Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C401 The Mystery of Shangguan's Peach

C401 The Mystery of Shangguan's Peach

Seeing Yuyue standing there without saying anything, Shangguan Zhitao's expression became even more fierce. Her gaze was as vicious as wanting to kill him.    


She raised her voice, "You lowly peasant, you actually dare to do such a dirty thing to me. Why don't you hurry and die?"    




Yu Yue was completely dumbfounded. He totally did not expect Shangguan Zhitao to say that.    


This feeling was like he had returned to the scene when he first met her. At that time, Shangguan Zhitao's attitude was so vicious.    


What was wrong with her?    


Could it be that... she wanted to play some special PLAY? Disappointed PAY?    


This was too much fun... Yu Yue admitted that he had not been scolded and he could still feel the elegant and fun feeling.    


However, the way she looked at him didn't seem to be a lie. It was a complete disgust towards him.    


"Stop messing around. This game is not fun." He said tentatively.    


Shangguan Zhitao could not believe what Yue said. She gritted her teeth.    


"You son of a b * tch. How dare you use such a despicable method to talk to me? You are so boring, scum. You'd better bury your head in the ground and be crushed into pieces by the carriage! "    


After cursing so coldly, she flung her beautiful jet-black hair and left without looking back.    




Being insulted like this, she really felt like she had returned to the past.    


This feeling was not good at all.    


Not long ago, she was still obediently lying on the bed, revealing an expression as gentle as water to herself. At that time, she was so cute and moving...    


He felt that he still could not let Shangguan Zhitao leave like this. Who knew if she was pretending, or if something really happened?    


Although her expression did not have any intention of pretending, with White Night Divine Thief's identity and strength, it was not difficult for her to disguise herself like this.    


He went forward and grabbed Shangguan Zhitao's arm.    


He did not expect that her arm was like an eel and was not held by Yu Yue. In an instant, she broke free from his hand.    


Suddenly, a cold beam of light attacked Yu Yue, and it suddenly pierced towards his face!    


Yu Yue's pupils constricted. He moved his body slightly and dodged the sword.    


Immediately after, the person who attacked was Shangguan Zhitao. She suddenly turned her body and jumped backwards.    


She glared at Yu Yue angrily.    


"Are you done?! It was my mercy not to kill you before, but if you continue to be so shameless, I will cut you into pieces!"    


She held a sharp longsword in her hand. It was elegant and had a smooth blade and delicate gloves. There were diamonds embedded on it as embellishments. It did not look like a killing sword at all, but more like a magnificent piece of art.    




This made Yu Yue frown.    


After spending a long time with Shangguan Zhitao, Yu Yue naturally knew that her weapon had always been a dagger. It had never changed, and she had never used a sword as a weapon.    


And at this moment, why...    


That sword just now was not immature, but it was attached with a very well-practiced sword technique. It could be seen that she had practiced it for a long time. This was simply not a sword technique that could be practiced overnight.    


Could it be that... Shangguan Zhitao's real weapon was not a dagger, but a sword?    




She was also a true expert when it came to the dagger. Yu Yue could see the shape and intent in her attack. This was a performance that only a master dagger could have.    


Could it be that Shangguan Zhitao was unexpectedly a genius? Not only was she unrivalled in the aspect of daggers, but she was also similarly gifted in the aspect of sword arts?    


Their actions naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding pedestrians. Everyone liked to watch the show. It was the same everywhere.    


Just as they were nervously confronting each other, suddenly, a voice came from the crowd.    


"Beauty ~ ~ ~ always has a special problem. Those ugly people are like bugs gathering together. Beauty ~ ~ How is it, do you need help?"    


This voice sounded like it was singing in a strange tone.    


Suddenly, a person descended from the sky and landed directly in the circle of people. He landed beside Yue Yue and Shangguan Zhitao.    


This person had a square face with stubble all over his face. He was wearing a thin light armor. This light armor looked very high-end and when he wore it, it made his entire person look elegant.    


His face was extremely pale, and he looked sickly. And the most eye-catching thing was his eyes. Under his eyes, there was a thick black eye bag, as if he had been suffering from prolonged insomnia and overindulgence.    


This sudden change made everyone watching feel excited. This was really interesting. Another person who didn't know what was going on!    


Yu Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at the person who had suddenly appeared.    


Although this person looked skinny and weak, Yu Yue could feel an extremely powerful Qi from his body.    


It seemed like this guy wasn't a kind person.    


However, it didn't matter who he was. He had nothing better to do than to interfere in the matters between him and Shangguan Zhitao. If he dared to cross the line, he would not hesitate to attack.    


And Shangguan Zhitao did not understand his good intentions. Her brows knitted even more deeply as she looked at this man with a face full of disgust.    


"Who are you, pig? What right do you have to interfere in my matter? Get lost!! "    


Her merciless reprimand caused the new square-faced man's face to turn green and white. His elegant mask was also broken. His face suddenly distorted, and then quickly calmed down.    


He put on a fake smile, pulled his lips, and said with a calm smile, "This beautiful lady. You don't know my identity, that's why you said such arrogant words, so I forgive you. Let me tell you, my identity is... "    


" I don't care what your identity is, get lost!! "    


He did not expect Shangguan Zhitao to not give him any time to explain. She directly said a rough sentence and forcefully interrupted his introduction.    


Veins popped out on his forehead and his hands started to tremble as he squeezed.    


He suddenly roared at Shangguan Zhitao.    


"B * tch! I'm only speaking to you like this because I gave you face. And you, you dare to be so arrogant towards me!? I really don't want to live anymore! Let me tell you, my real identity... is the Great Elder of Bajue Guild!! I'm also the only Chosen One of the Bajue Guild!!!"    


Chosen One!    


This shocking identity caused everyone present to cry out in shock.    


Heaven's Chosen One, this was a legendary term. How could an existence that shared the glory with the popular legends not be shocking!?    


As for Yu Yue, he was also somewhat shocked. He did not expect this person to be from the Bajue Guild. Furthermore, he was a Heaven's Chosen One!    


He never thought that there would be another Heaven's Chosen One in this world.    


However, Shangguan Zhitao did not show any shocked expression. The disgusted expression from before did not even change a bit.    


"Heaven's Chosen One? So what? A bug. If you don't get lost, I'll kill you as well! "    


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