Super Golden Eye

C719 Shen Jiayang Spring Noodle Soup

C719 Shen Jiayang Spring Noodle Soup

Shen Tong smiled and said, "Are you afraid that my endurance is too weak? It's just a book, I believe it won't change anything about me. "    


Faang Yang realized that Shen Tong was not simple. In the past, she was affected by a strange illness, so she restrained herself and did not show much of a reaction.    


Now that she knew that her body was fine, she completely released her strange side. It could be imagined that if she was given some time, Shen Tong would definitely have more potential than Shen Xin!    


Seeing Faang Yang suddenly stunned, Shen Tong thought that he was doubting her words. "Don't worry, novels are novels, life is life. I will never confuse them."    


Shen Tong looked out the window with some disappointment. "If life could really be as beautiful as the stories, then we would not have lived so hard.    


What's wrong with me? I feel like a grandma Old Man. Oh right, since you've read this book before, what do you think?"    


"It's been too long. I don't know how much more I can remember." Faang Yang picked up the book and flipped through a few pages.    


"The daughter of a commoner musician, Louise, is deeply in love with the son of the prime minister. However, this love is destined to have no end under the strict hierarchy of society and the conspiracies of the court.    


In fact, in the end, the tragedy of the two of them dying in love also means that the difference in ranks is too great. It can't be made up for by just feelings."    


Shen Tong was a little unsatisfied. "What you said is like finding a center of thought in language classes. I want to hear what your views on the love between these two people are?    


For women, what level, what difference? In our hearts, there is no familial love, love, and friendship. Maybe I'm a little selfish by saying that, but that's the truth. "    


" I understand what you mean. " Faang Yang felt a headache coming on. He sighed and said, "I feel sad for that girl. Maybe she had no other choice, so she used a fake letter to deceive her lover.    


In the end, the two of them drank a cup of poison together and became lovers. In response to the saying, I don't wish for the birth of the sun, I only wish for the death of the sun. However, don't you feel that this result is very selfish?"    


Shen Tong was silent for a moment before she slowly said," In Ferdinand's heart, love is sacred. He doesn't allow any betrayals.    


For the sake of love, he can fall out with his father, who holds true power, and give up his future. He can accept this commoner girl.    


He can bear any pressure for the person he loves, but he absolutely can't tolerate cheating and betraying love! "    


" But what about the truth of the matter? " Faang Yang said in a deep voice, "The truth is that he was completely wrong!    


Until the woman he loved drank the poisonous wine that he had given to her in front of him. Only then did he know that this was a misunderstanding.    


Someone pushed the responsibility of the tragedy to that dark society at that time, thinking that it was the oppression of reality that resulted in a tragic ending.    


However, let's think about it, if that man wasn't so selfish and could be more tolerant, would there still be such an ending?"    


Shen Tong looked at Faang Yang in surprise. She did not expect him to say such a standard comment. Many thoughts were not in harmony with her!    


Lightly biting her lower lip, Shen Tong asked, "Then in your heart, what kind of ideal love should be?"    


This question made Faang Yang even more careful of Lu Wei's appearance appearing in his mind. Then, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "When the two of them are in love, they will hold hands until they grow old. After passing by in a hurry, I wish you happiness!"    


"When two lovers like each other, hand in hand until you get old. When you pass by in a hurry, I wish you happiness..." Shen Tong subconsciously repeated Faang Yang's words in a soft voice. Her eyes were full of splendor.    


"Come, come, come. Let's eat noodles." Shen Xin walked up with a plate in his hand.    


Faang Yang joked, "I didn't expect you to know how to cook."    


Shen Xin carefully served Shen Tong noodles. "What's so special about this? When I was young, my family was poor. When adults went out to work, if I didn't cook, wouldn't I have to starve?"    


He brought the noodles in front of Shen Tong. "Have a taste. I haven't cooked for a long time. I don't know if it's suitable for you."    


Shen Tong sat up and took the noodles. She took small bites and ate them. Her eyes were a little red. "It's delicious. It tastes the same as when I was young. I miss my life in the past..."    


Shen Xin also felt a little emotional. He said to Faang Yang, "Do you want to eat some? I made a lot. "    


"Being able to eat the noodles personally cooked by Shen Eldest Young Master is something that can only be chanced upon by luck. Of course, we can't miss it." Faang Yang took a bowl of noodles and started to eat.    


The moment the noodles entered his mouth, Faang Yang realized that it was different from what he had imagined. With Shen family's financial resources, even the soup would be seafood and chicken soup. But this bowl of noodles was completely boiled with clear water!    


Ordinary noodles, a few vegetables, and a little green onion were the cheapest and simplest bowl of Yang Chun noodles. It was the delicacy that the Shen family siblings missed the most!    


Shen Xin also scooped a bowl of noodles for himself. He looked at Faang Yang and asked, "What is it? Are you used to it?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "No, I was just a little surprised."    


Shen Xin did not say anything. He just lowered his head and ate his noodles. Soon, the three of them finished eating. The servant put away the utensils.    


Shen Tong wanted to rest and Shen Xin also wanted to go to the company to take charge. Faang Yang then went to Lee Feng's room.    


Lee Feng was meditating in his own room. When he saw Faang Yang come in, he came to the table and said, "Sit. We can talk about how to cooperate."    


Faang Yang naturally would not be polite. After he sat down, he went straight to the point. "Tell me what you think and what you want. What can you bring me? Since you said we are cooperating, we have to pay a price. "    


Lee Feng's eyes sparkled. Finally, he said, "I can share the secret of the Dragon Chart with you! This is my biggest bargaining chip. "    


"What if I say I'm not interested?" Faang Yang did not give him any face. He had never heard of a dragon diagram before.    


"You will be interested!" Lee Feng was unexpectedly confident. "Because that is a secret about another level. It is even more mysterious than your Dragon Jade!"    


"More mysterious than my Dragon Jade?!" Faang Yang admitted that Lee Feng's words had indeed surprised him.    


The big tree attracts the wind. The news of the eight dragon jades had already spread to everyone. There was nothing new about it.    


Since Lee Feng knew about the dragon jade, he naturally knew what it represented. Under such circumstances, to be able to say that the meaning of the dragon map was greater than the dragon jade, he had no choice but to ponder deeply.    


However, Fang Sheng would not easily believe him. "Just based on your one-sided statement, do you think I will believe you?"    


"The Geomantic Omen Great Array my father deployed for Shen family was obtained from the dragon diagram." Lee Feng hesitated for a moment, but he still continued, "The spell I cast for Miss Shen was also derived from the dragon map."    


Faang Yang did not ask any more questions. These two matters already had enough weight. "Alright. In that case, I will agree to let you join the Yangming Group. For the time being, I will help Wang Qiang and Jin Yufei manage the business in Stone Gambling Field."    


"Thank you. Trust me. You will not be disappointed." Lee Qiang smiled.    


He knew that he had taken a firm step forward. As long as he could maintain a good relationship with Faang Yang, it would bring him great benefits in the future.    


Faang Yang stood up and slowly walked out. "If you are not absolutely confident, I hope you can restrain yourself and not cause any trouble. I will help you fulfill your wish at the right time. "    


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