Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C489 End of Story

C489 End of Story

The Gabriel continued, "After the prediction of the Heavenly Devil's reincarnation, the entire upper echelons of the Alliance Army in Oracle were shocked. My mother described in detail what kind of strength the Heavenly Devil possessed.    


All the higher ups of the Alliance Army knew the danger of this matter. Once the Devil Clan reincarnated the Heavenly Devil, the Alliance Army of Oracle Continent would no longer be able to resist. The entire Oracle Continent would fall into the devil's claws of the Devil Clan!"    


Although the Gabriel didn't say it explicitly, Yu Yue had already guessed the outcome of the matter since the Oracle Continent had yet to be conquered by the Devil Clan.    


The Gabriel continued, "The Alliance Army has formulated an emergency plan. We must stop the Devil Clan from reincarnating the Heavenly Devil. At that time, it was led by the Ten Sages, who were the strongest in the Alliance Army. They were leading all the trustworthy experts. Because this operation was exceptionally covert, the Devil Clan did not notice the unusual movements of the Alliance Army at all - that was after the start of the entire war. Our Alliance Army has obtained the greatest victory!    


The Alliance Army had broken into the Devil Realm, and before the Devil Clan could react, they had killed all those who were qualified to be Heavenly Devils in one fell swoop.    


After the mission was completed, the human army launched a massive attack from both inside and outside, attacking the Devil Clan together.    


The experts of the Devil Clan who had gathered from all over the place were defeated and forced to retreat in the end. The entire territory of the Devil Clan was pushed back a hundred miles!    


That battle was known as the Kusel Great War. It was also that battle that determined the direction of the entire battlefield. The Devil Clan went from prosperity to defeat, and in the end, the Alliance Army won.    


However, this mission was only known to the top ten sages and the like. The others who participated in the battle only knew that they were going to launch an all-out attack on the Devil Clan. It was just a superficial matter. Therefore, things like the Heavenly Devil didn't leak out. "    


Listening to the indifferent narration of the Gabriel, Yu Yue seemed to be able to see the scene at that time. Every race was fighting for their own beliefs. Smoke filled the air, and the sound of killing shook the heavens. Golden Axe Metal Horse...    


"Then can you tell me why a Heavenly Demon like Bai Yuqing would live under the human territory for more than ten years?"    


Gabriel frowned slightly and sighed, "This is about to talk about that girl's tragic fate...    


In the Devil Realm, there were actually human slaves circulating. These humans were secretly captured by the Devil Clan using various methods. The Devil Clan basically raised them as pets. Especially female humans, they were very popular.    


And that girl was the son of a trusted minister of the Southern Devil King and a female human. Her appearance had completely inherited the human side. When she was still in her swaddling clothes, she had already been recognized as a Heavenly Devil.    


The Southern Devil King was delighted. He immediately ordered a grand banquet to be held and started to prepare the conditions for the Heavenly Devil's reincarnation.    


However, he never thought that this minister was actually the Northern Devil Lord, the spy that Devil Lord, who was the most hostile to the Southern Devil Lord, had sent to him. He was a chess piece that had been planted for many years.    


As the subordinate of Devil Lord from the north, he naturally wouldn't contribute such a huge contribution to the resurrection of the Heavenly Devil to Devil Lord from the south.    


Thus, this minister brought the girl and prepared to secretly return to the side of the original monarch.    


Unfortunately, this plan was seen through by Devil Lord in the south. Devil Lord from the south mobilized a large number of troops to chase after the minister. Devil Lord's path back to the north was blocked. Helplessly, in order to survive, he took the girl and fled to the human world.    


After handing the girl to a human, he wanted to return to Devil Lord's territory in the north from the human world. He would discuss the girl's matter later. However, he was caught midway and sentenced to death.    


But the Minister's mouth is very tight. Devil Lord in the south also doesn't know where the Minister hid the girl until a few months ago."    


Listening to this story, Yu Yue felt very sad about Bai Yuqing's background.    


