Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C109 Hua Kui

C109 Hua Kui

In the end, he still accepted Uncle Sun's good intentions. He would remember this matter in his heart and repay him when he had the chance in the future.    


Summoning Vine Hands was a level 20 skill book, and he could not learn it yet. Although he felt an itch in his heart when he held the skill book in his hand. However, he could only helplessly put it away, hoping to break through to level 20 as soon as possible.    


Adding the skill scroll, there were already many items he could use in the future. Magic sword "Thunder Magic Blade," summoner helmet "Stone Scorpion Mystic Helmet," rare item "Glory Badge." These were all equipment with a blue or higher grade. Once he broke through, he would immediately be able to change them. Needless to say, his strength would naturally increase greatly.    


While tidying up the Space Bracelet, he inadvertently glanced at the War Scepter that was forgotten in the corner. For a moment, his heart was filled with emotions.    


At that time, he was very optimistic about this equipment - the War Scepter was simply too good for him, a magic staff, a blade. The combination of the two and his positioning was simply like a mold carved out from the same mold. At that time, he thought that it was fate that he could obtain this scepter, and the magic staff would accompany him for a very long time. But he didn't think that in just a month, it would be eliminated.    


Holding the scepter in his hand, it felt cold and solid. The war scepter was dark, the sharp blades hidden on both sides were as sharp as a tiger's, emitting an intimidating aura.    


The equipment that could be brought out from the Dark Hall was definitely not an ordinary item. From every aspect, it could be seen that it was an equipment that could be upgraded, but the information was too vague, and no one knew how to upgrade it.    


He really wanted to know how to upgrade the War Scepter and pay more attention to this information in the future.    


In the afternoon, Sun Yang found him and gave him an address. He told him that he knew the owner of this place and would buy his equipment at a reasonable price.    


Without money, he would not be able to execute all of his plans, so he did not waste any time. After getting the address, he immediately set off.    


The streets were filled with people, just like yesterday, there were traces of adventurers everywhere.    


It was still early, and Yu Yue was shuttling through the crowd, listening to the conversations of the pedestrians. All kinds of interesting news drilled into his ears, and it was very interesting.    


A voice entered Yu Yue's ears. "Did you know? Bu Liuyan is not only the top beauty of the Heavenly Fragrance Court, but also a talented and talented woman!"    


Another person beside him said, "Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion? The price of that place is ridiculously high. Sigh... I am afraid that I will not be able to play with money that I have earned for my entire life! Sometimes, I pass by the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion and occasionally catch a glimpse of it. Every woman is beautiful enough to enter the immortal realm! Any one of them will be given to me to cultivate for three lifetimes. Hua Kui?" He thought about it and drooled." What a beautiful woman! If I can sleep once in my lifetime, I will have no regrets even if I die immediately! "    


That person said, "Haha, not only our Qiluo City, Bu Liuyan is the publicly acknowledged number one beauty in a hundred mile radius! I heard that even the two presidents of the two major powers in Qiluo City are pursuing her!"    


Hearing this, that person panicked a little. "What?! Was this true? Don't scare me!"    


" You'd better be careful with your words. If the two guild leaders know that you have ulterior motives towards their loved ones, you might just disappear from the face of the earth! "    


"Pooh pooh pooh. I didn't say anything! "    


"Eh?" Yu Yue, who was walking beside the two, was also interested in their conversation. It was not because he coveted the beauty of the legendary beauty, but because of the Bajue Guild!    


Although the conversation between the two men didn't specify what kind of forces the two major powers were, there were only two major powers in Qiluo City, the Bajue Guild! The Wind and Cloud Guild!    


Only these two could become major powers in the Qiluo City, not any other major powers.    


He had a deep grudge with the Bajue Guild. The people of Bajue Guild were using some unknown method to grasp some information about him. This forced him to be careful again and again. He couldn't expose his identity in the slightest.    


