Super Golden Eye

C742 They Would All Pass

C742 They Would All Pass

Faang Yang frowned. "Is it that powerful?"    


Baofu said, "Baofu wouldn't dare lie to Master. In the No.1 courtyard, every four hours, there would be people who would periodically carry out inspections. It was very difficult to infiltrate."    


Faang Yang nodded. "Try again. If it is not possible, there is no need to force it. Oh right, there is a task for you to do. "    


Baofu said, "Master, please tell me."    


Faang Yang said, "I will give you one day. I want to know who wants to touch me this time! The rest were secondary. This convenience must be found for me!    


Oh right, the person next to me is called Shapang. You can also arrange a place for him to rest. Is there a problem? "    


" No problem! Leave it to me. I will definitely not disappoint Master!" After Little Baofu finished speaking, he patted Shapang's shoulder and the two of them left together.    


Faang Yang was very assured about the matter of handing it over to Baofu. With Hundred Eyed Daoist around, there would always be a way to find out the truth. As for what method he would use... it was not important!    


Looking at the gentle lights of In The Villa, the corner of Faang Yang's mouth finally revealed a trace of a smile. He walked forward and opened the door.    


When they just entered the room, they saw Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo almost standing up at the same time. Chu Bingqing said happily, "You are back. Don't move first. I will go and get rid of your bad luck!"    


Finishing speaking, Chu Bingqing took the prepared Wormwood Grass and swept it over Faang Yang's body. She was still mumbling something.    


Chen Mo seemed to be a little embarrassed and said, "I will go to the bathroom." She turned around and hid in the bathroom.    


Faang Yang did not know whether to laugh or cry at Chu Bingqing's actions. He was touched and amused. "Bingqing, when did you believe this too?"    


Chu Bingqing rolled her eyes at him. "Don't speak nonsense! These were the rules left behind by the old ancestor. It would definitely be useful. Go take a bath and throw away the clothes that were taken off."    


" Alright, alright, I'll listen to you. I'm becoming more and more like a housewife. " Faang Yang mumbled and went upstairs obediently. He went into his room to take a shower.    


When he came out, Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo had already sat down and waited for him. Looking at the table full of delicious food, Faang Yang's fingers moved. "Tsk tsk, Bingqing's cooking is getting better and better!"    


Chu Bingqing was delighted in her heart but she still deliberately glared at him. "You only know that I made it? Momo is still sitting here. Her cooking is even better than mine."    


Faang Yang ate the lipstick braised pork and vaguely said, "It's different. I didn't say that Momo made it well. You are from Jiangbei. The dishes you cook are more colorful and the taste is more delicious.    


Although Momo also goes to school in River Song, she is from the East Sea after all. The food she makes is light and delicate. It is very particular about the original taste. Of course I can tell."    


" Nonsense. " Chen Mo softly muttered but her expression was much better. "When you went to Elder Hsu's place, what did you say to you?"    


Faang Yang simply replied, "Nothing much. I asked about my situation and then sat down to talk about the cause of the matter. That's all."    


Chen Mo clearly did not believe Faang Yang's words. "Is that really all? He did not say who gave the order?"    


Faang Yang pretended to be dumb. "I didn't ask. I don't think there is any news yet."    


Chen Mo did not give up and said," To be able to get an arrest warrant in such a short time, I am afraid that he is not an ordinary person. With their status, they could not even find out who it was. Who exactly was it?"    


Chu Bingqing also asked from the side, "That's right. What is the matter? You have to tell us. Otherwise, we do not have confidence in our hearts."    


Putting down the chopsticks, Faang Yang sighed, "Is it that hard to eat well? Since you all want to know, then I will just say it.    


In the end, it's because our development in Imperial Capital is too fast, and we've touched the cheese of others. That's why some people don't like me and want to kill me, or destroy the Yangming Group. "    


Chu Bingqing's face revealed an expression as expected," See, I have long felt that your original plan was not suitable.    


Although it was a good thing to strike while the iron was hot, if the steps were too big, it would eventually cause such a problem. Why don't we have an internal meeting tomorrow to reorganize the follow-up work?    


As long as we can stabilize our current business and get rid of the bad assets appropriately, we should be able to sort out the capital at the start and ease the conflict with Imperial Capital's local forces."    


" No! We absolutely can't compromise!" Faang Yang's tone was firm. "Our company is a formal business, and our business dealings are fair competition. Why should we give in to them?    


Not only will I not withdraw, I will also increase my pace! You are the one who is doing the company's business. You must do it in the shortest time possible. Create a few things to support the front door for me. Is there a problem with that?"    


Chu Bingqing could not figure it out." Why? The current situation is that the local interest circle in Imperial Capital is going against us. If we insist on doing this, it will not do us any good!"    


" Listen to me, there won't be any problem. " Faang Yang didn't want to make the two of them worry. "Sometimes, if you don't back down, the matter can be resolved.    


The more you give in, the more those people will think that you are weak and easy to bully. They will think that Ben Gali wants to take advantage of you again. I do not want the Yangming to become someone else's ATM!"    


Chu Bingqing was helpless and could only look at Chen Mo for help. Chen Mo could not avoid her gaze and could only say:    


"Faang Yang, Ms Bingqing is right. We might need to control the rhythm of our own development. Although we are a group company, how many of us have developed so rapidly like the Yangming?    


In just a few months, the Yangming Group's business development in Imperial Capital has involved the development of new energy sources, Intelligent Robot, real estate development, online media and antique collection...    


It was like a full-fledged flower with policy support. With his own brand advantage and reputation foundation, the market share he had continued to rise.    


Imperial Capital was different from other places. The large chambers of commerce here basically all had official backgrounds. Therefore, it's not good news for Yangming to provoke them."    


" When the army comes, the general will block. When the water comes, the earth will cover it! When the army comes, the general will block. When the water comes, the earth will cover it! I want to see what they can do to me! " Faang Yang did not care at all.    


"Let's eat. I will take responsibility for whatever happens in the future. I will not blame you. Oh right, why isn't Lu Wei back yet? "    


Chu Bingqing said, "Uncle Lu went to the hospital because he was not feeling well. Lu Wei did not have time to greet me and went back to Jiangbei. I was afraid that she would be worried and didn't tell her about you."    


"Is Uncle Lu sick?" Faang Yang was stunned. When he was treating Uncle Lu, Faang Yang had put in a lot of effort. Normally, he wouldn't have a headache or cold for at least a year. Why did he fall ill in such a short period of time?    


Chu Bingqing also did not know what was going on, "I only heard Xiaowei say this and am not clear about the specific situation. Why don't you call Xiaowei?"    


Faang Yang thought about it and said, "Let's wait for a while. She probably does not know much about it now. Later, let's ask around. "    


Chu Bingqing asked tentatively, "Then the thing we were discussing just now..."    


Faang Yang knew what Chu Bingqing was asking about. "The Yangming Group was founded by me, so I will not watch it be defeated by me, nor will I watch it become useless! Believe me, all of them will go! "    


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