Super Golden Eye

C743 Night Elf Wine Let's Do It

C743 Night Elf Wine Let's Do It

Faang Yang seemed to feel something was wrong with his tone. He immediately said, "There have been too many things happening recently, and it has been hard on everyone. How about this, after we finish eating, we can go to the bar together? "    


Chu Bingqing frowned. "What's so good about the bar? The atmosphere is foul, and there are all kinds of trifles. I don't like that kind of occasion. Why don't you go with Momo?"    


Chen Mo quickly stood up, "If you want to go, you can go. Don't drag me along. I still have an important event tomorrow. I need to go back and prepare the ingredients. You guys eat. I'm leaving. "    


After saying that, Chen Mo did not give Faang Yang and Chu Bingqing the chance to stay. She picked up her handbag and was about to leave the villa.    


Chu Bingqing quickly pulled her back, "Momo, let's go together. We will go and sit for a while. I don't dare to go by myself."    


Faang Yang also said, "Actually, not all bars are bad. We find a better bar to relax. There is no need to make yourself so tired."    


Chen Mo was a little hesitant. "But... but I really haven't been to that kind of occasion for a long time. I'm afraid I won't get used to it."    


"What is there to get used to?" Faang Yang stood up with a smile. "Just treat it as having fun after dinner. Let's go. I'll go and drive."    


Chen Mo was pulled by Chu Bingqing and could not walk away. She could only reluctantly nod her head and agree. "Okay, but I really can't stay too long. Otherwise, I won't delay business."    


The three of them did not tidy up their tableware and directly got into the car and left the neighborhood. After walking a few rounds, they saw a bar called Night Elf, which seemed to be of a higher class.    


Faang Yang stopped the car and asked, "How is it in this bar? It looks not bad."    


The entire bar's outer wall was covered with green plants and looked very green. He was very interested in Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo who liked to be quiet. "Let's do it here. It is closer to home."    


It was already past nine o'clock in the evening and it was not the hottest time in the bar yet. They found a quiet corner and sat down.    


Just as he sat down, a waiter immediately walked over. "What do you guys want to drink?"    


Faang Yang said, "I want a dozen beers. What do the two of you want to drink?"    


Chu Bingqing was just about to ask for juice when Chen Mo beside her opened her mouth first. "Since you are out, then all of you should drink some beer."    


Faang Yang knew that both of them could drink some. He threw two red tickets to the waiter and said, "Then three dozen beers and a few plates of dried fruits."    


The waiter swiftly kept the money and the smile on his face became even wider. "Okay. Please wait for a moment. I will send it to the three of you immediately."    


Very soon, three cans of beer and four plates of dried fruits were placed on their table. The beer was brought up. Faang Yang was just about to pour the beer for them when Chen Mo directly opened a bottle and blew the bottle open.    


"This is a bar, not a five-star hotel. How many people have a drink?"    


Seeing Chen Mo pouring wine into her mouth, Chu Bingqing helplessly rubbed her forehead with her hand. "Oh, Momo, I am seriously suspecting whether it is right or wrong to ask you to come with me."    


After drinking a bottle of beer in one breath, Chen Mo's originally fair face revealed a trace of red, "Haha, what is right or wrong? Come out and play, you just need to enjoy yourself."    


"You are right. Come out and play, you must enjoy yourself to your heart's content." Faang Yang got up two more bottles of beer and passed one to Chu Bingqing. "Today we don't want anything. We just want to have fun to our heart's content. Have fun to our heart's content."    


What else could Chu Bingqing say? She accepted the beer and said, "I will be sold by you sooner or later. I am counting the money for you. Forget about tricking me to death. "    


After sitting for a while, Chu Bingqing somewhat liked the feeling of the bar. At this time, the number of people in the bar also gradually increased.    


As the number of young men and women in the bar increased, the music also changed from the initial soothing to passionate and unrestrained.    


Faang Yang poured himself a cup of beer and found that Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo seemed to be interested in the dance floor. He said, "If you want to play, go and dance for a while. Just treat it as exercise."    


Chu Bingqing shook her head. "Forget it, I'm not going. Just look at your age. You can't compete with young people."    


"Old? Who dares to say that the two of you are older?" Faang Yang encouraged, "I don't think anyone here will recognize you two. Go."    


Chen Mo was indeed somewhat moved. After drinking some wine, she jumped to Chu Bingqing's side," Let's go and indulge ourselves. Why don't we feel like all of our youth has been wasted. "    


Chu Bingqing could only say to Faang Yang, "Then you sit for a while. Momo and I will go and dance for a while. We will be back soon."    


Coming out to play was to find fun. Faang Yang naturally did not object, "You guys are still worried about me? Go and play. If there is anything, just call me."    


"Okay." After Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo finished speaking, they held hands and walked down the dance floor. In the beginning, they were still a little restrained. Not long after, they found the feeling and following the rhythm of the music, their mood began to sway.    


When the two of them went down, they immediately became the focal point of the entire dance floor. One was cold and arrogant, while the other was lively and lively. Even the music of the DJ became more passionate.    


Seeing the two girls having fun, Faang Yang drank his beer. In his mind, he was thinking about the series of events that happened today.    


Originally, he thought that by forcefully suppressing the local powers of Imperial Capital, he could help the Yangming Group establish their prestige and reduce the resistance. But now, it seemed like he had made a huge mistake.    


The Imperial Capital was a huge cake, and the person who was holding it in his mouth... No one would easily spit it out. The most troublesome part was that Faang Yang and the Yangming Group had risen to prominence. The native powers of Imperial Capital, which originally had a harmonious relationship with each other, had actually formed an alliance of interests!    


The power of these people was immeasurable. If they gathered their strength and wanted to do something, there was nothing they couldn't do.    


How would they deal with it after finding the mastermind? Faang Yang was deep in thought when a scream suddenly woke him up from his thoughts.    


"It's Bingqing?!" Faang Yang's heart tightened and immediately looked at the voice. He saw that the crowd on the dance floor had stopped moving. A few punks with colorful hair surrounded Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo in the middle.    


Faang Yang was already in a bad mood today, and he still couldn't find a place to vent. Seeing that there was actually someone who dared to have ideas about Chu Bingqing, Nameless' fire in his heart jumped.    


Putting down the bottle in his hand, he separated the crowd and rushed over in large strides. "Make way. Everyone make way. That's my friend!"    


It was not easy to walk to Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo's side, only to see a few fellows opposite of them saying rubbish to Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo in a frivolous manner.    


Seeing Faang Yang come over, the leader tilted his head and looked at Faang Yang. "Who do you think you are? You want to learn from others to play hero and save the damsel in distress?    


Don't even take a piss to see your own character! Today your Big Brother Sanbao is in a good mood, I'll let you go. If you know what's good for you, then get lost! "    


Chu Bingqing and Chen Mo did not receive much of a disturbance. Thinking about it, it made sense. With Chen Mo, this human-shaped tyrannosaurus, around, if he dared to have any ideas about her, he was afraid that he would have to first buy a proper burial ground for himself!    


However, when he met a few hooligans, he pretended to be a weak girl. Obviously, he did not want to make a move himself. Faang Yang did not say anything. He stood in front of the two girls and said in a cold voice,    


"I should be the one who said that! All of you, muddle along! My woman is not someone you can touch! "    


" Tsk tsk, who do you think you are? Since you dare to be so arrogant in front of Brother Sanbao!" The few hoodlums behind Sanbao did not know Faang Yang at all. They were still shouting and making noise.    


"Since you guys are looking for trouble, then I can only satisfy you."    


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