Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C115 Mercenaries

C115 Mercenaries

The next morning, he stood in front of the Hall of Mercenaries.    


After yesterday's theft, his 24 shiny gold coins had disappeared without a trace. Although he blamed himself very much, self-blame did not have any effect. The stolen gold coins would not come back by themselves.    


Helpless, he could only ask Sun Yang if there was any way to get money quickly. He was penniless now. Without money, he would not be able to move an inch in a big city.    


Luckily, his father introduced Old Sun's Inn to him, or else he would have to sleep on the streets tonight after being stolen.    


Sun Yang thought for a while, and the answer he gave was to become a mercenary.    


Mercenaries could accept missions issued by the Mercenary Guild and complete missions to obtain rewards. If they did not talk about robbing and stealing, this was the fastest way to earn money.    


However, this method was very dangerous. Mercenaries were dangerous professions that rolled on the edge of blades.    


He was not afraid of danger, and he also felt that this suggestion was not bad. The Mercenary Guild would give out many types of missions, such as searching for lost items, escorting caravans, killing bosses that were more difficult, obtaining Devil Beast materials, and so on.    


He planned to accept the quest to kill the Devil Beast. This way, not only would he be able to obtain the reward, but he would also be able to obtain experience points and equipment from killing the Devil Beast. This was simply a good method to kill two birds with one stone!    


Hence, he stood in front of the Mercenary Hall early in the morning.    


It was still early in the morning. The sun had just risen, and the sun had just revealed its head. Most of the people in the city were still awake. There were few people in the Hall of Mercenaries. From the outside, there were only a few adventurers walking around in the hall.    


He walked in and looked around.    


The Mercenary Hall was very large, and the ground was covered with a grey red carpet. Opposite them was a wooden bar, and there was a uniformed waiter standing at the bar. There were two men in armor and looked like warriors who were accepting missions in front of the bar.    


On the left side of the hall was a table and chair for the mercenaries to rest. At the same time, it also played the role of exchanging information. But now was obviously the time for silence. Only three people were sitting in a large area of tables and chairs. They all held wine glasses in their hands and drank alone. There was another person lying on the ground. Beside him was a wine glass with a red face. He had already drunk himself and was snoring loudly.    


On his right side was a huge display board with hundreds of pieces of paper of various sizes pasted on it. On the paper were the requirements and rewards for all kinds of missions.    


This was the same as the Oracle game. It was the same in the game. Through the huge display board, the mercenaries could choose missions to accept. He was already very familiar with this kind of thing.    


Seeing that the two warriors in front of the counter had already left, he went up and said: "I want to become a mercenary."    


Standing at the bar was a young lady, her appearance was not very outstanding, and her face looked like she was still sleeping. She yawned and said: "Name, profession, level, and other information. Fill it in the form. Also, the membership fee is 5 silver coins." As she spoke, she handed a form to Yu Yue.    


He glanced at it and saw some basic information. After filling it up, he returned it to the girl and took out five silver coins to hand it over.    


He was penniless, and Uncle Sun knew his difficulties, so he generously lent him 50 silver coins for emergencies.    


After the girl received the silver coins and glanced at the form, she said in surprise, "You are a summoner? A very rare profession! I haven't applied for the summoner to join the association for several months. "    


The young lady's voice was relatively loud, and everyone in the cold and quiet Mercenary Hall could hear her.    


The three people who were drinking stopped drinking and looked over.    


The summoner profession could only be practiced by rich people, and the mercenary profession was a lower class profession. They used their blood and sweat to exchange for gold coins, and struggled on the line of life and death. This clearly did not conform to the idea of becoming a summoner.    


This resulted in very few people joining the Mercenary Association.    


"And it's a level 14 summoner! Not bad! If I advance another level and reach level 15, after learning the 'summoning snow wolf', I'll be able to become a very good combat strength! " The girl said excitedly.    


Yu Yue's reaction was normal. He only smiled and asked, "Can you give me my badge now? I'll go and see if there are any missions that I can accept."    


Seeing Yu Yue's cold attitude, the girl no longer had any fun. She placed a copper badge on the counter. She curled her lips and said, "You are so boring. This is your badge. Do you need me to tell you about the mercenary matters?"    


Seeing him nod, the lady continued, "Mercenaries can be said to be a profession that makes a living. They use their personal strength to earn money, and they can also be used to earn extra income. What is a profession that makes a living or something? It depends on the individual's conditions "    


She then pointed at the display board." There are many missions pasted on that display board. You can find suitable missions there and tear them off for me. I will help you register this mission, and you can officially accept this mission. "    


"After completing the quest, I will give it to you according to the reward on the mission list. If you fail to complete it, you will be penalized 5% of the reward, and it will also be recorded in your personal file as a reference for future evaluations. Therefore, you must be careful when accepting the mission. Don't be blindly arrogant, or you will suffer losses in the future. " She reminded him earnestly.    


After thinking for a while, she added: "Oh right, I'll tell you about the level of the mission. The mission is divided into four levels - Special, superior, intermediate, and Lower. With your level, understanding Inferior is enough. Inferior Missions are also divided into two levels: D-level Missions and E-level Missions."    


As she spoke, she took out two pieces of paper from under the counter and handed them to Yu Yue. One of them had a large E written on it, while the other one had a D written on it.    


"These are the wanted posters for E and D ranked missions. E level missions are usually completed by level 10 adventurers. D-grade missions are level 20, but a level 10 adventurer team can also complete them."    


He looked at the two mission lists.    


The E-class mission was "Obtain 10 Monster Wolves' Fur."    


The strange wolf was a level 13 Devil Beast. This mission could be easily completed by an adventurer around level 15.    


The D-class quest was "Kill the monster wolf boss."    


The monster wolf boss was also level 13. It was a Bronze Level boss. The difficulty of the quest was much harder than the E grade quest.    


These two missions could indeed differentiate the difficulty of the two types of missions.    


"If you're alone, I suggest you accept an E-class mission. You won't be able to complete a D-class mission." The girl kindly advised.    


He nodded and walked towards the display board, preparing to browse through the mission board.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, one of the three drunk people stood up and walked straight towards Yu Yue.    


"Little brother, wait a moment!"    


Seeing the man stop him, he didn't understand what the man meant.    


"Is something the matter?"    


The man's beard was untrimmed. He was carrying a big sword on his back. It should be a warrior. The warrior smiled and said: "Haha, it's nothing big. I just want to ask if you are willing to join our Mercenary Group."    


Seeing that Yu Yue was about to speak, he quickly rushed to Yu Yue and said, "Don't be in such a hurry to refuse. Let me tell you what benefits are there in joining the Mercenary Group! First of all, look. If you are alone, you can only accept E rank missions. If you join the Mercenary Group, you will be able to do D rank missions. You can even participate in some C rank missions! "    


As mentioned before, summoner rarely joined mercenaries. Therefore, summoner was a very popular profession among mercenaries.    


He did not expect that someone would invite him to join so soon.    


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