Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C134 Attack and Defense in the Smoke Screen

C134 Attack and Defense in the Smoke Screen

The area of this black curtain was extremely wide, and it completely covered Yu Yue and the other three men.    


"Damn it! Pui! Pui! What is this? Why is it choking?!" Ellie's disgusted voice came from the darkness not far away.    


"Elder sister, stay there and don't move. I came to find you..." Ace's calm voice came from another direction.    


The sounds of battle could not be heard but in the darkness, it was hard to tell which direction the battle was going on.    


Yu Yue calmly held the scepter in his hand, he was very calm. Because he couldn't see, he even closed his eyes and used his ears to listen to the sounds around him.    


His scepter suddenly lashed backwards, and a bandit who wanted to sneak up on him screamed in pain. This strike even triggered a heavy blow, causing the bandit to be sent flying.    


After that, many bandits pounced towards Yu Yue.    


While defending, Yu Yue was rapidly thinking of countermeasures in his mind.    


This black smoke was the skill that Youde had used.    


It seemed that because they were companions with Youde, the mountain bandits were not blocked from view. Instead, they could be seen clearly in the smoke.    


Countless mountain bandits attacked them from the smoke.    


Although Yu Yue could hear them, he could see them more clearly with his eyes. His strength had been greatly affected.    


Originally, the attacks of the bandits could not even touch Yu Yue's clothes. Now, Yu Yue's movements had become sluggish, causing him to be continuously attacked.    


This made the mountain bandits feel much more confident, and they fought happily. The sword technique expert who was as slippery as a loach suddenly slowed down. The mountain bandits naturally wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity, and they all grinned evilly as they attacked Yu Yue.    


Although Yu Yue felt the pressure increase greatly, it wasn't that he couldn't deal with it.    


"Elder sister, where are you?" After a while, Ace's voice sounded again. Her voice became somewhat flustered, as if she did not find Ellie.    


"Ssss, don't worry about me. Have you forgotten my profession? I am a Shadow Thief! How can such a smoke screen confuse my vision? Haha, not only can this environment not obstruct me, it will also make me even more invisible! You don't have to worry about me. Go and help that idiot!"    


Ellie's voice was moving rapidly. Everywhere she passed, there was a heart-wrenching scream.    


It seemed that her words were indeed true. In the darkness, she was even more like a fish in water.    


Because Ace was a warrior, her Health Points and armor were ridiculously high. Although ordinary bandits could hit her, they could not cause much damage, so she did not have to worry about her life. The person who should be the most worried was Bai Lang. He was only a mage, and in such a dark environment, he was at a disadvantage.    


He could not see, so he could only rely on his senses to attack and dodge. The AOE skill "Giant Ice Fragment" had bought him a lot of time, but it was still unable to stop the attack of the Mountain Bandits.    


He was forced to retreat.    


Youde hid in the depths of the smoke screen. He turned his tiny eyes to observe the situation of the battle.    


The battle did not go as smoothly as he had expected. It turned around in one go.    


On the contrary, the golden-haired thief became even more rampant because of the smoke, continuously assassinating the mountain bandits. Due to the characteristics of his job class, the silver-haired warrior did not feel any pressure resisting the attacks of the mountain bandits. She was also not greatly affected.    


As for the strange summoner that was extremely unmainstream and whose sword techniques were inexplicably superb, although his movements were hindered, his strength did not decrease by much. He could still unleash 80% of his sword techniques.    


Only the blue-robed sorcerer was like a headless fly, constantly probing his surroundings and releasing spells, but many of them missed.    


Seeing this, he already had a plan.    


Youde coldly smiled, his figure concealed in the smoke.    


He ran in the dark and moved quickly. The dark smoke in the smoke slowly gathered on his dagger. Soon, the dagger became terrifyingly dark.    


He raised the dagger and lunged at Bai Lang!    


This time, no one could stop him.    


The summoner, which had been ruining his plans, was far away. It was entangled by the bandits and would not be able to reach him in a short period of time.    


The detestable golden-haired bandit was still charging through the mountain bandits, so he didn't notice him at all. Although the silver-haired warrior had listened to the blond bandit's instructions and was rushing over to the mage's side, however, there was still some distance. This distance was enough for him to kill Bai Lang many times.    


He gripped the dagger tightly. The dagger in the smoke screen was so black that it even lit up. As long as this high damage skill called "Black Dagger" landed on Bai Lang, he would die without a doubt.    


