I wouldn't know who you are just because you didn't tell me? "    


Director Tang tapped her and after seeing the license plate of the car, he made a call and laughed out loud: "Ha, Brother Wang, I'm Old Tang from the Bureau of Landscape Affairs. I need to trouble you to find out who owns the car for me." It's not a big deal, it's just that the car hit my car and dared to be rude to me, and wouldn't apologize no matter what, and didn't say who she was — Okay, okay, I'll wait. "    


At this moment, a group of people had surrounded them. Among them was Director Loong's secretary, Xiao Wen.    


Xiao Wen was about to come over to ask what was going on, but Director Loong shook his head at her, indicating that she didn't need to worry about it.    


Director Tang didn't feel like there was anything wrong with being watched by so many people.    


He was the victim of this traffic accident. As long as he followed normal procedures to deal with it, there was no need for him to worry.    


A few minutes later, Director Tang's cell phone rang.    


"Haha, Brother Wang, you're pretty fast. "Who is the owner of that car — who is it!?"    


Director Tang laughed heartily. When he heard what Brother Wang said, he immediately looked at Loong Chengcheng as if he had seen a ghost. The ambiguous look in his eyes was gone, replaced with only fear.    


Director Loong of the Insolence Bureau!    


Brother Wang had said clearly on the phone that the owner of this small red car would be scared out of his wits even if the Green Mountain official were to lift it. It was Loong Chengcheng's car.    


What kind of existence was Qingshan advocating?    


Even though the level structure was not that high, it would not be too simple if he wanted to set up Chief Tang.    


Not to mention the Bureau of Orchid Forest, even the number one city bureau in the big departments had to be obedient in front of Director Loong. They had to be careful around him in order to not get picked by others and get to the bottom of it.    


Zi Fann was a government official, line up to catch one, only missing the net, not wrongdoing--This saying, indeed, is too much, but no doubt, all the officials more or less made a mistake, as long as the Bureau of Advocacy wants to do you, whether in terms of money or style, the insurance did not go away.    


Besides, Director Tang's ass was never clean.    


Aiyo, my mother, what have I done today to provoke this evil woman?    


Feeling his scalp tingling, Director Tang's face turned pale and his body staggered. He thought of those colleagues who were invited to tea somewhere after Director Loong entered Qingshan and really wanted to laugh out loud, saying that Director Loong was a misunderstanding.    


However, his efforts were in vain. His mouth moved a few times, yet he did not say a single word.    


"Director Tang from the Bureau of Orchid Forest. Haha, I've heard a lot about you. Now that I think about it, I want to thank you for handing over your base to us. "Thank you. I'll say thank you first."    


"No … there's no need …"    


When Chief Tang just said those three words, Director Loong turned around and got on the car and left.    


As for Director Tang's indecent actions of sitting paralyzed on the road, Director Loong didn't care.    


No matter who was sitting on the road, she didn't care. All she cared about was helping the wrong officials to recognize their mistakes and correct them.    


Discipline during work is the measurement of a civil servant's attitude towards work, not the performance of care, can also be considered the work under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Advocacy.    


Your clothes can be old, but you must not wear those fancy clothes.    


In broad daylight, a big man in a white suit with a pair of red crystal slippers was walking down the steps with a fawning smile on his face. Director Loong's first reaction was to kick this kind of person out of the sacred civil service.    


No matter what department he came from, no matter what he did, this brat seemed very familiar. It seemed like he was the child's father.    


He opened the car door in front of his secretary, Xiao Wen. Lee Nanfang bowed and said, "Director Loong, you seem to be a bit late for work today. I've been waiting for you for more than three hours, thank you so much."    


"Lee Nanfang, what the hell are you doing?"    


For some reason, when Loong Chengcheng saw Lee Nanfang dressed like this, she became extremely angry, as if she had lost so much of her adult self. She quickly looked at Xiao Wen and asked in a low voice: "Is it fun to play pervert?"    


