Super Golden Eye

C1027 He Picked the Two of Them up and Left with Them

C1027 He Picked the Two of Them up and Left with Them

On the other side of the cave, Zhang Changhai woke up from his sleep. "What happened?"    


Captain Zhou did not want to scare him again. "Nothing happened. When you wake up, we will prepare to leave this place."    


As they were talking, Faang Yang finally slowly opened his eyes. " Uh... Where am I?"    


"You are finally awake!" Captain Zhou immediately stepped forward. "You fell from above, right into our hidden cave.    


Other things aside, this place was not safe. It seemed like it was going to collapse soon. Let's go out first! I'll carry you! "    


After saying that, Captain Zhou bent down and carried Faang Yang on his back. Just as the group was about to leave, the entire stone platform suddenly collapsed. There was actually an underground river connected to it!    


The underground cave was not large to begin with, and Faang Yang had yet to recover from his serious injuries. There was no way for him to resist. The four of them were dragged into the underground river just like that and flowed down!    


On the ground, all the members of the Five Poison Sect were transferred out, guarding the area. A few Geomantic Omen Masters were holding onto the compass, looking for the exact location of the dragon vein from all over the mountain.    


However, they did not know that the newly formed Geomantic Omen Dragon Vein had already been secretly taken away by Faang Yang!    


Faang Yang and the others were lucky. When they were told that the underground river had rushed out of the water, they found out that it was the whirlpool that had discovered Geng Yugang!    


Although Faang Yang had not recovered, his physical strength and endurance were stronger than ordinary people. Captain Zhou seemed to be able to hold on. He grabbed Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai with one hand and rushed to the shore.    


Logically speaking, there were disciples from the Five Poison Sect guarding every pass in the mountain. But now, they were all sent back by the Fourth Elder to search for Faang Yang and the dragon vein, and there was a loophole.    


First, he dragged Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai to the shore, and then Faang Yang pulled Captain Zhou up. After a round of emergency treatment, nothing major happened.    


After resting for a few minutes, Faang Yang looked in the direction he had come from. "Captain Zhou, can you guys still go? Waiting here all the time was not a solution.    


The temperature in the mountains is low, and it's not safe now. It would be best if we could hurry for a while and ask for backup in time."    


Captain Zhou looked at the satellite Positioner on his body and said," The signal has finally returned to normal. There was no response from before. It might have been blocked. "    


As he spoke, he fiddled with the Positioner. Soon, he said excitedly, "Alright, the distress signal has been sent out. The rescue center can find our location!"    


Zhang Sha was so excited that her eyes almost fell down. "Great, this is great!"    


Faang Yang was not so optimistic. "Even so, it is best that we walk forward. The closer we are to the city, the safer we will be!"    


Captain Zhou also agreed. "But Little Zhang and Chang Hai seem to have exhausted their stamina. I'm afraid..."    


Faang Yang could naturally see the situation between the two of them. "How is Captain Zhou? Can I do it?"    


Captain Zhou nodded. "He may not be too fast, but I can still walk on my own."    


Faang Yang thought for a moment. "Then I will bring the two of them. Let's go together!"    


"You will take the two of them along the mountain road?! Isn't it too much? Don't let anything happen to them. "    


Captain Zhou's worry was not unreasonable. Faang Yang was also seriously injured and had not fully recovered. After being soaked in the river water, there was blood seeping out from the wound that was previously bandaged. He really did not look like a person who was fine.    


Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai were also very touched. They expressed, "We can also leave by ourselves. You also have injuries on your body. You can't affect the wound anymore. If you are infected, it will be even more troublesome."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "I am fine. Don't worry."    


Looking around, Faang Yang used the Dragon Scale Sword to soften a bowl-thick, hard oak wood and cut off the most well-proportioned two meters in the middle.    


The two ends of the tree trunk were slightly flat and had a pair of eyes. Two branches were embedded into the tree trunk and could be used as armrests. Basically, it was a large shoulder pole.    


After it was done, Faang Yang tried it and felt that it was not bad. "Alright, Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai, come up. I'll carry you guys."    


Captain Zhou asked, "Are you really alright?"    


Faang Yang said, "Come up first. If I feel tired, I will naturally tell you."    


Captain Zhou thought about it and agreed. If Faang Yang could really pick two of his team members to go with him, then it would naturally be best. If it really did not work, he could just stop.    


After thinking it through, Captain Zhou said to Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai who were still hesitating, "In that case, you two can sit up and try. Maintain your center of gravity and don't shake it randomly, understand?"    


Captain Zhou was still very experienced. The more stable the things he picked, the more stable his center of gravity would be. It would also save some energy.    


"Yes, captain." Zhang Sha and Zhang Changhai then agreed and sat on the shoulder pole one after the other.    


Captain Zhou wanted to help Faang Yang, but he refused. "No need. I will do it myself."    


Faang Yang put his left hand on the shoulder and the Left Arm struggled. "Hey! Up!"    


Even the wood and the two living people weighed at least 400 kilograms. He actually put it on his shoulder with one hand! The other three people's eyes were wide open!    


After adjusting his center of gravity, Faang Yang said to Captain Zhou, "That's enough. You walk in front. I'll follow you from behind."    


Faang Yang was worried that if he walked too fast, Captain Zhou would fall behind. Captain Zhou did not say anything unnecessary. "Alright, if you are tired, then rest for a while."    


After saying that, the group of four set off again. This strange group set off again, traveling through the forest with all their might. Half an hour later, Captain Zhou's physical strength was obviously not enough, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.    


At this time, one's physical strength had already reached the level of authority. If one stopped, it was virtually impossible to stand up again.    


Faang Yang saw it and was also very appreciative of his perseverance. Seeing a relatively flat ground not far away, he said, "I'm a little tired. Let's go there and rest for a while."    


Everyone could see that Faang Yang was not tired enough. He said he was resting, or thinking about Captain Zhou.    


Captain Zhou looked at the time. "Alright, let's rest at that time. Calculating the time, the rescue team should be arriving soon."    


When they reached the resting place, Captain Zhou sat on the ground and panted like a bellows. Zhang Sha hurriedly stuffed her water and a piece of chocolate into his hands. "Captain, you should eat something and drink some water first."    


"Thank you." Captain Zhou did not stand on ceremony. A piece of chocolate entered his stomach in a few bites. After drinking two mouthfuls of water, his face looked a little better.    


The equipment on their bodies had basically all been thrown into the underground river. Faang Yang looked around and found some hay. He made a fire, but did not light it up.    


If they lit the fire before the rescue team could arrive, it would be fatal! Everyone understood this principle.    


Ten minutes later, the sound of a helicopter could be heard from the sky. Everyone's faces revealed a look of joy. Faang Yang picked up the flint he found and struck it a few times. Sparks flew out and lit the hay.    


Very quickly, the helicopter also saw the fire below. After circling for a while, it stopped steadily. The few of them boarded the helicopter and smoothly rose into the air, returning to the city!    


When the helicopter stopped in the courtyard of the Criminal Police Brigade, Xu Weiping took the lead and dozens of people waited there.    


As soon as Faang Yang got off the helicopter, Xu Weiping strode over and gave him a big hug. "I heard that you guys lost contact with the headquarters, so I was worried."    


Faang Yang's wound hurt. It hurt so much that his mouth was wide open. "If you have something to say, say it. Don't you see that there are still injuries on my body?"    


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