Although her mother did not say it clearly in the Gabriel, it was obvious that the result of living in Devil Realm for so many years was very obvious. She had basically passed away. Her biological father, on the other hand, treated her as an object. There was no familial love at all, and he had also died.    


At the same time, Yu Yue felt a little fortunate. Luckily, she was brought here by the minister to hide, or else her soul would have been shattered due to the reincarnation of the Heavenly Devil.    


Yu Yue said, "Since Bai Yuqing is a suitable Heavenly Devil, does that mean that the Devil Clan is trying their best to reincarnate her into a Heavenly Devil?"    


Gabriel nodded, "That's right, that's right. However, there seemed to be some good news. This time, the Devil Clan did not attach great importance to those who were qualified to become Heavenly Devils like last time. Only Devil Lord from the south was preparing for the reincarnation ceremony, while the other three Devil Clan were preparing for the reincarnation ceremony. It was unknown if they didn't know about this matter, or if they were unwilling to revive the Heavenly Devil. They were scattered all over the place, and there were no signs of them participating in the reincarnation ceremony."    


Yu Yue said, "I have another question. Although Bai Yuqing is a suitable Heavenly Devil, there is only a trace of the Heavenly Devil's soul in her body. If she does not undergo the reincarnation ceremony, will she be reincarnated as a Heavenly Devil?"    


The Gabriel looked into Yu Yue's eyes.    


Yu Yue was very nervous. This concerned Bai Yuqing's life!    


A trace of sadness flashed across the Gabriel's eyes. Under Yu Yue's gaze, she slowly nodded.    


"Yes, even if there is no reincarnation ceremony, Yes, even if there is no reincarnation ceremony, she will still be reincarnated as a Heavenly Demon. Because the soul of a Heavenly Demon in the body of the qualified person will be like a black hole, continuously absorbing the soul of a Heavenly Demon to reconstruct the body, when the soul of a Heavenly Demon is repaired to a certain extent, the Tianma will awaken within her body, and that girl's soul... will also shatter. As for how much time is left before she naturally reincarnated, no one knows... What a pity for this girl. What an unfortunate fate..."    


Upon hearing this terrifying truth, Yu Yue's heart suddenly tightened, and he felt an incomparable pain.    


In other words, even if he saved Qing, it would be useless. She would not be able to escape the fate of reincarnation. No matter what, she would transform into that terrifying peerless Heavenly Devil. And Qing's soul would shatter.    


After a long silence, Yu Yue asked, "Is there no way to save her?"    


"The only way to save her is to kill her. Otherwise, the Heavenly Devil will be reborn and endanger the entire continent. Yu Yue, what is your choice? Do you still want to save her?"    


The Gabriel's green eyes were staring at Yu Yue.    


"Tell me where she is now."    


The Gabriel also became silent. The two of them looked at each other for a long time.    


The Gabriel sighed. "It's not impossible to tell you. However, I want to tell you... This is a huge event that concerns the lifeline of the entire continent. Since I know about it... For my people, I will not remain silent. I will inform all the races of Oracle Continent. Once again form the Alliance Army and attack Devil Lord from the south to kill Bai Yuqing."    


Yu Yue didn't say anything. A palm-sized dark green leaf suddenly appeared on the Gabriel's palm. It was glowing brightly.    


She handed the leaf to Yu Yue.    


Yu Yue looked at the leaf and found that it was a simple map. There were clear markings on the map.    


There were only two obvious markings on the map. One was the location of the current Forest of Elves. The other was marked with a large fork.    


Yu Yue put the leaf away. "Thank you. Sorry to bother you."    


He then stood up and walked out of the room.    


Gabriel looked at Yu Yue's back and couldn't help but say, "I won't stop you. This is the favor of saving my daughter... but I want to give you a piece of advice. Her life was already destined from the moment she was born. If I don't kill her now and welcome her... The only thing that awaited her was the fate of her soul being shattered. I know that a girl that you see as such should be very kind... I don't think that she would want to see herself... Become a Heavenly Devil that brings disaster to the world?"    


Yu Yue's footsteps paused, but he didn't turn his head. He opened the door and pressed forward with indomitable will.    


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