"What's fun? Actually, I don't want to dress up like this to taint Director Loong's magical eyes. But you should know what kind of work I was engaged in. I opened my eyes in the morning to think of your meeting with me before eight o'clock today, and was so flustered that I dressed and hurried over here. When he arrived, he discovered that his clothes were … "    


"Don't use all the crap you do at work to annoy me."    


Director Loong was really worried about Lee Nanfang, since he would say he was a dry duck in front of Xiao Wen.    


If that was the case, Xiao Wen would definitely wonder how Director Loong knew a duck. It couldn't be that one of them, right? She hurriedly interrupted him and got off the car to walk towards the hall.    


"Director Loong, wait for me." "Damn, these shoes are so weird."    


Yue Zitong, who was sitting in the car behind the door of the Adventurer's Bureau, felt that Lee Nanfang was very funny when she saw him chasing after her with her little slippers. She took a cigarette and said to herself slowly: "This little bastard sure has the bearing of a South Korea when he wears my clothes."    


Lowering her head to look at her little feet, Yue Zitong couldn't help but laugh. Then, her phone rang.    


It was Helan Xiaoxin. Why hadn't she gone to work at the company yet?    


Director Yue was very clear that Deputy Director Helan cared about her real purpose of not going to the company. He wanted to ask her about what happened the night before and then 'threaten' her not to say anything.    


"Sister Xin, please wait a moment. I have something important to do."    


"What's the big deal? Can it be bigger than you rushing over to the company?"    


"Heaven is not to be revealed. But I'm sure you'll be surprised. "    


Yue Zitong went on to change the subject, "Sister Xin, I need to ask you something. How much do you know about the Hua Yeshen of Seven Stars Association of Jinghua? "    


"Seven Stars Club Hua Yeshen?"    


Helan Xiaoxin's heart jumped in fright. She hesitated for a moment before replying, "You must be friends. I used to go over there to play. Zitong, why did you suddenly ask about her? "    


"Have you ever seen her in person?"    


Yue Zitong asked instead of answering.    


Back in Beijing, Yue Zitong had heard of Hua Yeshen's famous name and had gone to the Seven Stars Club a few times, but had never seen her in person.    


"Yes." Otherwise, I wouldn't have said she was my friend. "    


He didn't understand why Yue Zitong would suddenly ask about Hua Yeshen's Helan Xiaoxin. She answered carefully, leaving him with the leeway to explain any mishap.    


Yue Zitong asked again, "I heard that she has never left the clubhouse all these years, right?"    


"Yes, she never left. The clubhouse is her home and is her entire world. "    


Helan Xiaoxin asked, "Zitong, why did you suddenly ask her?"    


"It's nothing, it's just that Li Jun is a friend of mine. It's my pleasure to meet her and entrust her with a favor. Alright, as for the details, I'll tell you about it after I go to the company. "I'm busy right now, so I'll hang up first."    


After she hung up the phone, Yue Zitong's eyebrows slightly furrowed as she muttered, "Strange, since Hua Yeshen has never left the Seven Stars Club before, then how does Lee Nanfang know her? How could she lend him a hundred million? "    


On the way here, Lee Nanfang didn't tell her how he got the cheque.    


However, when Yue Zitong looked at the cheque, she saw Hua Yeshen's signature and Seven Stars Club seal.    


Thinking of the woman he had picked up outside last night, he was ready to speak out.    


If Yue Zitong wasn't curious, then she was.    


Loong Chengcheng was also surprised.    


She picked up the cheque Lee Nanfang left on the table and read it carefully for a full minute before confirming that she was not mistaken.    


After entering Director Loong's office, Lee Nanfang sat on the sofa and crossed his legs. His little red crystal slippers were swinging coquettishly on his toes, making people feel nauseous.    


The key point was that the pants were too thin, especially for the crotch. After sitting down, the bulge on the pants was very conspicuous.    


Glancing at that place, Loong Chengcheng put down the bill and asked indifferently, "How did you get Hua Yeshen's cheque?"    


Lee Nanfang thought about it and then replied, "You can imagine for yourself."    


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