Super Golden Eye

C1013 The River Flowed Against the Current and the Chessboard Was Revealed

C1013 The River Flowed Against the Current and the Chessboard Was Revealed

The assassin seemed to know that he would not be able to succeed today, so he said loudly, "On the day of the river's current, when the chessboard is revealed, would you dare to fight?"    


Faang Yang naturally would not be discouraged. He replied firmly, "Why not? I want to see what other tricks you have up your sleeves!"    


"Alright! As expected of the disciples of Azure City Mountain, the best of the new generation of Ancient Martial Realm! I hope you won't disappoint me!" The assassin's voice gradually faded away.    


Faang Yang stood on the ground and did not chase after him. Their speed was not much different, and there was no need for him to chase after them.    


One minute later, Baofu appeared in front of Faang Yang with a nervous expression. "Master, what happened?"    


Faang Yang said lightly, "Someone wanted my life, but he did not succeed."    


Baofu repeatedly apologized, "It was Baofu's negligence. Master, please punish me!"    


Faang Yang looked at the bright lights in the distance and said, "It's none of your business. It seems like Imperial Capital is not peaceful anymore. Oh right, when that person left just now, he left behind two words.    


The river is flowing against the current. When the chessboard is revealed, I don't understand what it means. You have been here for quite some time. Help me check it out. "    


Baofu softly muttered a few words and frowned." On the day of the river's current, when the chessboard appears? Is he going to have a duel with his master? Be careful that it might be a trap! "    


Faang Yang patted him on the shoulder." Don't worry. I'm not stupid. Will he go just because he asked me out? I'm just curious about this place. "    


Baofu thought about it and agreed. "Since Master knows, Baofu will not be polite. I do have some idea about what Master said. "    


Faang Yang perked up." Oh? Tell me about it."    


Baofu said," Master also knows that Imperial Capital is too large, so there is a lack of water supply. That's why there is a project to draw water to Imperial Capital. One of the more important ones is Nanjiang.    


It's just that the water volume in Nanjiang is greatly affected by the season. In winter, it will enter the period of withering, especially around the fifteenth of the twelfth lunar month. The water volume is extremely low.    


At the intersection between Nanjiang and other places in the Imperial Capital, there would be a situation where the river water flowed inwards. It's said that it used to be an ancient cultural area. Before it was expropriated, it was called Chess Town!"    


Faang Yang understood." You mean to say that when Nanjiang enters the Imperial Capital, because the water volume is too low, it will cause inflow and then reveal the flooded ancient chess town, right? "    


Baofu nodded. "Other than that place, I really can't think of any other suitable place. However, Chess Town is in the outskirts of the South City. That place is extremely remote and sparsely populated.    


It seems like there are some unclean things that frequently appear there. Because it is quite far away from Imperial Capital, I don't pay much attention to it, so I don't know much about it."    


" En, I understand. You can go back now. " Only then did Faang Yang and Baofu separate and return to their rooms. Actually, Faang Yang did not really want to go when he asked this question.    


After returning to his room, Faang Yang found that his clothes were slightly damaged. Seeing Soong Mengting sleeping soundly, he took off his clothes and prepared to change into another one.    


Once he took off his clothes, Faang Yang's hand froze in the air and did not move. His eyes stared at his right arm. There, a black palm print had appeared out of nowhere!    


Without a doubt, it must have been left behind by the only time Faang Yang and the assassin fought. However, he didn't expect it to be so strange that he didn't notice it at all!    


Faang Yang didn't dare to be careless. He threw away the clothes in his hand and immediately sat down cross-legged to meditate. His five hearts faced the sky as he began to circulate his technique to remove the black palm print.    


Ten minutes later, the black color of the palm print gradually faded and finally disappeared. Faang Yang let out a long breath and said, "Fortunately, I found it early. Otherwise, I don't know what would happen."    


After this torment, his body was covered in sweat again. Faang Yang could only go into the washroom to take a shower. After coming out, he was just about to put on his clothes when he realized that the black palm print on his right arm had recovered!    


Faang Yang's expression became serious. He didn't dare to delay and directly used the Geomantic Omen Power to remove the black palm print. Ten minutes later, the black palm print disappeared once again.    


With his previous experience, Faang Yang wasn't too happy about it. His eyes were fixed on the spot where the palm print disappeared. He had a feeling that the black palm print would appear again!    


Sure enough, ten minutes later, a faint outline appeared on Faang Yang's right arm. Two minutes later, a black palm print appeared once again. It seemed to be even bigger than before!    


Faang Yang didn't try again. Instead, he took out his phone and called Ann Hongtao. "Master, something seems to have happened to disciple."    


Ann Hongtao asked, "What happened? I didn't hear any unusual movement from any of the major powers."    


Faang Yang recounted the incident of the attack. "After the last and only exchange of blows, a black palm print was imprinted on my right arm.    


No matter what method I use, that palm print will appear again, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger! Disciple doesn't know what to do, that's why I came to trouble Master. "    


" Black palm print? Will it appear after disappearing?" Ann Hongtao pondered for a moment and said slowly, "In that case, it is very likely that you have been hit by the Illusory Demon Palm!"    


Faang Yang was stunned." Illusory Demon Palm? Does it have any effect on me?"    


Ann Hongtao patiently explained, "Illusion Demon Palm was originally a secret skill of the Illusory Devil Sect. It is different from the other Cultivation Method. It attacks the opponent's soul directly.    


The name is Illusory Demon. As the name implies, it affects one's soul, causing one to gradually hallucinate and lose the ability to judge.    


Although it won't kill the target directly, the slightest change in a battle between experts will change the outcome. "    


Faang Yang naturally understood the pros and cons of this." Master, what should I do now? "    


Ann Hongtao said," For the sake of today's plan, we must find the person who injured you as soon as possible. He must know how to resolve the threat of the Illusion Demon Palm.    


I will ask the Sect Master about this and see if there are any other ways to temporarily suppress it. If there is any news, I will contact you as soon as possible. "    


" Thank you, Master. " After saying that, Faang Yang hung up the phone. What else could he do? It seemed like there was no way he could avoid the trip to Chess Town. Faang Yang did not want to become a fool and become a human sandbag.    


After flipping through the calendar, it turned out that it was already the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month! In other words, the day after tomorrow would be the day when Chess Hall reappeared. Right now, he could only pray that he hadn't become an idiot by then.    


Annoyed, Faang Yang directly took a bottle of Flying Heavens from the wine cabinet, opened the bottle cap, and blew at the bottle. The spicy liquor flowed into his throat, making him feel much more comfortable.    


"Dong Dong Dong ~" A soft knocking sound came from outside.    


"Who is it?" Faang Yang walked over and opened the door. He found Chu Bingqing standing outside. "Why are you here? Don't you need to rest?"    


Chu Bingqing playfully winked at him. "Why? Are you not welcome? I heard that you came back and specially left a while earlier. I made a few side dishes for you to bring over."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "How could I not welcome you? Come in quickly. I happen to have no food to drink. "    


Chu Bingqing followed Faang Yang into the room and saw Soong Mengting's shoes and the clothes that Faang Yang threw on the sofa. She looked a little unnatural.    


"Do you have friends? If it's not convenient, I won't go in. We can talk about it later. "    


"Friends? What friends?" Faang Yang was a little confused. He saw Soong Mengting's shoes and suddenly realized something. Friends? What friends?" Oh, that's Soong Mengting."    


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