Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C321 The Cage of Veil

C321 The Cage of Veil

A gorgeous girl came down from the palanquin. She was still wearing a green veil to cover her face. Although Yu Yue could not see her face, he knew that she was Peach Tata.    


Peach Tata's clothes seemed to have changed a little. She was originally wearing a luxurious green robe. At this time, her clothes were still luxurious, but a few bright red colors were drawn out with decorative items. It looked very festive, and it made the originally elegant and elegant her more mature.    


She walked straight towards Yu Yue, presumably preparing to sit next to him.    


"Hello, Lord Yu." When she got closer, her voice was heard. It was still as pleasant and light as before.    




After greeting him, she sat beside Yu Yue. The fragrance of flowers filled the surroundings.    


After witch sat down, the banquet officially began. First, it was the Village Chief's speech, and then it was the native girls who brought over countless delicious dishes.    


At the same time, the countless native girls below the stage started dancing around the bonfire. Their dance was not as light and gentle as the Oracle Continent's. Instead, it was full of an open and hot taste.    


It had been a long time since they had a good meal. They saw the delicious dishes on the table. Yu Yue's appetite was greatly broadened. He and the surrounding natives started to enjoy the delicious food together.    


Sitting in his seat, he suddenly felt a hostile gaze.    


Although it was only for a fleeting moment, how could it escape his eyes? He immediately found the person who had cast his gaze on him just now.    


It was actually an acquaintance - the young man who used a katana.    


He didn't expect that he could already walk on the ground, but his body was wrapped in bandages.    


He sat in the audience seat, but he seemed to have a very high reputation among the natives. There were constantly people toasting him. While drinking, he glanced at Yu Yue again. This time, their eyes met. It was a very hostile pair of eyes, with a trace of unwillingness.    


He only defeated him and did not do anything to him. He did not know why he had such a look in his eyes.    


At this moment, the village chief smiled and toasted to Yu Yue. Yu Yue naturally could not refuse it. After toasting, he drank it all in one gulp.    


Bran Kiki also came forward to toast. She seemed to have a huge amount of wine. This could be seen from the sturdiness of her chest. As the saying goes, even women with big breasts could drink. After drinking a cup, she pulled Yu Yue and still wanted to drink. Yu Yue's alcohol tolerance was not outstanding, and he did not want to get drunk at the banquet. He did not want anything that could not be described to happen. Thus, he rejected it.    


The natives were having fun at the banquet. Only witch, who was standing beside him, looked out of place.    


She did not eat or drink. She just sat there motionlessly with a green veil covering her face. She didn't know what kind of expression the beauty under the veil had.    


Yu Yue said, "Peach Tata... I remember witch, this is your name."    


The veil turned towards him and her voice was pleasant to listen to. " Yes, I am Peach Tata. Does Lord Yu have any instructions?"    


"Not exactly. I am just curious why you don't eat."    


She seemed to smile. "Lord Yu, you don't have to worry about me. Eating well is my greatest satisfaction."    


The village chief said. "There is a rule in the village that witch is not allowed to see people with her real face. She must wear a veil and naturally cannot eat in front of everyone. You don't have to worry about it. She will eat alone when she returns. "    


This rule was really too rigid, causing Yu Yue to frown when he heard it. "Why?"    


"Of course it is to give all of her beauty to Lord Yu. Witch is sacred. Only Lord Yu can kiss her and see her face behind the veil." The chief looked respectful.    


Yu Yue felt uncomfortable when he heard this. He felt that this rule was not only rigid but also very twisted.    


"Beauty is not something that can be lost just by sharing. Why are you hiding it?" He looked at Bran Kiki. "You are the previous witch. In other words, when you were witch previously, you were also like this. Did you cover your entire body?"    


Bran Kiki replied, "Yes."    


"Even if you are not able to see anyone, you are not allowed to see anyone. Even family?"    


The village chief nodded and said, "Of course. Ever since Peach Tata became witch at the age of six, she was immediately sealed up. No one can see her and can only learn the knowledge that witch stipulated. Naturally, it is the same in daily life. Even the maids are not allowed to see her face. "    


The village chief spoke frankly and confidently as if he was very proud of it and did not notice Yu Yue's expression at all.    


Bran Kiki was very smart and noticed that Yu Yue was not normal. She asked a little apprehensively, "This... Is there anything wrong with it?"    


"No, of course not! There was no reason not to see people with their real faces. Aren't girls so beautiful just to be appreciated by others? If she can't even see her family, isn't this equivalent to a certain degree of house arrest?"    


It's easy to say that you don't need to see your real face. But in reality, it is a very painful thing, and it can even cause a great deal of damage to one's soul.    


Just imagine, a 6-year-old girl suddenly being told that she had to hide her face and live a life with a veil covering her face from now on, not being able to see anyone she knew with her real face, how painful it was.    


He looked at Peach Tata and said, "Do you want to remove your face veil?"    




Under the veil, Peach Tata's face revealed a trace of confusion.    


She had been like this for the past ten years or so. When she suddenly talked about unveiling the veil, she was also unable to calm down for a moment.    


Yu Yue was right. Only those who really covered their faces would know the degree of pain.    


It was an unusual loneliness. No matter who she communicated with, she was separated by a veil. Although the veil was thin and thin like paper, it was like a solid and cold wall, isolating her from everyone else.    


That loneliness had terrified and pained her at the beginning, so she naturally wanted to take off this hateful veil.    


If she had asked this question two or even three years after she had put on the veil, she would have answered without the slightest hesitation that she hoped to take off the veil. However, at this moment, she had already become numb to this and was accustomed to curling up in a cold world. She did not know what to do with Yu Yue's question.    


When she came back to her senses and carefully thought about the true meaning of Yu Yue's words, she gently shook her head and answered bitterly, "I... don't want to remove the veil..."    


It was not that she did not want to remove the veil, but she was afraid that she would shrink under the veil all year round. She did not know how to show her true face to others. Of course, there was also the thought that was instilled in the village all year round. As witch, she should adhere to the creed and never take a step beyond it...    


However, at this moment, a hand that emitted heat actually grabbed her shoulder and straightened her body. Then, it actually lifted her veil!    


She looked at the man in front of her in shock. This man seemed to have a pair of sharp eyes that could see through everything as he calmly looked at her.    


"You, really don't want to?"    


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