If the Bajue Guild found out that he was the one who killed those four men, they would definitely launch a crazy revenge!    


He was also interested in this woman that the two guild leaders were pursuing at the same time. What kind of woman could mesmerize the two guild leaders who were in power?    


The two of them continued their discussion.    


"Bu Liuyan is a wonderful woman. Not only is she as beautiful as the moon in the night sky, her smile is even more brilliant than the sun. She is talented and knows how to write poems and sing. Her voice is as clear and melodious as spring water and she can also play the zither well."    


"Tsk tsk, that is really a fairy descending to the mortal world!"    


"Not only that!" That person suddenly raised his voice. "Bu Liuyan is also an appraisal master. She can appraise many high-grade items. She is more powerful than all the professional appraisers in Qiluo City! I heard that the guild leader of Feng Yun Guild once obtained a green grade treasure and looked all over the city for appraisers. However, he was still unable to identify this treasure. Guess what happened after that?"    


" Did she successfully appraise it? "    


"That's right! She took the treasure, and with a touch of her slender and white fingers, the treasure that had never revealed itself suddenly became clear! All the attributes are displayed, clearly displayed!"    


" Wow, that's really amazing! No wonder the two guild leaders would fall in love with such a woman! It's almost perfect!! "    


That person's voice suddenly became hidden: "Haha, brother, as we are talking, there is an evil flame pressing down on us. Why don't we... go and have some fun?"    


"Don't drag me to the Heavenly Fragrance Hall!"    


"What are you talking about? Even if the Heavenly Fragrance Tower sold you, you wouldn't be qualified to carry shoes for the beauties. Let's go to Qingshui Pavilion!"    


"Let's go!"    


Yu Yue shook his head in amusement as he watched the two men leave with their arms around each other's shoulders. He had obtained a lot of information from their conversation.    


Sun Yang had told him about the Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant. As the saying went, the Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant was a top-quality brothel. The girls inside were all first-class beauties, and they had very high quality. Most of them were young ladies from prestigious families. Because of their families, they were forced to work here, and their quality was very guaranteed.    


However, the price was extremely high, and the price was simply terrifying. Just calling an ordinary beauty to accompany him would require a few gold coins, and the higher the price, the more expensive it would be... For Leaping, it was an astronomical figure.    


Bu Liuyan, this name, he had also heard Sun Yang mention it before. It was just a few words, saying that she was publicly acknowledged as a peerless beauty.    


Yu Yue was very interested in what the two of them had just said - she knew how to appraise equipment.    


He had a piece of equipment that needed to be appraised for a green grade Devil Wind Scroll. As far as he knew, appraising items and learning skills were the same; they required a lot of gold coins. Furthermore, the item he wanted to appraise was not a small item. It was a green tier item! Such a high grade equipment would cost a terrifying price to appraise.    


With his current financial resources, he was most likely unable to afford it.    


Money, money, money. Money was needed everywhere. He had a headache. He thought that since he had so many green equipment, he would be able to spend enough in Qiluo City. He did not expect that he would miss out on the adventurer's spending ability.    


Equipment and skills, these two things were simply bottomless pits. No matter how much money you had, you would be able to rob your wallet.    


On the other hand, Bu Liuyan, this famous beauty, actually knew how to appraise equipment. This was very deep in thought. Appraising equipment was not an easy skill to learn. This required a lot of time, energy, and money. It also required a lot of talent. Under these conditions, one had to have an excellent teacher in order to become an advanced appraiser.    


Bu Liuyan was praised to the heavens, but she was only a brothel girl. She must have had some special experience in order to obtain this skill.    


Of course, this had nothing to do with Yu Yue. They were people from two different worlds, and might never meet again in their lives. What did her experience have to do with Yu Yue?    


However, Yu Yue was somewhat amused as he fantasized about whether Bu Liuyan would help him appraise the Devil Wind Scroll one day.    


What an absurd idea.    


He smiled and did not mind.    


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