He sneered and rushed towards Bai Lang. He turned into a black gust of wind in the dark curtain and raised the dagger in his hand high up.    


"Die!" He shouted silently in his heart.    


Youde had already gotten very close to Bai Lang. He could reach Bai Lang with just an arm.    


The dagger cut through the smoke curtain. With a black tail, it attacked Bai Lang's chest like a comet!    


At this moment, Bai Lang's skills had all been used up. Because there were too many bandits, his ice shield had long been used up, and it was still on cooldown. He had also used the Giant Ice Crushing and Ice Spear to block the bandits' path.    


There was no doubt that the Mages and trash who were on cooldown were useless.    


Furthermore, he couldn't even see them.    


He suddenly felt a strong sense of pressure and threat coming from a certain direction! This was a pressure that threatened his life!    


He suddenly turned his head to look in that direction, but he could not see anything.    


Youde saw Bai Lang looking in his direction, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face. Only now did he realize that it was over. The dagger was only a short distance away from Bai Lang, and the dagger was about to stab into his heart!    


But at this moment, two stone scorpions suddenly jumped up high from the ground, and turned into a shield in front of the dagger!    


The daggers were extremely sharp and pierced through the two stone scorpions with pitch-black energy!    




Horrifying damage appeared on the stone scorpions' bodies. The two stone scorpions, who had full health points, actually died in one hit!    


But the two Stone Scorpions also blocked the dagger for a period of time. Although the time was short, it was enough for Bai Lang to realize something.    


His body suddenly moved to the side, and the dagger brushed past him like a hot knife cutting through butter. The dagger even cut open the robe on his chest, but in the end, it did not stab him.    


This was a critical moment. If he moved even a little bit more, he would be able to kill Bai Lang.    


Youde's attack missed, and he was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.    


Such an attack that he was determined to kill had missed again!    


He gritted his teeth hard.    


"summoner!" A monstrous fury surged in his heart. This summoner actually stopped him time and time again! Truly detestable! He really wanted to slice this summoner into a thousand pieces!    


The strike missed. The huge force made Youde unable to stop. He moved forward a distance before stopping.    


He turned around and wanted to attack Bai Lang again, but it was already too late.    


The silver-haired Ace raised her greatsword and aimed at Youde, protecting Bai Lang in front of her.    


"Damn it! Die!" Youde roared and attacked Ace.    


Ace raised her sword and used the side of the sword to block Youde's dagger.    


Bai Lang also moved at the same time. He suddenly waved his staff and pointed it in front of Ace.    


A huge piece of ice suddenly rose up and exploded!    


This time Youde did not dodge because he was too anxious to attack Ace, so he revealed a flaw.    


Although Bai Lang could not see Youde, as long as he knew Ace was fighting Youde, he would not miss.    


Although it seemed like the battlefield on this side had already gained the upper hand, Yu Yue knew that this wasn't a long-term solution.    


The attack just now was only blocked by Ace because Youde was too anxious. As long as he calmed down and secretly peeked at the opportunity, he would definitely succeed.    


Unfortunately, although Yu Yue wanted to help, he was entangled by a large number of thieves and could not escape.    


Even though his swordsmanship was superb, in the situation of sealing his sight, it was still very difficult for him to fight against a group of people who were 10 levels higher than him.    


It was already very good that he himself did not die. He simply could not escape to save others.    


As for the two stone scorpions, when Youde released the smoke screen, Yu Yue could tell that the situation was not good. He secretly placed the two stone scorpions beside Bai Lang.    


Because when the stone scorpions curled up, they looked very similar to stones. Therefore, even Youde didn't notice them, which was why he was able to block his confident strike.    


This was the last layer of protection that Yu Yue set up. Without this protection, Bai Lang was in a very dangerous situation.    


In a moment of desperation, Yu Yue shouted loudly, "It's very dangerous if this continues! We must dispel this smoke curtain! Otherwise, it will be very disadvantageous to us! Even though the smoke curtain is released by a skill, Since it smells like choking, there is a high possibility... The composition of this smoke curtain is made up of small particles such as smoke and dust. There are a lot of things that can dispel it... wind! As long as it can cause wind, it can dispel this smoke screen! "    


Ace who had been silent all this time spoke.    


"If it is wind... I can try."    


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