Super Golden Eye

C1049 Xu Yunfei's Invitation

C1049 Xu Yunfei's Invitation

Lee Yi immediately lowered his voice. "Shi, pay attention to your identity! The higher ups naturally have their own reasons for doing things. If we go and ask for something, I'm afraid we will only be asking for trouble!    


Alright, although the old madman is a bit crazy, he still knows what to do. He won't do anything to you. At most, you will be scolded.    


Fortunately, when we get there, we'll try to speak as little as possible! If he says something that he shouldn't say, the consequences won't be something we can bear!"    


Shea Kaihua felt a chill on his back and quickly agreed," I know, I know. Then I'll go over and take a look now. If there's any situation, I'll contact you again. "    


After hanging up the phone, Shea Kaihua wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and strode out. "Someone, prepare the car and go to Office Building!"    


Faang Yang and Hsu Yunfei were talking about the recent situation when they heard a guard report outside. "Reporting to the chief, Vice Chairman Shi requests to see you."    


Hsu Yunfei looked at the time. " Oh? The timing was quite accurate! There are still three minutes left. Let him in."    


" Yes! " After the guards left, they brought Shea Kaihua in.    


This was the first time Faang Yang had seen Shea Kaihua. Although Shea Kaihua was sixty-seven years old this year, and looked to be around fifty years old, he had taken good care of himself. However, he avoided his gaze and gave off a feeling that he was unreliable.    


After entering, Shea Kaihua clearly did not expect that there were outsiders present. He was stunned for a moment, but he still smiled and said to Hsu Yunfei, "Haha, I'm sorry. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I came late."    


Hsu Yunfei would not listen to him say these things. "Don't say those useless things. Tell me honestly, what kind of heart do you have?    


Since you secretly mobilized the Black Tortoise Special Forces without my permission, and even wanted to kidnap me, I am very curious, who gave you so much courage?"    


Hsu Yunfei's words were like thunder, making Shea Kaihua's entire body tremble with sweat. "Chairman Xu, these are all misunderstandings. We did not know that you were here before.    


If I knew that you were here, even if I had eight guts, I would not dare to have any ideas about you, right? "    


"Misunderstanding?" Hsu Yunfei sneered and said, "Can you believe this excuse? Black Tortoise Special Forces, can they be transferred to any city to settle business disputes? "    


Shea Kaihua's face turned pale. "No, it's not like that. Because... because I received a report that Red Star Special Forces were secretly transferred. I was worried that something would happen, so I sent someone over."    


Hearing what Shea Kaihua said, Hsu Yunfei was so angry that he laughed instead." Hahaha. Is your intelligence low? Or is it that you don't have a brain at all?    


As a deputy, how could you not know who the actual manager of the Red Star Special Forces is? If you really don't know, then it's not appropriate for you to stay in this position. Go and resign tomorrow!"    


Shea Kaihua knew that he would be in trouble the moment he said those words. Sure enough, after being robbed by Hsu Yunfei, he did not know how to reply. He stammered," No, listen to my explanation... "    


Hsu Yunfei waved his hand gently. "Alright, you don't need to explain. There were surveillance cameras here, recording everything that had happened.    


It's not a loss to send you to military court just because of this! I know you're not convinced in your heart, and you want to find someone to back you up.    


What did you call me behind my back? Madman Xu, right? Don't think that I don't know. If you really think that I can pinch you as I please, I'll go crazy and show you again! Believe it or not, I'll crush you!"    


Hsu Yunfei was really angry, and his murderous aura soared to the sky. Although he wasn't a cultivator of the Ancient Martial, he still had a huge impact on an ordinary person like Shea Kaihua.    


Faang Yang secretly picked up the big thumb in his heart. It seemed like this old man did not save oil lamps when he was young! Otherwise, this murderous aura wouldn't be so strong.    


Shea Kaihua was completely suppressed. He lowered his head and begged, "Chairman Xu, let me go! I am only following orders!    


At this age, is there still a need for me to fight for anything? I am truly helpless, I can't help it! Wuuuuu ~"    


Faang Yang never thought that the dignified second in command would actually shed tears in front of outsiders without caring about his image! This was too disgraceful.    


Obviously, Hsu Yunfei didn't expect this to happen. He was a little stunned. After a while, he said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry,    


"Enough! Look at you, from top to bottom, which part of you looks like a soldier? You have lost all your face as a soldier! Stay here obediently! I'll teach you a lesson when we get back!"    


After saying that, Hsu Yunfei said to the guards at the door, "Leave a few people behind to watch him! Have the reporters been informed?"    


Someone immediately replied, "All the media reporters on the list have gathered in the hall on the first floor ten minutes ago to await orders. Please give your instructions, Chief!"    


Hsu Yunfei stood up. "Alright! Everyone, get ready to set off for the scene of the first accident!"    


"Yes!" The guard replied and immediately went out to get ready.    


Faang Yang looked at Hsu Yunfei and asked, "Are you leaving now? Go straight to the construction site?"    


Hsu Yunfei said, "En, I originally wanted to wait for the major media reporters in Imperial Capital to arrive before taking action. But looking at the current situation, if we wait any longer, we don't know what will happen. "    


Although Faang Yang did not know what kind of situation the conflict between the upper echelons was, he could tell that it was even more intense than he had imagined. "I'll listen to you. Anyway, you're the biggest here."    


The two of them got into the car under the protection of the guards. Of course, only Faang Yang and Xu Yunlong got into the car. Huang Ping, who was tactful enough, got into the car at the back.    


The car started and there were no outsiders. Xu Yunlong patted Faang Yang on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Xiao Fang, you are a good seedling. If you are willing to take care of yourself, perhaps one day, you will be able to take over my shift."    


Faang Yang was shocked by Hsu Yunfei's words. "Elder Hsu, are you joking with me? I am just a businessman. I like to live a carefree life.    


Besides, I am too lazy to ask about my own company. You want me to take over your shift? Aren't you afraid that the world will be thrown into chaos?"    


Xu Yunlong said seriously, "Don't think that I'm joking! Although it looks like a peaceful era right now, in private, they are already very divided.    


I'm in the middle of a serious illness. Actually, the last time I was seriously ill, I guessed that someone wanted me to die earlier. But I am ill! I met a benefactor like you and survived!    


Furthermore, after such a long period of contact, I discovered that you are an upright man who loves your country and family. You are definitely a responsible man. Right now, there are too few capable and sentimental young people like you!"    


Faang Yang's face was so thick that he was a little embarrassed." Elder Hsu, don't praise me. You know your own worth. Let's treat this as a joke and forget about it in the past. "    


Hsu Yunfei sighed slightly. "You don't have to rush to reply to me first. Maybe one day, you can change your mind."    


This made it difficult for Faang Yang to refuse. "Alright. When I change my mind, I'll look for you immediately."    


Hsu Yunfei looked up at him. "Then you better think about it quickly. I am not sure how many days I can last."    


Faang Yang was silent. Of course he knew Hsu Yunfei's body. He had forcefully held ___'s life. If he wanted to extend his life again, it would take a lot of effort.    


Just as Faang Yang was wondering if he should extend Hsu Yunfei's life and when it would happen, the voice of a guard came from outside. "Chief, we have reached our destination!"    


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